
A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i

I died as I lived, a nobody but I wasn't mad or anything. But somebody, get a new architect because the afterlife sucks! Where's the imagination!? Who made this shit I'm staying in? Welp at least I got the attention of a ROB turning me into an Outer god. Now which side of the multiverse should I mess with. Overpowered SI/OC

StoryCraft · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Shattering Illusion

Disclaimer: I don't own any kind of anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Beta-reader: Gorillafromspace,

{} - Pov/Demon/ Events/ Organizations.

** - Sound effects

[] -flashbacks/ Songs/music/phone calls.

{Zhynnsy'i/Shensei POV}

Aizen and I glanced at each other. I was waiting for him to make the first move while he was planning to corner me. I leaned to the left as he appeared in front of me, his sword nearly cutting off my arm.

I countered with my broom, but he blocked it. A beam narrowly missed my head as I moved back. I stomped hard and shattered the illusion I was in, revealing Aizen behind me, taking his time to figure me out.

"Interesting. That's the third time you broke free from my illusion with brute force alone." He commented. "Yet I'm still far from finding out your secret. Tell me, Shensei, why did you refuse my offer?"

I shrugged at his question. "It's cliche," I answered. "That's just too boring."

Aizen became curious about my answer. "Boring?" He asked.

"Yes, boring. Here's the thing, Azzy, when you think about it. Your so-called plan has been happening since the dawn of time. You're not the first who tried, and you ain't gonna be the last. It just happens you're the crazy one who came up with something ridiculous like this. I've seen enough crazy people who pulled it off." I explained. "Sometimes what you're planning for is just gonna end up making things worse."

"Yet with the power of Hogyoku.."

"You need a damn trinket to change something. It's a pandora's box, my four-eyed friend." I interrupted. "This ambition of yours is nothing but a poor joke. It's not even a revolutionary. It's a repeating gag." I said.

It's hypocritical of me to say it, but the thing is, I'm not changing the world. I'm not planning a revolution. I'm changing one person's ending. What happens to the world if Ichigo becomes the soul king was the bonus.

I couldn't help but grin when I saw his annoyance. Aizen had a God complex, and to him, hearing this was just a mindless babble. In his eyes, if such a being exists, then it has no right to have it. Only he alone stands above all.

"So, Azzy-chan..." I spread my arms while sporting a grin that would make the Joker cry. "If you give me the power to choose what color of panties across the world. Then, as a god of Hueco Mundo, I'll support your cause to the very end!" I yelled.

"That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard!" Grimmjow yelled across the battlefield.

"What kind of demand is that!?" Lilinyette said while blushing.

"Despicable..." Harribel muttered.

Huh? I didn't realize that our fight led us back to camp. Gin and Tousen were staring at me like I was on drugs. Gin was having fun while I was making fun of Aizen.

The shinigami calmly walks towards me before pointing his index finger. Yellow chains circled me before shrinking. I realized something was above me. When I looked up, I saw four metal pillars falling. Then crystalline barriers formed around me.

Holy shit, the man isn't fucking around. He's going to seal me away. I didn't notice it, damn his zanpakuto is Op.

"Foolish Hollow. In the end, your arrogance brought your downfall." He said. "It seems there is a limit on how long you can resist Kyoka Suigetsu. Bakudo #90: Black coffin."

He encased me in the black cube. I can feel gravity trying to crush my avatar. "Heh, not bad. Azzy, not bad at all. Unfortunately, illusion and reality are just abstracts." I said. "Ah, time to break out."

{Thirdperson POV}

As the hollow got sealed away, Aizen wondered what it so threatening? The Hollow was nothing but a madman. He had gotten his hopes up. As he walked away, he felt an intense pressure coming from the seal.

At the back of his mind, something was telling him to flee. To run away from this beast wearing sheep's clothing. Wait, Aizen refused. He wanted to see what was causing it. His Bakudo was becoming distorted. Something was making its way through.

