
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

Hide_on_Webnovel · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 20

"Some of you have probably been taught the basics at home, but not everyone has that chance. Now, let's talk about Chakra!" Miyagi-sensei stated loudly.

"Nani? Chatora?" Asked Naruto.

"It's Chakra, don't be an idiot and listen." Ken retorted while thinking, 'This is boring.'

He felt that he was just sitting here and wasting valuable time.

An hour passed and he found out that he already knew what was being thought by the teacher. Unable to bear with it any longer, Ken raised his hand when the teacher finally stopped talking.

"What is it, Ken?" The teacher inquired.

"Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure, come back quickly! So, did you understand what I just told you?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Then I will ask you a question!"

Ignoring everything, Ken went out of the classroom and headed straight to the CR. He clapped his hands together, employing the Tiger seal.

'Shadow Clone Technique!'

With a puff of smoke, another Ken appeared.

"Go back to the classroom. Your mission is to last until the class is over. Do as planned." Ken ordered.

"Roger." Clone Ken acknowledged and returned to the classroom. Ken already planned on monitoring Naruto, and if the kid is worthy, then he will train him. Not as a friend, but a disciple.

If he was not, then Ken would just consume the remaining Yin Chakra and leave the kid alone. Of course, that won't happen until he masters the Sharingan.

He planned on teaching his most trusted, close friends how to be a practitioner. Unfortunately, the Clan is unstable and its people were power-hungry, full of resentment and hate at the moment that it made Ken hesitate to teach them the method.

It would be bad if the Uchiha Clan starts a massacre just because they had gained a new power.

Ken already experimented but it was impossible to clone Glutton, however, the Clone still has the ability to see Negative Energy.

Puff, a cloud of smoke dispersed and Ken transformed into a Chuunin he saw before and sneaked out of the Academy, heading to his training grounds.

With Itachi and Shisui away on missions, he was again alone and free to do what he wants.

Hours and days passed and while his physique is endlessly improving, his routine is also getting tougher and tougher. His mastery over First Restrictive Gate is also reaching 50 percent.

If only he could get some legs and chest weights, even some wrist weights, it would be perfect. His muscles would develop faster and his explosiveness would improve.

Unfortunately, every Clone he sent to the Academy never met the man who could help him get those weights that he needed.

The Shadow Clone Technique is indeed very special that the one who created such a technique is a genius.

This jutsu allows the user to create one or more copies of themselves. The user's chakra is evenly divided between themselves and their clones: creating one clone will give it half the user's chakra, creating two clones will give each a third of the user's chakra, and so on. Depending on how much chakra the user has and how many clones they make, this rapid depletion of their reserves can be dangerous.

Unlike the basic Clone Technique, shadow clones are physically real. They possess the same clothing, damage, and transformations as the user at the time of their creation. Most tools and weaponry are copied when the shadow clones are created, but complicated technology won't be duplicated. Because they are visually identical and possess the same chakra as the user, shadow clones are indistinguishable from their original, not even by Eye Bloodline.

However, because the user's Chakra is evenly split, the Chakra Pool would also be halved. Although that sucks, the Clones could still recover their own Chakra making it "balanced" but still broken.

Once created, shadow clones can serve a number of purposes. They can be used as decoys, either by keeping opponents preoccupied or, because they can't be told apart, concealing the original's identity. If enough shadow clones are created, they can simply overwhelm an opponent, pinning them down or attacking from multiple directions.

Shadow clones can also be used simply to assist the user, joining the user for tactics they can't do alone or being sent to carry out tasks while the user is busy. If in the latter case, shadow clones encounter unforeseen obstacles, they will behave just as the user would in the same circumstances. Because they have their own chakra, shadow clones can perform other jutsu, including making more shadow clones.

Shadow clones usually disperse once they are struck hard enough or run out of chakra, but they have been shown capable of enduring injuries for a time. When a clone's task is completed, it can disperse itself or be dispersed by its user. Once dispersed, the clone's experiences and remaining chakra are transferred back to the user.

The shared experiences make shadow clones useful for intelligence gathering: a shadow clone can be sent into hostile territory, gather information without endangering the user, and disperse when finished, thus transferring what they've learned. Alternatively, shadow clones can recon an area, dispersing when they've found what they're looking for in order to let the user know the target's location.

In the end, however, the user would need a massive amount of chakra, like Ken, of course, to create more than two clones without being weakened at all. After all, if one runs out of Chakra, they will die. Nonetheless, the effects really make Ken sigh.

It would be even perfect if not only the experience but also physical transformations such as strengthening would transfer back to the original body. But then again, that would be extremely heaven-defying and the heavens might decide to smite him to death if it knew Ken had such thoughts.

