
A Mystic Aura

Zurie quickly switched on the light, as she kept panting from the night mare she just awoke from . She used her eyes to scan fearfully around the room, sitting on the bed like a mouse that had been drenched in the rain. She could still hear voices in her head, It felt so real. She closed her eyes and opened them quickly as she could literally see pictures of the firce and angry looking girls chasing her " this is the second time I am having this same dream this week ? I think I am running crazy. ( Zurie held her head as she mused ) how do I explain that the side character in my novel is all of a sudden becoming real, and is after my life ? ( She thought aloud ) No this isnt happening. It has to be my imagination. " She affirmed strongly Zurie thought yet. The lights suddenly went off, fear gripped her, she could literally see shadows moving in circles all over the room. Zurie was at the verge of collapsing, she pressed her hands against her mouth to restrain herself from screaming as her eyes moved with the shadows, sweats streamed down her whole body in a rhythmic flow. She needed to be awoken from this night mare! What had she done wrong ? She had unknowingly reawakened a mystical world through her novel. It was hard to believe, but it seemed the writing contest was taking yet another shape, as the unfinished novels given to her by the writers academy to complete in order to win the competition were more than mere books, because here was Fiona her side character becoming real to her, demanding that zurie recreates the story by making her the main character instead of Tessa, the young lady that handsome and charming Rian had chosen to make the woman after his heart till infinity. What's more ? Zurie needs to complete this book to win the writers award of the year that she had contested for on several account without any successs. Finally her dreams were becoming a reality, but there was a bigger obstacle she had to face, as she had to conquer angry spirits Was Zurie prepared for this unexpected adventure ?... Why were the spirits grieved ? How was she supposed to fight a battle that she had no clue of how it began ? Zurie is faced with the choice of saving the situation by destroying the book, and hence destroying the mystical land of Dahlia, or Find a means to save the situation without outrightly destroying the book, and thereby still win her award What would her decision be ?

Nzete_Precious · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Mrs Rose Meyer at the door!

" where am I ? " Zurie asked aloud

" Zurie I was scared I'd loose you " Harley hugged her passionately.

" My dear zurie " Her mother called weakly coming closer. Her eyes were soft and felt like they had tears in them. Zurie looked at her mother with so much pity. The woman was in her early forties, yet it felt like she was approaching middle eighties. She looked old from too much stress over how she and zurie would survive daily.

Zurie's father died while she was yet a little baby. She never saw her father except through photographs. Her mother explained that he was a sailor, she explained that her father died in a tempest. Zurie felt for her so much, the only thing she ever wanted in life, was to be able to give her mother a taste and feel of comfort.

" Thank God you're awake " her mother said again.

" What happened ? How did I even get here ? " Zurie asked, breaking free from Harley's hold

" I don't know what happened to you, but we found you laying unconscious on the bare floor after the dance class, we had to rush you down to the hospital. " Harley explained

" Hospital ? ( Zurie repeated rolling her eyes around the room ) No mom we have to go home right now, I am fine trust me. " Zurie said very dramatically

" Zurie c'mon! You need to get better, you have to relax right now. I have to go call the doctor that you have woken up. " Haley spoke nicely to her

" You do not get ! Who is going to pay for the bills ? Mom you know we do not even have enough resources to live on, let alone pay for the hospital bills. C'mon believe me, I am totally fine and back to my feet. We must get going. " Zurie insisted

" Zurie ( Harley called her to order, raising her tone ) what's wrong with you ? What do you have me for in matters like this ? Where you thinking I was going to leave you to die out there ? " Harley asked feeling emotionally injured

" Look Harley I know you have done a lot by bringing me down here, I am really grateful. All I am saying is that I cannot stay any longer, else the bills will keep accumulating. Don't you see my point mom ? " Zurie asked with her eyes widely opened

" Zurie do not worry about that anymore. Harley's father drove us down here since yesterday afternoon. He promised to as well clear the bills " zurie's mother replied.

" Oh Harley! ( Zurie became a bit calmer, breaking down emotionally ) What would I have ever done without you ? You make my life so sweet and easy. " Zurie appreciated weakly feeling very emotional.

" You worry too much zurie, I told you that I gat you always. " Harley said stroking her head

" Mom what time is it ? " Zurie asked all of a sudden, acting as though she remembered something

" It is six in the evening. "

" You mean to say I was unconscious from yesterday's afternoon through today ? " She asked very startled

" Yes, we were very scared zurie " Harley answered

" Hmmmmm " zurie expressed sadly.

" Zurie what happened ? Can you remember anything that happened before you slumped and passed out ? " Harley asked.

Zurie became quiet. She remembered everything very well, the picture if the little boy that distracted her was still very clear in her eyes. She could still see in her head how he transmigrated to Fiona. She could literally still hear those groaning voices in her head, the picture was so clear. But who was going to believe her ?

" No I don't ! " Zurie finally replied.

" How did you leave the spot you were sitting ? When turned and saw that you had left, I thought you had left for Terry's game. " Harley asked again

" I wanted to ease my self, but honestly I don't remember what happened. " Zurie lied.

" I am just glad I have you back ! " Harley hugged her again, zurie forced a smile on her face.

" I want water, I am dieing from thirst. " Zurie said.

Her mother quickly went and got water. Zurie was quiet, she layed gently on her bed with her eyes shot. The thought of Fiona came to her heart again. She was gradually loosing her peace of mind. What was going to happen with the assignment that fiona was forcefully putting on her to carry out ? She wondered if she was really living with some spirit that had become a book in her house. Zurie was more scared as she thought that it was just her imagination from the beginning, but it was every day turning out to be realer than she could imagine. It was more amazing that anything that happened in the spiritual realm, found a way of reflecting in her physical world, she noticed this with the way she sweated each time she woke up from her dreams and nightmares, it could only be because of the scorching sun from the kewa tribe. Zurie wished in her head for everything to just go back to being normal. She prayed silently in her heart to be one-day awoken from the nightmare that had become her worst torture.

" Hmmmmm " zurie exhaled heavily.

" Are you okay Zurie ? " Harley asked peeping into her face.

Zurie nodded.


After some hours the doctor's came in and zurie was discharged. Harley had to follow zurie and her mother home, with the permission of her parents, to watch over zurie, as her mother had to go to work.

Her mother did three different kinds of job, because she wanted for the salary to atleast be enough to afford them three square meal, and then pay up her husband's debts. She worked for the night shift that particular day, and so had to leave zurie in the hands of Harley

" Good night Honey ( her mother kissed her fore head ) I will call to check up on you as soon as I am free " her mother said.

" Bye mom " zurie muttered

" Bye Mrs Davidson " Harley bade her farewell

" Bye Harley ! Thank you so much " zurie's mother replied

" Be fine munchkins ! " She said as she left.

Zurie's greatest fear, became the fear of falling asleep.

" You want to eat anything ? " Harley asked

" No thanks " zurie replied weakly. Zurie hadn't spoken with Harley since they returned, her mind was very heavy.

" Perhaps I should read you one of your stories then ! " Harley walked to zurie's table and returned with a book.

" All for love " Harley read the books title

" Keep that Harley ! " Zurie yelled, realizing it was the book.

Harley dropped the book fearfully

" Why what ? " Harley asked simultaneously

Before zurie could reply, there was a knock on the door.

" I'd get it " Harley said standing to her feet

She came back few minutes

" Mrs Rose Meyer at the door, you know anyone like that ? " Harley asked

Zurie sat up alarmed

" Mrs Rose Meyer ? " she repeated with her eyes widened.