"It can even resist such pressure. Interesting." Aizen thought.

Back inside the cube, Shensei broke out of his bindings. He was about to snap the coffin in half but stopped. He summoned his broom and got into a sword stance. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his muscles.

{Broomfield breathing, first form: weeping floor} He muttered while swinging his blade.

Aizen watched the black coffin form into a weeping face before shattering into pieces, revealing the hollow that Barragan warned him about.

"What was that?" Aizen asked himself. Hollows didn't display that kind of power, and he did it with a broom. Shensei appeared in front of him. To the Shinigami's surprise, the Hollow again resisted his hypnotism. Pushing each other back, Shensei sighed before sitting on the sand.

The act confused the man. Is this some form of submission? "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I am taking a lunch break." Shensei while bringing out a big mac. "Want one?" He offered his.

"Do you really think this is the time to eat?" Aizen received a snort from the stage hollow. "I have all the time I need," Shensei said before taking a big bite.

The bizarre sight was just laughable that anyone would think they were drunk or hallucinating. A shinigami waiting for a hollow to finish its meal.

"Are you done?" Aizen asked.

"Nope, let me finish my dessert." The outer god said and began devouring ice cream.


"Okay, I'm good." Shensei stood up and went ready for the fight. He tossed the broom away before cracking his fist. "You intend to finish this fight with your bare hands?" Aizen asked. Shensei shrugs. It wasn't like he needed the broom. It just looks neat in his head.

"Then so be it." The shinigami said, sounding disappointed.

Aizen unleashed another barrage kido before appearing behind his opponent. However, to his shock, the hollow grabbed his blade. "Sorry Aizen, I like you but..." For once, Aizen felt genuine fear. Shensei had four sets of eyes covering half his face, along with three mouths. "I'm bored now."

Aizen realized something was missing. His sword felt empty. Kyoka Suigetsu wasn't responding to him. Why? Why isn't she responding?

"Sorry Aizen, but your Zanpakuto isn't here anymore." Shensei said before piercing Aizen's shoulder. The Shinigami grunted before stepping back. Then he realized his blade was missing, but he felt something else. He felt weaker, fragile to the point he's like a human.

"What did you do?" Aizen asked.

"Look around, Aizen."

Aizen warily looked around, so did the rest, and their face turned into terror. The sky of Hueco Mundo had vanished. Then it hit them. They weren't in the desert anymore; they were in a land filled with glass. Aizen then realized why he felt something wrong. He couldn't feel his reiatsu or reishi. No, it's not that he can't. It's more like he couldn't. As if such a concept had never existed!

"What did you do!?" Tousen yelled in anger.

"It's the only way I can beat your boss. Reiatsu or reishi no longer exist, so the concept of zanpakuto can't exist."

"No longer exist...?" Tousen said in disbelief.

"Shensei, don't tell me you did this?" Lilinyette said in fear while everyone grew weary. Shensei started smiling wider. "That's right~," the outer god said happily. "{God eater} I just removed reishi and reiatsu from reality." He shrugged as if his action was a routine.

"No more Reiatsu and reishi. No more Shinigami, Quincy, and Hollow. No one will ever know what the afterlife is."

Aizen felt his heart speed up. Fear tightened its grip on his heart. "You erased the concept of reishi and reiatsu... just to beat me?" He asked. "Do you have any idea what you did?"

The outer god scoffed. "Of course I do, but it's not my fault. And I'm just starting." Darkness surrounded them, no it wasn't dark. It's just empty.

Tousen tried to open a portal to soul society, but nothing happened. "What did you!?" Gin asked.

"Oh nothing, I just removed the afterlife. Meaning Hueco Mundo and Soul society no longer exist."

"No afterlife... then where do all the dead souls go now!?" Tousen asked while breaking down.

