
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Beginning (EDITED)

Author Note:

English is not my first leanguage.

Sorry for misspelling.

Don't forget to comment. Your comments so important for me.

Give me your soulstones heheheheeh


Hiro looked around him. There was only an endless black horizon. Depressive thoughts began to enter his mind. How many months was he here? 5, 10, 15? He didn't know. How many months had gone by while he was trying to remember his past? He didn't know. The only thing he knows is a blinding light and the sound of tires.

While he was in his depressive thoughts, a voice echoed in endless black.

"Hello, stranger. Why are you here?"

Hiro stared. His mind started to work unimaginably fast. He was excited.

"Hi, there!! Who are you?! Do you know how to get out of here?"

voice: "Uh, you are so loud. Lower your voice, entity."

"Oh, sorry, man. I was too excited... Let me repeat, "Did you know how to get out of here?"

Voice chuckled. "I am joking, I am joking... You don't need to speak at a low volume, and yes, I know how to get out of here. This is my home, and you are in my home without my permission, entity."

"Ummm, sorry? I don't know why I am in your home, man. Really. The last thing I remember was an accident. "Perhaps I am dying or in a coma; that's why I am in your home."

"Hımm. Let me look at your fate... Uhh... Aha. I found. You are death, an entity. You are not among the living anymore.

Hım. "Let me give your memory back."

Hiro felt like something had forcefully entered his mind and broken it. He felt an unimaginable pain in his core. Every inch of his body felt like ants were piercing his skin and eating his meat. After some time, the pain went away, and he felt his body (?) come back as if nothing had happened.

He started to remember. He remembered that his wife cheated on him with another man. He caughted his wife with another man! 'Fuck!!!!!' He remembered that he recorded that bitch in action, and after that, he kicked the fucking door. He cursed that bitch's seven generations, and he slapped the bitch with so much force that the bitch flew at the floor. 'Hahaha. Take that bitch!'

After that, he entered his car and drove directly to his lawyer. 'That bitch will not take even a penny from me!' But in a way, he had an accident and died. Sad story...

"Wow. That's sucky, man... Sigh. Mr. Thing, can you help me go where the dead go?"

"You can't go."

Hiro was surprised. "But why?"

"Because when you died, you would remain in your grave until the apocalypse, but you are not in your grave. That means God wants you to experience a new life. Did you do so many good things in your life that you wished to be reborn by God?"

"Yeah. But if God wanted me to be reborn, why didn't it happen on its own?"

"God is endless. This release will not stand up to its greatness. This revelation was created by God for us, mortals... That's why God created things like me. Angels. I am one of many angels of rebirth... Other angels guided you to me, and you will go on the rebirth path."

"Umm. I don't want to rebirth... Instead of it, I want to wait in my grave."

"This can be done, entity."

"I can want something else, right?"

"Yeah, but it must be of equal value."

"Then while I am waiting in my grave, I want to live in an imaginary world."

"An imaginative world... This can be done. Which world?"

"I was a Naruto fan. I want to go to Naruto World. But I don't want to have this memory. I must feel like I returned there with my past memories but without memories of what we talked about now."

"Okey. It can be done. Then let's proceed."

"Okey, man."

"But I want to say something first."


"Let that would be something real."

"What?! "Stop for a moment!"


Mr. Angel looked around. "The silence..."


Hello, ladies&gentlemans! My username is SeriousMan!

In this story we will see a cukholded middle aged man's new journey! There is not a system bytheway but a OP OMC(ORGINAL MAIN CARACHTER)!

In a week there will be 3 or 2 chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

TheVeteranReadercreators' thoughts