
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

Hide_on_Webnovel · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 12

A few days ago was Ken's 5th birthday. His growth this whole year was abnormal. His height already reaching 120 cm. And fortunately for Itachi, he also had a little growth spurt, otherwise he would not be able to look down and pat Ken's head anymore. As of now, there is still a 12 cm gap between them.

This was a benefit brought by the Purified Chakra of the Kyuubi. It helped Ken grow, helped him heal, and helped him get stronger.

The energy made it easier for Ken to train as its healing effect granted him the ability to recover cells faster than usual, therefore he also gained immense overall physical improvements.

It was not just that, his chakra reserves also improved. Although it was just a little compared to the Kyuubi's chakra that he got, it was still a large improvement.

Whenever a wandering Black Spirit(Ken decided to call those Black Balls of Light) got near Glutton's suction force, it would get devoured and purified into the purest form of energy. With the contract still in effect, of course, Ken also got 30% of the energy Glutton absorbed and purified. It made his Chakra Reserves grow even more.

But as his Chakra reserves grew wider, Ken also felt it is full. As if his Chakra pool was reaching its limit, unable to grow anymore.

His five senses also grew stronger, surpassing that of what regular humans are not able to do.

His skin was also spotless, like a jade, smooth as f*ck, putting a lady to shame. It made his mother sigh in envy. Coupled with his handsome genes, Ken would definitely grow up to become a lady killer.

But, those were actually just little compared to his discovery a month ago. When he subconsciously activated his Uchiha Bloodline Prowess, the Sharingan!

After three years, he finally knew that he had the Sharingan. After all, Ken did not know that he had awakened it when he absorbed the Purified Chakra of the Kyuubi.

When he told his parents about it, they were both shocked and frightened. They knew the cost of awakening the Sharingan, and that is to lose something you deeply love. This was the Curse of Hatred of the Uchiha Clan.

But after Ken told them that he did not know how he awakened his Sharingan, his parents continuously asked him questions, such as, did he have something he loved that he lost.

Not knowing how to answer, Ken only told his parents that they just awakened on their own. It made them worried and relieved at the same time.

Fugaku and Mikoto knew how the so-called Uchiha's Curse of Hatred can mislead and take a person to the dark side. The only countermeasure they could think of was for Fugaku to secretly observe Ken.

They became relieved once they found nothing wrong, but they were still cautious. It was their duty as parents to stir their children on the right path, otherwise, they would not be qualified to be called a mother and a father of three and soon to be four.

This year, not much had changed in Ken's lifestyle. He would train, go home, play with Sasuke, eat, talk with his parents, sometimes spar with Itachi and Shisui and sleep. He was like a machine that only did what he was best at, repeatedly with getting tired of it. Instead, he was finding pleasure in it.

It made those who are watching him feel impressed, ashamed and sorry at the same time. The clan members who would see Ken would compare him with other kids, their kids.

They would talk about how he was similar to his Big Bro, Itachi. No, he was 10 times worse than Itachi.

This kind of lifestyle made his social life extremely limited. It was proven by how he talked with other people, short and quick. No nonsense. His cold aura would ward other kids off of him.

Just like the people said, Ken was 10 times worse than Itachi. At least Itachi knew how to make a pleasant conversation.

So, his parents finally had enough that in a single minute, it was decided that Ken would go to the Academy. Not to learn how to become a shinobi, but to improve his social life.


The family ate breakfast and Itachi said goodbye to find his team. It seems that they are going for a mission again today, and it could take a long time. Shisui only came when Itachi was there. So Ken felt a little lonely.

There's still 27 days before the enrollment day, so Ken decided to finally open one the 9 Restrictive Gates.

The 9 Restrictive Gates are located in certain areas of the human body that helps limit the energy flow of the human body. But, they are called Gates because of another reason, these gates block the ability of an individual to absorb external energy.

For example, unlocking the Gate of Opening will remove the constraints of the brain to the muscles allowing him to tap into 100 percent of his strength instead of only 20 percent. But of course, since Ken would be able to control it, he would of course not recklessly use 100 percent which could potentially damage his body and destroy his true potential.

