
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter Ten: Back to Home and Chunnin Exams (EDITED)

Hidden leaf was calm as usual. Birds were singing their songs to their mates, flowers were dancing by flow of wind. The sun was shining as usual.

There was sleeping a 12 years old child in a hospital bed. There were a bunch of flowers on the desk aside from him. The room was empty.

Soon kid started to awake. Next, he awakened completely by opening sound of the door. A black-haired kid came inside the room.

The kid who is laying on the bed was our hero Hiro. The other kid who came inside the room was Shikamaru Nara.

Hiro looked confusedly at the ceiling of the room. Soon, the memories inside his head began to correct themselves.

"Hey, bro! Are you good? I am glad that you woke up. You were asleep for 3 days." Shikamaru said lazily, but you can select concern from his tone.

Hiro collected himself and smiled tiredly to Shikamaru. "Yeah, bro. I am good. What happened to the mission? Is it unsuccessful? " Hiro said.

Shikamaru looked at him with a smile. "Man, look at yourself. You are still asking about the mission. Yeah, it is successful from what I learned. You are really ballsy. A rank is not easy even for jonnin."

Hiro sighed, exhausted. "Man. I really wanted this to be an easy mission, who knew that there would be an assassination on client. Sigh. It was nearly becoming a success." Hiro said as he frowned. Who was the hidden boss of the assassination? 'Probably one of the ministers or all of the ministers... Now, the place must be a pain in the ass.' Hiro thought.

"My dad said the hidden boss was the minister of the guards. He executed by place yesterday." Shikamaru said as he places his ass on one of the chairs.

"Oh. Really? The Daimyo is weak as I think."

"Speak in low volume. Someone will hear you."



Hiro was discharged tomorrow on the request of the doctor by him.

When Hiro left the hospital, his Aki-nee and his team members were waiting for him. He immediately hugged his Aki-nee, and she hugged him back. Then he hugged his team members one by one.

"Oh. My little student, don't become a sissy. You loo- ugh!" Tsubasa was saying how he shouldn't become a sissy, he was punched by his Aki-nee and Kimi-senpai.

"Shut the fuck up, you moron! This is how you should treat a newly discharged human being!" Aki-nee said as she punched him again. Kimi was also nodding her head. Mura was... in his own world, minding his business.

"Enough, enough. You will make the sensei stupid. Also, it is only chakra exhaustion, nothing more. Just... I am mentally tired... You know, killing for self-defense for the first time..." Hiro said as he remembered the killings he made.

The rest of the team looked at him worriedly. Aki-nee patted his head. "It was a kill or be killed. If you didn't kill, you wouldn't be here. Enjoying a talk with us..."

Hiro smiled. "I know. Just... I want to be alone for some time..."

"Oh, then. Go to your home, take a bath and sleep. You will feel better. " Mura said calmly and strangely... experienced? 'Oh boi. Everyone is a killer in this world... Only strength matters...'

"Okay, then. I am going..."

"Goodbye Hiro..." Aki-nee said.

The rest of this team also said a few words to him before they went on their way.

Hiro walked to his home. "I need some cigarettes. I am 12, so it must be legal, right?"

While he was walking to his home, he stopped in front of a store and took a pack of cigarettes under the strange gaze of the owner. Then, he continued to walk while he lit a cigarette. He took a puff from it. He could feel nicotine inside of it was calming him. 'Oh, man. This is better than what I used to puff. Is it because of lack of chemicals? Probably. Such bitter and deep taste...'

Soon, he came inside of home. He immediately took off his clothes and entered the bath. He opened warm water and let it rain on him. "The hands of time touched us... Everything has already changed..." He started to sing a song that he remembered. It was an old song by a folk singer... (Müslüm Gürses)

When he finished the bathing, he dried himself and started to do some light exercises. Then he started to do heavy exercises.

'This world is dangerous... But I will live no matter what. I am going to do what I want and don't do what I want! I will live past the old pedos!' He thought while lifting weights...


*Time skip*

"Why do you call us here, sensei?" Hiro asked curiously.

"Ah. I nominated you for the Chunin Exams a few days ago! " Tsubasa said in his cheerful mode as usual.

The trio looked confused at first, then they started to hooray. "I was waiting for this shit like eternity!" Kimi said while smiling. Mura was also smiling with his rare cheerful smile.

Hiro also smiled, but inside his head, he was smacking himself. 'How can I forget about this? I am so stupid!' When he first regained his memories, he recorded Naruto content in a book with English, Turkish and Japanese. He looks at it sometimes to fleshing his memories.

"When will it start, sensei?" Hiro asked about the time of the exam. "It is starting now. Prepare your belongings and come with me. About belongings, it must be only ninja tools. Do you understand?" (AN: I don't know time of it and I don't want to search about it. I am lazy as fuck. Bear with me...)

"Okay sensei!" They said in the same time.

Then they went and prepared their belongings. When they appeared in the same place, they saw their sensei was waiting for them.

"Follow me." Tsubasa said. They started to walk behind him. When they stopped, they were in front of their old school. Tsubasa turned around and looked at them deeply. "Your exam will start from here. Be safe guys..."

"Thank you, sensei." Hiro said with a smile. His sensei was a true blood tsun. He normally acts like a bully.

"Don't worry about us. We will pass this with flying colors!" Kimi said with her cheerful voice.

"Yeah. Don't worry." Mura said.

Next, the Team Tsubasa went forward. When they went forward, the saw a crow in front of the academy. They walked there and saw guards. "They are using genjutsu." Mura said as he looked at the guards. 'I remember this scene. This was a first obstacle.' Hiro thought.

