

Laura is satisfied being a yoga teacher and she's slowly making her way up in life when her daughter is suddenly diagnosed with a lethal expensive to treat disease. This forces her to follow her friends shady instructions and work for a shady company with a shady name, there's no way this goes wrong is there?

Enslaved_author · 都市
23 Chs




(Girl in security uniform Pov)

I looked down as I passed by that... monster, averting her dangerous eyes.

Looking at her as she walked past I could barely believe that she had just done...that.

She just looked so bland and homey, harmless even but just thinking of what she had done did all sorts of things to my body.

She came in looking like any other representative, a little worse even but once she got into the secret office and let the gloves off...I couldn't even begin to explain what happened.

I looked back at her perfect body as she got onto the elevator I wanted to turn and follow her so bad but ah! I had a job to do.

I entered the office and quickly went into the hidden part and damn! Let's just say I regreted not going after the lady.

Eleanor, the bosses sister, was lying on the ground ass up cum drizzling out of her mumbling some meaningless words clearly still in post orgasm blitz.

The boss wasn't in a good position either, she was sleeping in the chair her dress hiked all the way up and her hand seemed to be moving subconsciously below her.

I tried to move them but they both cried they didn't want to be touched and ordered me to leave.

Now I really wanted to get with the lady. Unfortunately looking at them they wouldn't let me have a free pass at her. Maybe she was already on the app?

(MC pov)

I dashed into literally the first taxi I layed eyes upon as I left the company doors.

"Hurry to the hospital," I said as I bundled in giving the driver a little tip to ensure he hurried up.

I looked at my watch worriedly, it was already thirty minutes past visiting hours hopefully my daughter's nurse would let me see her as she had done many times before.

The taxi driver did his best and got me there in less time that it would usually take.

"Thank you," I muttered as I bundled out and ran into the hospital, greeting those I could as I zoomed past and towards my daughter's room.

I really hoped I would catch my favorite nurse still on duty as the one that mostly took the night duty was really a stick up to the rules.

Once we had argued for more than thirty minutes and she still denied me entry even though I vehemently explained that the doctor definitely knew about me as I basically arrived late every day.

Thankfully I didn't have to go through any drama today as the bright face of my favorite nurse came up as soon as I turned to my door.

"How's my favourite nurse," I greeted brightly.

"I'm pretty sure you're only saying that because I let you in but still I'm flattered," she replied with a little chuckle, "anyway, you have around five minutes before my shift ends and I'm pretty sure you don't want to deal with the nun."

"The nun?"

"Yeah," she said with a chuckle, "the nurse who takes the night shift."

"She's a nun?" I asked thinking her character made sense now.

"Nah, well no one really knows, she isn't one to share much, you need to hurry if you don't want to meet her."

"Oh, thanks," I said sheepishly before diving into the room.

My daughter called out to me the moment I entered the room.

Her voice was heavy and groggy and you could tell she was struggling to keep awake, a side effect of the heavy medicine she was on.

"How are you baby," I said as I got to the side of her bead and began patting her head.

"I'm fine, the nurse even allowed me to draw today."

"Wow, what did you draw?"

She leaned over to her desk and got her drawing pad, "the nurse didn't let me finish it but I still think it's ok," she said handing over the drawing pad.

It was a picture of me holding her with our little apartment in the background. She was sending a very subtle message but I heard it loud and clear.

She wanted to go home.

"Wow, you're getting really good at this."

"Well I have loads of time to practice here in the hospital, barely anything to do here," she said with an innocent smile on her face.

She was getting even more direct, soon she will ask to go home. Hopefully I'd have gotten enough money to give her a timeline.

I steered her away from the conversation and spoke to her until she finally slept in my arms.

"Hey, I hate to break up the moment but you have to get going," my favorite nurse came in wearing her civilian clothes.

I slowly let my daughter of my shoulder and let her onto the pillow, "see you tomorrow," I whispered to her before giving her a little kiss on her forehead.

I thanked the nurse on my way out and gave her a little hug, as we walked down the hallways and eventually ended up outside the hospital entrance.

I took my phone out to call a cab and was suprised to find a new app.

It was basically a huge black F against a mostly white background under it the words Freeuse Industries under it.

Now how did that get there??

I'm back baby!!!

Enslaved_authorcreators' thoughts