But these are just the physical benefits, the real effect of unlocking a Gate is to enable you to absorb and use the Natural Energy of the world.

If Chakra is produced by balancing Physical and Spiritual Energy, then Natural Energy is the Energy of the World itself.

Chakra is the Life Force of an individual. While Natural Energy is the Life Force of the World. If all the Natural Energy runs out, then the World will die too.

Not only humans but all creatures on the 99 Planes also have Restrictive Gates. They are just different in numbers and locations.

No one knows, even Glutton said that maybe the Gates are made by the Heavens in order to restrict any being from absorbing the Natural Energy of the World. Or maybe to not destroy the balance of the World. Or maybe a completely different reason.

After all, being able to control the Natural Energy means being able to control the flow of the World. For example, if you have a tremendous amount of Natural Energy, then you might be able to disrupt the Natural Energy of the surroundings that may cause natural disasters to occur.

But Glutton said that this is just one of the insignificant planets under the 33 Lower Planes so the Natural Energy is weak and easy to manipulate.

It even added that Natural Energy in the 33 Heavenly Planes could crush any planet in the 33 Middle Planes. And the Natural Energy of the 33 Middle Planes could also easily crush any planet in the 33 Lower Planes.

Natural Energy might help the world live, but it is also extremely dangerous on its own.

Glutton is only able to devour Negative Energy, so it cannot eat Natural Energy. The only reason it was able to purify Ken's Chakra is that he is its host.

If that was the case, imagine what would it do to a person.

It even added that even the source of Natural Energy in this world is foreign but unique at the same time. So who knows, maybe this world is actually quite weak but unique even among the countless planets on the lower Lower Planes.


Ken sat in a meditative pose by the waterfall. His consciousness was cut off, only concentrating on the movements of his Chakra in his body. So if anyone wanted to kill him now, then he would definitely die, easily.

His pure white-colored Chakra completely filled his Chakra Pathway System as they circulated to and fro. His body was radiating white mist, but anybody near him would know that this was pure, white, and terrifying energy.

"Circulate it until you can see them. But remember, the Gates must be opened in the order I told you. The Gate of Opening is the first. You're on your own, this is your body, not mine."

Glutton said before shutting up. It would be bad if something terrible happened because of its talking.

Just like Glutton said, Ken needed to circulate his Chakra on his pathway system endlessly until they finally appear. It was his 88th circulation but not even a silhouette of the so-called Gates appeared. This was slowly making Ken lose focus.

Just then, the moment the circulation reached 99, his Chakra Pathway System suddenly lit up before it dimmed shortly after. But Ken did not stop circulating his Chakra, after all, he did not know if the Gates would also disappear.

'So these are the Gates.' Ken "stared" at the 9 Gates that looked like Magic Circles, similar to the illustration of seals that Mikoto showed him before.

But Ken only focused on a certain Gate in his brain. As he observed it, there did not seem to be any interference.

And an idea came to his mind.

Still focusing on the Gate, he raised his hands and slowly performed the Hand Seals for the Gokakyu no Jutsu (Great Fireball Technique).

Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger.

Ken did not even get to the second Hand Seal when the Gate he was observing lit up, following which, the other also lit up almost instantly after the first one. Without a doubt, this was the Gate of Opening.

It looked like the Gate of Opening sent a signal to all the other Gates.

When Ken performed the Ram seal, the Chakra that was going into the Lungs thinned out considerably in an instant.

'So that's how it works. I should be able to control the output of my chakra if I open it.' Ken thought. 'But how do I open it?' This question sent him straight to the dilemma.

'Glutton, any idea on how to open it?' Ken asked. He did not know what to do.

'I say, break it! It's not like you got the key or something.' Glutton immediately replied.


'With your Chakra! What, do you have a rock!? Maybe you should try slamming your Chakra into it.'

'Mhm...Makes sense. Okay, here we go.'

Ken immediately tried the idea but no matter what he did, his chakra only passed through it.

'It does not work, Glutton.'

Glutton did not reply for a moment before suddenly exclaiming.