Kimi was also nodding about his comment on guards. "Let's wait until the last minute. More enemy fall, that it will be better for us."

"Roger that." Hiro and Mura said at the same time as a reply.

Next they went to the corner of the room to wait. They can see that other people were thinking like them. While they were waiting, they heard shouting. They looked where the shouting came and saw the Team 7. They heard them saying, "Hey, stop this pathetic genjutsu and open the gates." A black duck butt haired kid said this arrogantly. Pinky beside him was also nodding like she was doing some cult thing. Naruto was also shouting like them.

"Fuck off and drink milk, kiddos. People are dying in this exam. " One of the guards said this mockingly. "Yeah. We are serious. People are really dying. It is not that bad to be gennin. You will at least live." The other guard said seriously. He was looking death serious about what he said.

"HAH! You can't win against me with such words! I am the man who will be Hokage!" Yellow spiky haired kid said loudly. The guards started to laugh when they heard this. "Hahaha hah. Kid! You are so funny! I liked you. Then, go inside and die, boy. Lazy asses, you can go inside if you don't fear the death."

Next, everyone started to go inside. Hiro looked at his teammates. "Let's go and greet them. Although they are stupid, they are good people... Mostly..." Kimi smiled and patted his shoulder. "Then let's go and greet them. Adding one or two friends will not be bad, right Mura? "

"Yeah. If they are like you said, why not."

Soon they went towards the Team 7. Some green chad was beating the ass of the black duck butt haired kid. Hiro recognized the green guy. He was Rock Lee. He watched him to the best Sasuke's ass. It finished shortly. 'Sasuke was this weak? Oh. My man, Kishi-the writer, you are making bloodlines so op.'

He saw that Lee was declaring his love to Sakura. 'Man... Isn't there another girl to love in the fucking Hidden Leaf? Why does everyone love a useless girl?'

He shook his head. "Hi, my man Lee. How is it going?"

Lee turned towards to Hiro. When he saw him, he immediately ran to hug him. "Hiro. You are awake as expected, my eternal rival." Hiro smiled and patted his back. "Haha. This is a small thing. It won't finish me."

Hiro leaved from Lee's hug and greeted confused the Team 7. "Hi Naruto, Sasuke and... pink haired girl? " Hiro said the last part for joking. He looked at fuming Sakura. 'Ah. I can't believe this girl will marry with Sasuke. Is she a M?'

"Hi Hiro. Do you know thick eyebrows?" Naruto greeted him. He can feel Sasuke also waiting him to say this.

"Yeah. He is my old training partner, also a childhood friend." Hiro said with a smile.

"Yosh. Hiro-kun, we should continue our spar streak. It was 20-19. You are one point ahead of me. We should equal this with our youthful fighting spirit." Lee said while flames were radiating... From his eyes?

Hiro laughed. "Later my friend. These are my teammates. This big tall boy's name Mura, this beautiful girl's name is Kimi. Kimi and Mura senpais, these are my friends. The blond kid's name is Naruto, the emo kid is Sasuke, this pink hair's name is.... Uh..."

"Sakura. It is Sakura, you moron."

"Ah yes. Sakura. This thick eyebrow kid's name is Lee."

""Hello."" Everyone greeted each other.

Next, Team 11 also came to them. "Hi, Hiro." Shikamaru and Choji greeted him, while Ino ran towards her Sasuke. Hiro was just about to introduce them, a white haired man who was wearing glasses came towards the friend group. "Hi, my fellow ninjas. My name is Kabuto Yakushi. I am a veteran who went through this exam 7 times. Do you want some information? "

'Kabuto... This little snake has shown himself... Kukuku. The prey came to his death..." Hiro thought dangerously.

Sasuke immediately came forward. "Yes, I want information about the participants." He said.

'Is this kid stupid? What if the information he gave him was false?'

Kabuto smiled like a sly fox. "Whose information do you want?"

"Gaara of Sand, Rock Lee and other hidden dangerous ones..." He looked like Hiro in the last part. 'Huh. He also noticed. He is a bit smart.' Hiro thought.

"Alright. Let's look... Gaara of Sand, 1 A rank, 4 B rank, 50 C rank and no D rank mission. He also never received a scratch on a mission.

Rock Lee. Taijutsu prodigy. 1 B rank, 30 C rank, 50 D rank.

Oh... Look at this. A dark horse. Hiro, he killed 3 Chunin and 1 Jonnin in his first C rank mission. He suspected of having his own original ninjutsu... He only did 1 A rank and 10 D rank mission. Wow. What a prodigy." He said the last part while he was looking at him strangely.

Hiro could feel one bloodthirsty glance towards to him. When he turned towards to it, he could see Gaara was looking at him with a scary smile.

Hiro sighed and then frowned. He could feel everybody's gazes on him. "Oh, buddy. You are scary as fuck. You actually come out alive from that."

Shikamaru said while he was smirking. Hiro only shrugged in response. He looked at Kabuto with a dangerous gleam in his pupils. 'Why didn't I remember this part? Oh. Look at this now. Everyone's eyes are on me. I bet that pedo snake is looking me like I am a snack. I will kill this fucker. He is more dangerous than pedos.'

He awoke from his dream by the grunt of Kabuto. When he looked towards him, two of the ninjas from sound were punching him. Hiro looked at this good picture in front of him. '8/10. They are not hitting fast enough.'

Next, the doors of the room kicked open by some group of people. When Hiro looked towards the people, he could see the examiner of this stage arrived.

"Sorry for waiting you... I am an examiner of this stage, Ibiki Morino." The man with a claw wound on his face said.

Hiro looked at the man and thought. 'It started.'

Finishhhhh for chapter

2200 words!!