
A Mother's Promise

A wife and mother is thrust into a war she never asked for. With her husband considered missing, presumably dead and son in mortal peril she has no other choice but to take up arms and defend her son while trying to find her husband. On her journey she discovers secrets her husband had kept from practically everyone. Some were understandable while others were baffling to put it lightly. With a mole revealing a rumor in regards to near unlimited power hidden by her husband many attempt to track her down and take said power for themselves leaving her no other choice than to take the power for herself in order to protect her son while learning about her husband's mysterious past which involves dimensional travel in a world where it is considered to be fictional. ( Kindly note that this will be in Second person Point of View. )

Red_Shadow_0727 · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter Six: Through Ash and Flame Part One

Damn." the figure sighs before walking back to his team. He obviously spots Quincy and Julius standing next to the entrance but remains oblivious to it. They motion for the team to move back a bit.

You quickly look at Emilien who has not moved a muscle, his gaze locked upon the group as they converse amongst themselves. A moment later and the figure returns to Emilien.

"Alright," he takes another look at Max before continuing, "our new orders are to escort you back to the transport." He states.

"Under-" Emilien begins but doesn't finish as the figure makes his way to Max.

You give Emilien a quick glance but he doesn't do anything. That is until the figure turns his back completely to him. Chaos suddenly ensues as he gives a subtle motion with his left hand and two members of the team collapse to the ground. The head of another violently jerks back as blood and brain matter erupt violently from their skull and shoots up into the air like a geyser. The figure tries to turn to see the commotion but is only met with a gloved fist to his face courtesy of Emilien.

Grunting he stumbles back into Max who moves out of the way just in time and rushes toward you. You quickly catch him and turn in the opposite direction, shielding him all the while as the team is swiftly dealt with. The last of the team drop to their knees before Quincy closes in and slits their throat open. Blood guzzles down their throat as they choke on their own blood. Emilien charges in at the leader and disarms him before delivering a devastating jab to his jaw, rendering him unconscious. Once the chaos dies down only one person on the team remained alive.

"Jesus." You whisper as you watch them check every single body, stabbing them in the neck before shooting them in the head.

"Andre, come in," Emilien calls over the radio. It cackles to life and he responds in the affirmative.

"Any leftovers?" He asks as he ties up the remaining member.

"None." He replies over the radio and Emilien nods before dragging the body of the figure away from the path and propping them against a nearby wall. He takes away their weapon and anything which could ultimately be used as a weapon in the end and throws them a good distance away.

Max walks to you, clearly shaken but feigning bravery.

"How did I do?" He asks clear signs of bravado in his voice.

"You," you gently pat him on the head, "did great."

His face breaks into a grin and he laughs sheepishly.

"Thanks!" He replies, his voice awfully upbeat and cheerful considering what just transpired a few moments ago.

He looks behind you and immediately cups his mouth as he forces down something. You turn to see Quincy and Julius take the weapons from the cadavers as well as ammunition. Emilien wakes his captive up after a few moments. He takes off the mask to reveal a man in his twenties with a scar running across the bridge of his nose. His eyes dart around before settling on the man standing above him.

"Don't," Emilien commands callously as the man attempts to loosen his binds. A gun aimed directly at his head reinforces Emilien's order. The man stops struggling but it is clear there's still some semblance of resistance left in him.

"I am going to ask you three questions," Emilien says as he unsheathes a knife, "you answer and I'll make this quick."

The man says nothing for a while before looking over at you and Max. His eyes begin to narrow as a grin starts to form on his face. Unfortunately for him, Emilien thrusts the blade into his shoulder and a piece of cloth into his mouth in rapid succession.

"Don't look at them. They can't help you. They won't help you. There's no hope for you. Tell me what I need to know and I'll make your end quick." Emilien says as he twists the blade and blood trickles down.

The smell of metal reaches your nose and you instinctively cover Max's eyes and nose. The man's eyes bulge out, threatening to pop out of his skull. His legs kick about haphazardly as he tries to deal with the ever-increasing space. Emilien all the while remains completely detached before yanking out the blade of his shoulder. The muffled scream only becomes louder but Emilien remains unfazed by all this.

Emilien speaks in an auspicious tone, "nod to indicate 'yes' and shake your head to indicate 'no'. Do you understand?"

The captive nods.

"Do you know the way out?"

A nod.

"Is the entrance heavily guarded?"

A nod.

"Are there multiple vehicles?"

A nod.

"Do they know you're returning with the boy and his mother?"

Another nod. This goes on for a while longer before he removes the gag and asks more specific questions, some being how to get to the transports and some technical terms you did not understand. The man gave answers, some Emilien accepted and some he didn't which was clearly shown by how he would deliver a devastating hook to his face. How the man was conscious after all those blows was an impressive feat.

Emilien lets out an exasperated sigh, he looks at his men who shrug before looking back to his captive.

"Last question," he gets closer and looks the man dead in the eyes, "do you believe in life after death?"

The man clearly taken by surprise can't seem to find an answer and simply sits there.

"Well? Surely you must have an answer for that right?" He asks as he trails the tip of the blade across the slowly reddening area around the wound causing his captive to squirm in response.

Suddenly Emilien horizontally swipes the air. Nobody moves or dares to say anything. Blood gushes out of the captive's throat, turning the immediate area red. The smell of iron skyrockets as more blood gushes out. The captive writhes, trying to break free but that only forces more blood to gush out. Without hesitation you pick up Max and take him further away from the two to where Andre is, all the while making sure he can't see or hear what is unfolding.

'Just where did Arno find these people?!' You think to yourself.

The man gurgles as he begins to choke on his own blood. This goes on for a few more minutes and Emilien simply watches, blood covering him. Little by little the man begins to slow down until he stops moving completely. Emilien slowly withdraws his pistol before pointing at the skull and pulling the trigger. Even more blood and brain matter shoot out of the skull of the already-dead man.

"Jesus." You hear Andre say and you agree as you watch him slowly rise to his feet, wiping himself as he does so. He motions for everyone to gather around him. You hesitate and he takes notice. He nods as though he understands why you hesitate. The others do not however and within seconds stand around him. They converse for a bit before Andre walks over to you and tells you that they've found a way for you and your son to leave here. You nod and follow him to the rest of the group, Max behind you.