'I remember now! I saw an old man teaching his disciples how to open the Gates. He said, ahem, "Once the Gates appear, stop the flow of your Chakra, and use your consciousness to enter the Gate. Trust your body! Trust the hard work you've endured! And believe in your strength! Now, go! Enter the Gate and see what's beyond it!" Something like that...' Glutton mimicked the voice of the old man it saw.

'Enter the gate with my consciousness, how fascinating.' With no time to spare, Ken stopped his Chakra Circulation, recollected his mental energy, gathered his spirit in his consciousness and slowly dove towards the Gate of Opening.

This is his own body, and it follows Ken's own will.

As he got closer, the Magic Circle-like Gate is also slowly getting bigger and bigger. No, to be more precise, Ken's consciousness is small, extremely small compared to the Gate. He is like an ant standing in front of a huge round mirror.

'How fascinating.' When Ken finally stopped before the Gate, he was surprised to see small detailed runes around the Gate. It looked grand, divine and ethereal at the same time.

Just then, Ken noticed that in the middle of the round Magic Circle-like Gate, he noticed a small black circle. It was a small spot, but once you looked at it, you would feel that it destroyed the whole image of the Gate.

The moment Ken stared at the small spot of nothingness, he felt like the Gate lost all of its meaning. It did not matter whether the Gate looked grand, divine or ethereal.

He could not take his eyes off of that dark spot, instinctively, he wanted to complete it.

That's when it hit him!

'If I enter that black hole, will it be completed? Yes, that must be it! I must be the key to completing this masterpiece.' This thought echoed throughout his mind repeatedly. Before he knew it, Ken found himself diving towards the black hole.

But he did not stop and without hesitation, Ken entered the seemingly endless black hole.

The moment he entered, Ken only saw a golden flash before he suddenly heard a loud 'Clank' and 'Bang!' echo in his head. It sounded like a really huge door opened in his head.

His vision returned and Ken was back to standing in front of the huge Magic Circle-like Gate. But this time, he could also see the black hole no more. It was instead replaced by a single rune, but that single rune made the Gate perfect.

Just then, the Gate of Opening suddenly lit up, releasing a white light that blinded Ken. Only after a moment did it finally dim. But, instead of the Gate, Ken saw an extremely familiar space.

'Is this another Chakra Pool?' Ken was shocked. He did not expect that the Gate would turn into another Chakra Pool. It was similar, no, exactly the same as the Chakra Pool in his stomach. But it was empty, devoid of any Chakra.

Ken immediately circulated his chakra to fill the other Chakra Pool, and it worked. All of his Chakra is Purified by Glutton, so the originally empty pool lit up with white.

Ken only stopped when both of his Chakra Pool were both half full.

With that all done, Ken opened his eyes. The moment all his senses came back to him, Ken was shocked.

He could feel strength coursing through his body. Although faint, he could also feel that all his senses improved a little.

And for some reason, he felt like there was something invisible swimming around him. You get that feeling when you soak in too long in a pool that when you are in your bed, your body still remembers the movements of the water touching your skin.

'Hey, Glutton, is this the Natural Energy you were talking about?' Ken asked.

'It should be. You should tey absorbing it, you already opened one of the Gates.'

'I'll try.'

After a few minutes of trying, Ken was still unable to grasp the Natural Energy. He was like a kid running after a butterfly only to trip when he was about to catch it.

'It does not work. Although I feel that I must meditate before I can grasp it.'

'Yeah. I remember that old man teaching his disciple. "You must empty your mind. Get rid of any thoughts you have. And just focus on sensing Natural Energy around you." Something like that.'

'Well, it should be. I'll try it after I get used to my new power.'

'Up to you.'

"How about we go for a little testing, eh?" Ken grinned and stretched his body.

Ken's hands turned blurry for a second before he inhaled loudly. The air stirred in front of him and was sucked in his lungs. His body arched backward like a bow and his mouth and stomach were inflated to the fullest.

And then...

'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu'

(Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique)

If it is in his body, then I will call it Chakra, if it is external, I will call it specifically.

I am terrible at writing dialogues and making conversations in real life. I am pretty sure it would make you cringe. So I am just gonna summarize it for now.

It would also make the story a little bit faster.

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