
A Murder's Dairy

SweetestVanilla · ホラー
3 Chs

Page - 1st Murder

1st Murder-------July 17th year xxxx

It's my 12th birthday, as always it's raining heavily in our city. But that didn't stop my father to get my cake while my mother is busy preparing food and there's my sister, annoying me by asking if we can blow the candles together. I pinch her arm hard enough for it to bleed. She cried and run towards our mother "Ester!" I heared my mother shouted from the kitchen, this annoyed me! It was her to started annoying the hell out of me and when I did disciplined her I'm the one who is in the wrong?! How was that fair?!

I ignore mother's scolding and went to our garage, I wanted to play with our pet cat "Zet come here" I called out, she didn't come out. This pest dare to ignore me huh? I look around for her and saw her under my mother's car. I pull his tail "HISSCCC!!" She hiss at me and scratches my hand, this made me furious and pull her tail even harder. After a few attempts I got her pin down and I look at my hand that was scratched by Zet, it made me felt an overwhelming rage. I look around to see a hammer on the ground next to me and lift it, then I smash it into the cat's head, killing it. "UGH! YOUR STRETCHES HURTS!" I shouted loudly and keep smashing the hammer onto the cat's head

Just how dare this cat hurts me?! I took care of him and feed him, how can he bite the hands that is feeding him! While I'm smashing the hammer onto the cat's head, I heard a loud gasp and a terrified scream after "OH MY GOD ALLESTER!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" She yelled at me, I looked at her and smiled "Don't worry mommy, I'm punishing Zet because he hurts me" I said smiling and lift the cat up towards her, her eyes widen and she suddenly throws up. "D-DON'T GET THAT NEAR ME! OH GOD!" She shouted and run inside the house, I frown and throw the cat to the floor. I followed her while still carrying the hammer on my right hand

"WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" She ask, shouting. I frown even more and lift the hammer up, out of anger I smash it into her leg making her fell to the grown "UGHH!! AHHH!" She screamed loudly while she fell to the floor, I look around to find a knife on the kitchen counter. I took it and slowly bend down on my mother's head "W-WHAT- ARE YO-" she ask in a terrified manner, I just smiled and started to move the blade towards her neck "Mama pisses me off! I was just trying to discipline them yet mama thinks it's not okay?" I mumble a bit upset.

She screamed and screamed while sobbing while I made a cut through her neck, this cheer me up! It's not so boring to see her like this, now I wonder if papa would like to see her in this situation! I slowly watch her as after a few minutes she passed out, I stand up and started to hum happily as I walked upstairs "Lis are you here~?" I asked in a happy tone "I'm here brother!" She answered happily and walk towards me "Do you want to play a game?" I asked her, she nodded and smiled at me "How about you count to 10 and come find me?" I suggested "Okay! You hide, I'll seek!" She said with a bright smile on her face, she turned around and started counting while her head was leaning onto the wall, eyes close "1...2...3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10!" She turned around to face me, her face looked confused "Brother? Why are you still here?" she asked, I move my hand Infront of me, she let out a loud screamed when she saw my bloody hand and a knife in my right hand. "Why don't you quite down little brat!?" I asked her annoyed and stab her right into her small mouth. There! She cannot whine anymore, I won't be scolded anymore!

"I'll let you die slowly as a prize for being a good girl!" I said while starting to hum again, I made my way downstairs to see my mother crawling just to get out of here, her bloody neck leaving a trice of blood on our wooden floor. Seeing her like this made me felt good at that time

"Fun! You're still alive!" I said while making my way towards her, I smile at my mother who is laying down on the wooden floor as she straggle to crawl out. I'm offended! I smiled at her as brightly as possible yet she is trying to leave me all alone, how can she be so cruel to her own son? I look at her once again and this time I frown deeply as she was about to reach the door

"Mother must not love me anymore? How can you leave your son here all alone! Tsk tsk tsk! You are a bad mother!" I said, crossing my arms and pouting. She look back at me with pure horror. "You are truly heartless mother, how can you look at me with those eyes? Should I take them out?" I ask, her eyes widen and tries even harder to reach out for the door. Seeing her crawl like that made me tired so I'll just help her!

"D..Don't- c-come near me! Y-You monster!" She exclaim, bawling her eyes out. "Rude! I'm was just trying to help you out, and why are you calling me a monster?! I'm your son, then if so you are a monster yourself" I declare and back up a little. "Y-You'..re- not m-my son! Y-You..re a mo-monster!" She stutter as she look at me with pure hatred, slowly losing her breath from the slice on her neck that I made~ "Ah.." I sigh and cover my face with my palm "So I'm a monster in your eyes as well? You're just like everyone else. Thinking my fun is a monstrous act and inferior than that stupid school activities!?" I ask, I lost my temper. How come she let my sister play outside while I stay at home studying hard, why won't let her son be happy?! I didn't even bat an eye when she show more favor towards my sister than me. She is such a bad mother

"You people should know how fucking wonderful the sensation of killing a whiny bitch is like!" I shouted at her, I use my left foot to step on her head. Mother is getting on my nerves! This should be fun but I lost interest on killing her "Ya know~ That little piece of shit is more fun to kill" I said, smiling while looking upstairs. She bawl her eyes even more as she seem to guess who I'm talking about. "Y-YOU! W-WHAT- DID Y-OU DO TO- ALL..ISON!?" she scream on her last strength. I didn't like it, her screaming at me for some whiny piece of shit is pissing me off! "Mommy should go to hell. You are a bad mom!" I mumble pouting

A sound of a car parking on the garage snap me from my thoughts, I can tell it's my father. I'll left him a surprise for buying me a cake~ I walk towards the back door and when I reach the door and got out of the house while nothing with me

By the time I'm writing this, sure enough my father had already found my surprise for him back home. I hope he will like it~ He is already stressed out with my mother's whining, this will surely makes him feel better

"I'm Allester Hartford, nice to fucking meet ya~ "

This book is just a work of fiction. Please do not attempt to follow what any harmful ideas that are made inside. If you are not fond with the mention of the following; blood, gore, rape, murder, strong language and etc. Please leave for your own safety.

SweetestVanillacreators' thoughts