
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

Hide_on_Webnovel · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

A Filler Chapter is here!

The moment Ken reached home, he heard the joyful cry of Sasuke and he smiled.

'Big Bro is back?'

Happy, Ken went straight to their room and Itachi is indeed there, playing with Sasuke. But Ken frowned.

He could sense that the Negative Energy around Itachi was stronger than usual. Now, it is three times than normal.

Ken could sense sadness, grief, and self-blame as he looked at the young Itachi.

'Something bad happened?'

"It's good that you're back, Big Bro," Even though he knew that something bad must have happened, Ken could not do anything. No, he did not know what to do.

"Mmm," Itachi responded.

"Big Brother Ken, you're back! Let's play!" Sasuke waved his hands joyfully. The little boys' cute smile and gestures lightened up the room.

"Haha!" Itachi chuckled and Ken smiled. The Negative Energy around Itachi was also reduced a little. But Itachi was unable to hold back his tears as scenes of memories flashed through his head.

"What's wrong, Big Brother?!" Sasuke asked worriedly. Seeing his tough Big Brother cry for the first time shocked and confused him at the same time.

"It's okay, your Big Brother is just sad." Itachi smiled and rubbed Sasuke's head.

Ken stayed silent, but he was relieved but also confused at the same time.

'Does crying actually help reduce Negative Energy?' Ken could not understand why the Negative Energy around Itachi decreased when he cried.

Negative Energy might be viewed as nothing by normal people, but certainly not practitioners.

Although these effects will only show when you reach certain realms, Practitioners who are surrounded by too much Negative Energy could end up with bottlenecks that they would not be able to breakthrough. It could become Inner Demons that would haunt you, preventing you from improving further.

However, it does not mean that possessing Negative Energy is bad. It is only bad if it is not balanced with Positive Energy.

"Not too much, not too little, but just enough."

Positive and Negative Energies shape an individual's character. Too much Positive Energy often leads to an individual with an energetic personality. These individuals tend to be enthusiastic.

While having too much Negative Energy often leads an individual with a cold temperament.

Balancing these energies will help you be calmer, be reckless yet logical, and be calm but formidable at the same time.


The morning came as Itachi and Ken prepared. Itachi was going out for a mission, while Ken was going out for training.

With a sword behind his back, Itachi followed by Ken walked out of their room but paused when they saw Fugaku blocking their way with his arms crossed.

"Are you going already?" Fugaku asked.

"Yes." Itachi and Ken answered.

"Ken, you can go first," Fugaku instructed and made way for Ken.

"You have awakened the Sharingan at the age of eight, I suppose the village wants to observe your abilities. This just shows how much power and influence the Sharingan holds. I want you to be aware of that.

"It brings joy to the Clan when one of its own excels. Of course, I am proud of you too." Fugaku stated.

Hearing that, Itachi clenched his fist as flashes of scenes that happened that day appeared in his head.

"But don't rest on your laurels just because you have the Sharingan now. In order to sharpen the power in your eyes, you must continue to be diligent.

"Well, I don't need to lecture you. I don't need to comfort you either. The comrades you lost, I have lost many of them too, and so did the thousands of Shinobi's out there. Your Sharingan, treat them as their gift and will. Get stronger and protect those who are precious to you."

Fugaku stated. As an Uchiha, a Clan Head, a former leading figure in the war, a villager, and a Father, he had already experienced and learned many things.

He watched as Itachi clench his hands as determination filled his eyes.

"I understand, Father. I'll be on my way now." Itachi felt like he found an answer. It was simple yet direct, he was just WEAK! More determined than ever, Itachi bowed before passing by his father.

"Mm," Fugaku responded with a hidden smile and relief at the same time.


"Come on, Big Brother Ken! Why won't you take me with you!?" Sasuke pouted cutely as he protested to Ken. "Hey, Big Brother Shisui, tell him that he should take me!" he added.

"Ahaha, well..." Shisui scratched his head in helplessness. He just came here to get Itachi for their "mission" but he was caught in an argument. It wasn't even an argument, it is just a kid's sulking.

"If you don't take me, then I would be lonely. I don't have anyone to play with!" Still, with a pleading voice, Sasuke asked cutely.

Ken pinched his little brother's cheek and replied to what he thought would instantly resolve the situation.

"Father already told you that you must wait until you turn 4. You still have one year to go."


"Don't worry, I'll come home early." Ken cut him off with another pinch on his cheek.

Just then, Itachi came and tied his shoes.

"You can come with us next time, okay, Sasuke?" Itachi also rubbed Sasuke's head leaving the little boy pout again.

With that, the three young Uchiha's run out of the house.

"What mission are you taking?" Ken asked while they walked.

"Hehe~ It's not actually a mission. It is just my training exercise. I had to bring one genin with me so I picked Itachi." Shisui replied. Between them, there was nothing to hide.

"I see." Like usual, Ken replied flatly.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, Ken." Itachi also apologized.

