
A Multiversal Journey! - Rise of A True God

!! WISH FULFILMENT !! - DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY TO HEART, THE STORY IS PURELY FOR ENJOYMENT. Dying from cancer was one of the most painful things Simon Kilmonger had experienced in his quick fifteen years of life. His last five spent battling for his life against an aggressive form of cancer. However, before he could even grieve his own death, he was met with an opportunity that came once in a life time... Literally. "And who are you supposed to be? God?" - Simon. "That, and your one last chance at an enjoyable life." - TOB.

HYKEEM · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

The One True God - [Chapter 1]

Death was something that most people feared. Rightfully so since not much is known about it, everything is just an "assumption." Or rather an educated guess as some people prefer.

Yet, at the time of his death, Simon Kilmonger experienced that which a majority feared.

He died.

At 11:53pm, laying in a hospital bed with tubes running down his nose. Cancer was one hell of a way to go out, a meaningless fight in his own opinion.

Battling it ever since he was ten, thinking he'd get over it as time went on. The more money he and his family threw into his treatment, the more his hope grew.

But in the end, it was meaningless.

Now he's floating in an endless void filled with warbling thin strings of pure white light. Each one gives off its own unique vibrations, similar to that of a guitar.

Simon was a rather nonchalant character. He never really knew how to express himself and he never really understood what it meant to "feel" something. He felt pain, hunger, thirst- all that.

But emotionally? He was rather numb from a young age.

His own death didn't even seem to bother him.

'...What now?' Was his only thought. Inspecting himself, he had no complaints about his ethereal form. He'd rather this than looking like he did when he passed away.

The divine guitar that strummed away played a tune that seemed to ease Simon even more, his thoughts on whether or not he should be worrying about his current predicament, was quickly discarded.

Chopped up into a problem for the foreseeable future.



Time passed. Simon was still alone with his thoughts and an ever present guitar. It was starting to bug him now. Groaning, Simon flipped over on his stomach, though he was floating, he was still able to pretend he was on a bed.

'Make it stop… Am I even supposed to be here?' He complained, finding it harder and harder to deal with the agitation building within his chest.

This went on for what felt like decades until the strings finally stopped vibrating. The sudden silence confused Simon, putting him on edge. He 'sat' up and looked around. His head on a swivel.


A loud thunderous explosion pierced the void, shaking the strings erratically. Simon's ethereal soul form was launched into a spinning, flipping mess. Unable to stabilize himself easily.

The shockwave that passed through him only threw him further and deeper into the void, moving him hundreds, if not thousands of miles away, in an instant.

When he finally stopped, he wasn't even dizzy, something he didn't even pick up on. In fact, when he finally stopped, he was greeted with something that finally made the hollow boy feel something.


A giant white figure spanning kilometers in width and length, stared down at him with hollow eye sockets. Even with no sense of vision, Simon understood that the being in front of him didn't need anything but the concept.

Unconsciously gulping, the boy prepared himself to speak.

"W-Who are yo-"

"How did you get here." His question was cut off with a direct and powerful voice. One that demanded answers. Simon tilted his head in confusion.

"I-I was- I woke up here?" The entity reeled its head back slightly. It being its turn to be confused. "Woke up here? As in you experienced death?"

Simon nodded, much to the entity's pleasure.

"Great. You'll do just fine." Before Simon could ask any questions, the Entity extended a giant finger which shrank the closer it got to Simon until it was placed on his forehead.

Instantly removing it, the Entity audibly hummed. "I see. Cancer, fifteen and young."

'He read my mind?' Simon frowned. He was obviously dealing with some concepts he truly didn't understand. Spiritual existence wasn't something he really believed in. He was more so a, 'I have to see it to believe it' kind of guy.

…Well now he believes.

After a moment of palpable silence, the Entity finally spoke again.

"Child. What is it that you want?" The question confused Simon. He didn't really know- He never really got the chance to think about it. Being put on the spot certainly didn't make it any easier.

"Eh? I don't know." He blurted, though truthful. The Entity nodded slightly. "Perhaps I can help?" Simon shrugged.

"Sure. I never had the chance to really think about anything other than surviving." The entity smiled like it had heard the best thing ever. "That's a start, child. You wish to survive. To live."

"Yeah… I guess so." Simon pondered, rubbing the top of his head. 'Now that I think about it. That's all I really COULD think about. The time I spent here all I could think about is what I would do differently if I could experience life again… A healthy one.'

Picking up on what Simon's general thoughts were, the Entity began his mission. "Then how would you like a life in which you could do anything you could ever wish? A life where nothing can possibly hinder you!"

The bold offer sent shivers down the young boy's metaphysical spine. '..Anything?' He gulped.

"No sickness could ever bring you to your knees. No mortal shall ever shake your very soul… No animal, weapon or disaster could ever make you less than what you are- What you COULD be! That is what you want."

Simon nodded slowly, thinking and imagining everything the Entity just laid out in front of him. '...Like a God.'

The Entity smiled brighter, showing off an empty, pitch black mouth. Reaching out its hand for Simon to take, the Entity sold its last line.

"Then take it." Without a second's hesitation, Simon's eyes hardened and he accepted the Entity's hand. As he did so, his life quite literally flashed before his eyes.

Every moment Simon had spent on earth, from the time of his birth, the his early years growing up until he found out he had cancer. To the times his parents were stressing, crying- Contemplating giving up on him.

To the times he had been bed ridden for the last months of his life.

All of it served as a purpose to solidify Simon's choice. A choice he figured he wouldn't regret.