Anyway, more days and weeks passed, Ken sent Clones to study the way of socializing. But he could not help but frown when he heard some kids were sick of his smug-looking face.

'Why do they not like me. I am completely normal. Is it because I am friends with who they call a monster? But that single reason alone should not be enough for their anger and hate to be directed to me.' Ken pondered on the question like it was the biggest mystery to solve.

Unknowingly, he had "offended" those kids by being too cool at everything. Too good at studying, too good at Kunai and Shuriken Jutsu, too good at Ninjutus and Taijutsu, and too good at wanting to be hit in the face. And too good at gathering the girls around him. Little did they know, it was just Ken's Clone.

'As expected of the younger brother of Uchiha Itachi. It drives me crazy that such talents come from a single place. God, please grants my future children such talents!' Teacher Miyagi prayed in his heart. Watching Ken was like watching Itachi back when he was still at the Academy.

The only difference was that Itachi was a little more sociable than Ken. Furthermore, Ken hangs out with the kid that he loathed the most, Naruto. It made him like Ken and dislike him at the same time.


But while everything is going "smoothly", Ken's training is also going even more smoothly. As weeks passed, his mastery over the First Restrictive Gate reached 55 percent.

The improvement of his physique extended the duration of his Invincible Mode from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. His use of Natural Energy to cast Spells also improved as his control over it deepened.

The state when he merges his Chakra and Natural Energy together, Ken called it Invincible Mode. While what he called Spells are the techniques that he could do without using Hand Seals, of course with the use of only his Natural Energy.

Ken had already shown what he was capable of to Itachi and Shisui to give them the idea that what he was going to teach them. It is also to motivate them to train harder.

The two were also extremely smart that such a method should not be let out to others as it could invoke another war.

Life is short, there are certainly countless people who yearn for power, control and more importantly... Immortality!


Hours, days, weeks and 6 months passed since Ken's fifth birthday. (Just so that I can track the timeline easily. So you could say 5 months passed since he joined the Academy.)

Many things happened, but let's talk about Ken's improvement first.

Although there was not much improvement in Ken's Chakra reserves, it cannot be said to the other aspects.

His control over his physique reached 75 percent. Just like he predicted, as he reached a higher stage, the longer and harder it takes to master. It was because Ken also had to control his aura and pressure that made things harder.

So right now, he may look normal, but inside, he is actually fighting the urge to relax and release the raging power wanting to be let out.

His Invincible Mode could now last 10 minutes thanks to his mastery of controlling his Chakra and Natural Energy and his improved physique.

Just like Chakra, Natural Energy needs fine control in order to not waste them. If before Ken could spam the Flame Shield thirty times until his Natural Energy runs out, then this time he could spam it for over 70 times.

That is just how essential control is.

His Sharingan also evolved to 2 Tomoe and it would not take long for him to master it. This gives him another boost to his fighting prowess.

As he grows, his Techniques were also getting more and more powerful. They are getting bigger and bigger, more powerful, more potent, more skillful and more terrifying.

His stamina, power, speed, agility and everything could only be described as inhuman that it had surpassed what was considered as a peak for normal people or even shinobi's.

What changed around him were also numerous.

Thanks to his Shadow Clones, Ken had learned many things from the Academy. The numerous number of Ninjutsu and some new moves for Taijutsu. He also learned the history and some knowledge about other villages.

Other than that, his social interaction also became much more got wider and a new kid joined him and Naruto. His name is Aburame Hibiki from the Aburame Clan, Male, 7 years old.

He was a kid from the bug controlling Clan, one of the sub-founders of Konohagakure. Just like every Aburame Clan member, the kid also wore a shade and clothes that covered all of his body.

Just like how he dresses, Hibiki is also a kid of few words. But from their interactions so far, Ken could tell that the kid is kind, calm, smart and acts like a grown-up. He was also not biased against Naruto. All of this was proven by how little the Negative Energy around him.

This made Ken openly accept the kid as part of his circle.

As he hangs out with them, Ken also taught them some Taijutsu. Naruto and Hibiki had talents so Ken did not really mind teaching them.

Shisui and Itachi would occasionally come to join him in his training and sometimes spar. The rapid progress of Ken motivated them to train harder.

With their current progress, it won't be long before they can learn how to open the Restrictive Gates.


There probably won't be any action in the next 5 chapters. I don't like flashbacks so I am writing everything in detail now... I think 🤔 🤔.

If you did not get it yet, what our MC called Invincible Mode is actually the Sage Mode.

I have been thinking about a signature move or technique for our MC, but cannot think of one. Any idea? Please share in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

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