"Now this is a revolution. By the way, Aizen, you said wanted to be a god, right? How about I make you into one?" Shensei said with a chuckle before flooding Aizen's mind with my omniscience.

The Shinigami screamed in pain while trying to claw his head."Stop, stop, stop! This is too much! Stop! Take it back!" The man yelled in anguish.

The former hollows pitied for the man, but thank their lucky stars that they sided with a god.

"Now, now, Aizen, you keep complaining about the soul king. Besides, I wouldn't go that far. I was just going to give you 1% of what a god has to deal with. But since you wanted more..." Shensei drove his broom into the void, which drilled through it.

"STOP!!!" Aizen yelled in terror.

{All-mighty} Shensei said while drilling his broom deeper. "Now you have everything." Shensei's voice echoed.

"This is how Gods are Aizen. Since they have everything, they don't need to do anything. Since they don't need to do anything, they have no ambition. But don't worry, while Gods may have everything, the desire for waifus is eternal." The outer god said but saw Aizen not responding.

"Well, that's disappointing. He broke before I finished him." Shensei sighed before looking up. "Just as I expected, without rules binding me, everything just withers away."

The hollows behind him were now terrified of their leader. Harribel stepped forward, ignoring everyone's warning. If this being in front of her was a god, then she had one question.

"Why?" she asked. "Why are you here?"

"Because I'm curious. Many people keep dreaming about becoming a god but never thought of what they would do if they become one. It's one thing to know about it, but it's another when you're seeing it, personally." The outer god said.

"Meaning?" Grimmjow asked.

"No matter how much you spin it, gods are just humans in the end," Shensei said, while half of his face was an eldritch abomination.

"Welp, time to for a do-over," Shensei said before snapping his fingers. The world rebuilt itself while everyone was in a daze, minus Shensei's commanders.

Aizen groaned. He felt like he was missing some things before spotting Shensei. His knees trembled. He tried to form a plan, but his mind was in shambles. He couldn't face this thing.

"Hey Azzy-chan, you said that trinket thingy you're looking for can turn you into a god, right?" Shensei asked, getting a nod. "Hm... I wonder if that can work." He muttered.

Everyone just stared at the outer god in confusion. "Alright, I'll help you under two conditions." He said. "One of my commanders and I don't take orders from you. Two, I want you to fight someone." He said.

Aizen's eyes widen. If this deity will aid his cause, then his victory is certain. The two conditions weren't hard, but who is he going to face?

"Who shall I be facing?" He asked.

"Oh, just a certain hybrid. I wanna see how far you can push him, but we'll worry about that later." Shensei said. "So Azzy-chan, be sure to entertain me, okay?" He said with a grin.

Aizen can only nod, knowing that his life was now in the hands of a transcended being, reduced to nothing more than a toy. Tousen and Gin can do nothing but watch. Gin adjusting his plans on killing Aizen without pissing off a god.

Harribel and Starrk remained neutral, but anyone could see they were now wary of Shensei. Lilinyette wondered if everything can remain the same while Grimmjow realized the gap between them. What is a king to a God?


It's been ten years since Shensei met the Kurosaki and Aizen. The hollows treated him now as a deity, Shensei didn't bother to change it. Though he wished his friends hadn't changed. Even Grimmjow seems tame. He still keeps asking him for a fight, but the way he asks him was now polite.

Aizen kept him up to date with his plans, and now here he is in a dark room with a woman in his bed. He wanted to know if he still had his libido, which he does weirdly. Instead of normal pleasure, it was like he's just doing business. Damn, that's one downside to being an outer god.

Sex is just business for him now. Damn, maybe he should have asked for the gamer. Bah! He's an outer god, he'll improvise. Heck, he might make something that can give him that pleasure he wanted.

He got up and erased any traces of him in contact with the woman. He heard a howl and saw hundreds of hollows. It might be the betting episode between Ichigo and Ishida. Now should he steal Ichigo's spotlight or maybe change it?