Once the light died down, Simon found himself back in the same void. Though instead of a pitch black canvas, there were clouds, a bright brimming blue sky and a ginormous sun beading down on him and the entity.

"Great choice, child. Now I shall grant you what you desire." Simon nodded. "Are you going to reincarnate me? Will I be born again back on earth in a different body or something?"

The Entity shook his head. "Heh, mortals sure are naive. Think bigger, young one. What do you think I am?" Simon shrugged, "A God?" The entity smiled.

"The one and only." Simon's eyes widened. "Holy shit." He muttered, much to the amusement of the God in front of him. He felt a little dumb for not guessing before, but considering the situation, he let himself off.

"I'm a God, boy. I can do anything. Why wish to be reincarnated back on that planet when you can go anywhere? BE, anything? Have you ever experienced the joy of reading a book before?" Simon felt like he was being questioned and judged at the same time, but he decided to ignore it.

"Yeah, a couple…" The God nodded its head. "There you go. Do you wish to go there?" The boy tilted his head. "I don't know… How I am now, I'll just die immediately. Unless I'm reborn and I can use their power systems…"

'Maybe this God would be kind enough to offer me a couple wishes? Hopefully…' The entity chuckled. "You have no need to worry about power. I told you, you can do and be whatever you want. Just tell me the world."

Simon felt a little suspicious about this offer… It started to sound like the God in front of him was intending to make him a God as well. One thing he remembers from his previous life was to never fall for shiny shit.

And this was a little TOO shiny.

'I've already agreed though… It's a little late for that.' Shaking his head clear of his hesitant thoughts, he pondered some more. 'Why would I waste this chance to come back to life?'

"I've read a couple novels… If I get to travel to each one of these fictional worlds, I'd like to start out in The Beginning After The End. It's pretty light until the end game. But It's a good start." Simon's choice was something the God anticipated.

"Good. We shall begin the process now. Pardon me." Before Simon could react, the God waved his hand and he lost consciousness. Not a single protest was even close to exiting his mouth before he collapsed.

Now that the boy was rendered helpless. The God placed his hand above Simon's body and extracted his soul, mostly his memories and a bit of his personality. Leaving out some key things, like his trauma. It wouldn't aid the boy in any way, so the God rendered them useless.

Once he had everything he wanted together, he erased the boy's ethereal/physical aspect from the face of existence. Snapping his fingers, a new body was formed…

If one could even call it that.

Stimming from his own true form, the new body belonging to Simon was that of an amalgamation of every living nightmare one could ever dream of. With slimy, wiggling black tentacles armed with deadly spikes and eyes spanning and covering almost every inch of their surface.

Those very same tentacles were connected to giant, bulking black miasma-like flesh belonging to four giant clawed limbs. With a body mimicking that of a deranged, colossal dragon that had a giant bright red eye placed directly on its chest, the true form of the newly formed entity was almost finished.

The last thing that was needed was the head, which soon formed, looking just as disgusting and nightmarish as the rest of its body. Its scaly back erupted with fleshy brownish black wings dripping with murky black blood. Each wing had tons of eyeballs blinking at random intervals, all looking around as if they could truly see things. The tail was the last to form, being the most normal.



Once finished with the body, the God inserted Simon's newly edited soul. Though, he did make an extra change. To get Simon in a position ready for his future endeavors as a newly full fledged God, he increased his affinity of being numb, making his journey in truly experiencing human emotions that much harder.

'The more he thinks with emotions rather than logic, the more hardships he will face due to illogical decisions.' So the God thought.

Before waking Simon up though, he hid Simon's True form by morphing the body back into the same age, shape and appearance as Simon did before he died. Though, with the new body it instantly filled out all imperfections and made his appearance… well, perfect.

Snapping his fingers, the God initiated the last part of his plan. Essence flowed from himself and into the boy, causing the body to twitch as Simon felt the pain from whatever phenomenon was going on.

The more and more, pure black, murky red essence flowed into Simon, the more the God seemed to shrink and dissipate. His once full complexion was now a dirty gray.

'That should do it.' Using the last of his powers, he woke Simon up from his slumber with a wave of his hand. The boys eyes opened immediately.

No words were uttered, everything that happened was already implanted within his brain. With the exception of the changes to his soul/personality.

"Thank you." He said monotonously towards the God. Which in turn earned a slight smile and a nod before the God crumbled to dust.

"...See you soon." Was all that the God had left behind.

Simon stood up, clenching his fist he felt the endless power within his new physique. His mind was much clearer, he felt as if anything he didn't know, wanted to know and did know was at his fingertips.

With so much as a thought, Simon could do anything he ever dreamed of. And so he did.

But before he made any sudden move, he formed clothes for himself out of nothing. Now dawning a black t-shirt, gray sweats and some white socks with tan yeezy slides, he figured he was ready to set out into this new world of his.

Though, he did contemplate changing his outfit. Finding it not very appropriate for his destination.


After further thought, that's exactly what he did. Getting rid of his shirt, he replaced it with a cloak, showing off his perfectly chiseled fifteen year-old chest, and abdominal muscles. His pants changed into black baggy jogger-like pants and his shoes into reinforced white bandages.

Reinforced enough to be considered invincible.

Same for the rest of his clothes.


'Snug fit. I like.' He thought, dissipating the mirror he made, the next moment, a portal formed in front of him revealing a bright, luscious green forest brimming with life and life forces just waiting to be acknowledged by him.

Though his emotions were dialed down, he could still feel a bit of anticipation and excitement as he took his first step into his new life as a God.

The One True God.