Shisui did not actually pick Itachi, instead, Itachi insisted on joining Shisui. But the reason was different now.

If yesterday was because Itachi did not want to stay home, then today, he wanted to learn from Shisui. He wanted to get stronger.

"I... I have awakened the Sharingan." The three of them paused when Itachi said that and they stopped.

Ken responded with an "Oh" while Shisui looked like he realized something.

"I see. So that's why you lied?"

"Mm, you could say that. But, I will work harder and get stronger to protect those who are precious to me and protect the village." Itachi replied with great determination.

"It's good that you think that way. You are exceptional, talented, but at the same time, you are also young and inexperienced. The same could be said to you too, Ken.

"Before, I thought that I have nothing else to teach you. But it turns out that I actually many things to teach you." Shisui smiled widely as he felt like he was really a Big Brother in front of these two exceptional brothers.

"I understand." Itachi acknowledged.

"Let's go! Haha!" Shisui and Itachi turned around and only to pause again when they heard something that shocked them.

"Those eyes. I have them too." Ken felt the atmosphere freeze for a moment.

"Ah... What did you say?" Shisui turned to look at Ken, surprise still in his eyes.

"I have the Sharingan." Ken activated his 1 tomoe Sharingan that shimmered with a red ominous glint.

"You... You really awakened the Sharingan!" Itachi's eyes widened and he also activated his own Sharingan, different from Ken, there are already 2 tomoe's on each of his eyes.

Driven by the two, Shisui also activated his own. He already mastered them a long time ago so he had 3 tomoe.

"Hahaha! This! This is crazy!" Shisui exclaimed with an excited laugh.

"Huehue! Crazy indeed!" Itachi also chuckled.

Even Ken grinned widely as he felt a weak fluctuation that resonated with Itachi's eyes. He could feel it from Shisui but it was weaker than Itachi's.

"What happened? How did you awaken them?" Shisui immediately came to himself and asked.

"I don't know. I found out about it over a month ago. I certainly did not experience any strong emotional instability or anything similar to that. It subconsciously activated on its own." Ken replied after some thought.

"Oh? Then is it possible it has already awakened the moment you were born? But how can it be, there is not a single record of an Uchiha awaking their Sharingan the moment they were born." Itachi stated.

"Just because there is no record does not mean that there is no one. There could be someone who had it but did not know he had it. Ken, you have a large amount of chakra, it could be related to that." Shisui contemplated.


'Did I awaken it 3 years ago when Glutton shared that monsters chakra?' Ken thought secretly. He had hidden the existence of The Deadly Sin of Gluttony inside of him.

Ken only showed what he was capable of, he did not talk about it to anyone. It was a habit he had since his previous life. That is also why he became so strong, he had hidden his strength deeply.

"It's about time that we go, we'll talk about it tomorrow. We don't have enough time. Be careful, don't show anyone your Sharingan." Shisui cautioned.

He did not mention it but if people knew that Ken had awakened his Sharingan at such a young age, it could lead certain people to have the child assassinated.

"I got it," Ken answered, but he knew Shisui had reasons to do so. And why would he show it to anyone anyway? That's just plain idiotic.

"We'll be off now. Remember, you must go home early. Otherwise, Sasuke will resent you." Itachi reminded Ken with a smile.

Ken also went his way to his training ground and trained diligently.


"Tak! Tak! Tak!"

"Tak! Tak! Tak!"

Shurikens got embedded on the target forming a smiley face pattern. This was the result of many years of training from his previous life. But everything became a lot easier once he used the Sharingan. It made learning a lot faster.

Ken could perform every trick with the Shuriken, but Kunai was the problem.

See with Shuriken, he could make them curve, attach strings to control them, and many more. But kunai? Just dream about it.

That's when an idea hit him.

Ken took out 2 kunai's from his leg pouch and placed had one on each hand. He had his Sharingan activated and his concentration was maxed.

The Kunai's spun in his hands like a toy and with a swoosh, the kunai on his left hand was thrown with only half of his strength. In that instant, the other Kunai followed the first one with two times its speed.

"Clank! Tak!"

The second Kunai hit the first one making it deviate from its original track before hitting the target. Unfortunately, the second Kunai missed the target by a large margin. This was because this was only his third time trying.

And this would also have been very very very difficult without his Sharingan. Without his Sharingan, Ken could imagine himself training for years before he masters it. Strength was also needed, otherwise, it would lose speed and cause the impact to be weakened.

"I need to polish this skill even more," Ken said to himself as he imagined mastering the skill.

Without stopping, Ken shot and retrieved Shurikens and Kunais for the whole morning. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Bear with the cringe parts. Like I said, I suck at making conversations.

I am also not good at conveying emotions at all. Both her and IRL.

And I know. I also feel like Ken is not really the MC. Haha. Don't worry, this is just for this chapter.

This is getting boring. Let the academy arc begin. Haha!

Damn, the updates of this app are getting worse and worse. Are they trying to destroy this app?

Hide_on_Webnovelcreators' thoughts