He manifested a coin and tossed it. "Head is to steal, tail is to change." He muttered while waiting for the coin to land.

"Tails... change it is then." He said, before dashing off. During his rush, he spotted Masaki busy killing the hollows. Ishida seems to have regained his powers. It was tempting for him to land and say hi to the lovebirds, but he headed for Ichigo instead.

By the time he arrived, Ichigo and Ishida had set aside the bad blood between them. Then the Menos grande came. The entire event went as the plot, though Shensei rolled on the floor when he saw that ridiculous plan of Ishida.

That scene was still even funny for him even today.

Once the menos died, Shensei made his appearance, but he sensed something was wrong. The hollows were still coming. All of them were heading to Ichigo.

"Oh hell no, I ain't losing my boy!" He yelled before appearing in front of the substitute reaper. "Broomfield breathing 2nd form: Sweeping Hurricane." He uttered as he swung his broom.

Everyone only stared as a horned man appeared out of nowhere and decimated thousands of hollows with a broom! They even saw him make a hurricane with it. Rukia then grew terrified when she recognized him.

"That hollow..." she muttered. "Ichigo, get away from it now! That hollow is too dangerous for us to fight."

Ichigo listened as Rukia seem to be afraid of it. Though, he felt like he's seen this man before. The outer god turns around and places the broom on his shoulder. "Howdy Ichigo! Jeez, you've grown taller since I last saw you." Shensei said with a grin.

Ichigo's hand trembled. Something inside him was telling him to run away. "Who the hell are you!?" He asked. Shensei chuckles. "Well, let's just say me and your mom met once, and I ended up saving her life." He said.

Ichigo can tell he was telling the truth, but he also knew this guy was bad news. Then, to his shock, his parents showed up. His father wore similar garbs of a shinigami. His mother was holding a bow and arrow made of reishi.

"What are you doing here Joker?" Isshin asked while ready to slice the outer god in half.

"I just wanted to say hi. Also, would it kill you to say my name? C'mon bro, it's Shensei." The eldritch said with a pout.

"You're not welcomed here, hollow." Masaki said. "Leave my family alone."

"Can't do that, babe. Your son has my attention." Shensei said.

"What do you want with me?" The substitute reaper asked.

"That would be telling. Don't worry though, it's not that bad. You'll probably hate me for it though." The outer god then yawns and turns around. "Adios strawberry, I'm heading to Las Vegas." He said.

"What does a hollow want in that place?" Ishida asked.

Shensei turned his head towards them. Everyone went tense and ready to fight.

"Big booby bitches.. I almost forgot, get some training kid, you're gonna need it." With his piece said, he left.

Everyone else felt like they wanted to tear the hollow apart. They can't tell if that thing was serious or not.

"Who was that?" Ichigo said while sounding annoyed.

Rukia let a relieved sigh. "Shensei, also known as the Joker Hollow. The only existing hollow that defeated several captains at once." She said.

Ichigo glanced at Rukia in disbelief. That clown defeated several captains at once!?

Masaki sighed. "He's also the hollow that saved us, Ichigo. You were five years old during that time, so you don't remember him." She said.

"What does he want with me?" Ichigo asked.

"It's crazy, but he plans on turning you into a replacement for the soul king," Isshin said, no point in hiding it. It was better if his son knew what the hollow wanted.


Somewhere dark, a man opened his eyes. They were calm, but also there was a hint of fear. It seems he needs to speed up his plans. One of those invaders had gotten in, and his father was doing nothing.

Fortunately, it seems it's not aware of him yet. Nay, he can't be complacent with this idea. It was only a matter of time. Perhaps, it already knew but had no interest in him. Whatever the case, he had to cast this thing out before it can do much more damage.

He already did it once and he can't afford to let it happen again. He never thought he would face an outer god once more.

He closes his eyes once more. It still wasn't his time to rise, but if he wants his plans to succeed, then he must take risks in facing a powerful foe.