
A Moon Gods Fallen Purpose

After resisting against the Otsutsuki invasion, Toneri is sealed away for ten thousand years, forced to wait until finally he could walk the moon and Earth. However when he finally escapes from the seal. He finds that everything isn't as it was anymore.

EndoSlayer · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Imposing Will

He landed on the ground softly, not too similar to how he graced the earth a few minutes before. 

Slowly walking into the village with a hesitant step. Various life signatures flooded his senses as he honed them to within the village, and opted instead to walk through towards them as a means of truly taking in what this village had to offer. It had been too long since he experienced interaction or food or just a sense of unity in general.

Brimstone and ash awaited him. The wall surrounding the village was completely shattered, the cobblestone path was fractured and sprawled. With smoke rising from what was left of it. The gate was torn and shattered as if something strong had rammed through. His optimism was replaced with an unimpressed, blank expression devoid of emotion. The silence was unnerving and undeserving. Dripping with what should have been a silent and comfy night upon the dirt and stone.

Witnessing the vacated vessels of people and young children only made his disgust more apparent. 

With the feel of slight heat and raw smoke. He could only imagine…but he didn't need to. He could just tell that bodies couldn't just remain as they were. No. 

It was flames that stayed.

For a split second, he felt as if leaving the moon as it is would be the right thing. If these humans would continue to do such arrogant and ignorant things…

The value of life was above the understanding of even him, a being who lived on the moon. Above all things beyond what could be described of the stars and heaven light exceeded. 

What kind of idea could these beings below get to preponderate such a self-destructive rationale? Then have the audacity to frame it as if they were in the right all along?


He clenched his fists…

With a heave, he calmed himself. Easing his awe 2, as he had practiced during that ridiculously long seal.

"You're falling back into old habits again….They were not perfect….must be patient." 

With a sigh…his fists weren't clenched anymore. His rage mellowing, but not ceasing. His blank expression remained.

And as the fire cackled weakly, his thoughts rang stronger than they had before.

A loud vibration emanated into his ears. His eyebrow twitched. 


As sudden as it was to any survivors. A loud bang erupted. Like a miniature explosion. 

He sidestepped to it perfectly. His senses gazed at the object in its glittering glory from the explosion that rocketed it.

A metallic pellet, the size of perhaps a pinky finger, made its way towards him. 'what is this….a metal ball flying at the speed of sound?'

He pinches the bullet between his fingers, as if he was holding onto a flower, and observes it. All the energy had suddenly stopped as he felt the vibration in his finger. 

There was no chakra….no there was something….but not the same….


An odd aura coated the bullet. The aura fades after a few more seconds of his examination of it. Could this be some sort of new jutsu?

Guiding it gently in its course as he danced it back in the opposite direction, from where it stood, it moved at a much more optimal pace in his perspective.

As it causes an audible pop. The ground shook slightly as the bullet cracked.

To any onlooker, the bullet flew, then zoomed backwards towards the bandit that had shot it. For only a split second. A weird blur of the pale man accompanying it in a stagnant position.

His face stuck in a satisfied hue. Then there was an explosion and the bandit flew out from a three-story house. Sending wood and shaking the area.

The bandit fell. Colliding with the rough ground of the patted village dirt. His clothes burnt as he groaned. No longer having that weird weapon in hand. Something weird occurred to Toneri's senses. Something off and natural, too strange not to notice, at least for someone like him.

The shattered chakra shield flew off the rudity, the odd part was it was visible. The bits dispersed before slowly fading into nothing. The man groaned as he attempted to get up.

His eyebrows raised themselves as his mouth opened in shock. 

'How is this possible…'

A physical yet spiritual force that connects all things. Chakra was the essence of all living things, connecting them to each other and the world. It was an integral part of evolution, existing within every being on earth. Animals, plants, mountains, the sky, the ocean, every forest and jungle and desert, every island, spirits and summonings-It all held it in some form.

But this human didn't. And he didn't just lack the fundamentals, he had no chakra network, it didn't matter if you were a shinobi, a samurai, or a civilian. If you didn't have chakra, you weren't alive. Even humans had chakra of some kind. Spirits and summonings also held their own as well.

Yet here this anomaly was. Lacking the principles of basic chakra existence. Along with the other lifeform, thd negativity bear he encountered. 

The plants and environment still held nature chakra, so why was he an exception? 

What is going on?

"Oh shit shit shit shi-" 

The man felt a force in his hand. Instantly freezing on the spot. His hand still clutching the small device that had just shocked him.

As he mustered up the courage to look up, his blood turned to ice at the sight before him - it was more chilling than any monstrous Grimm he had ever encountered.

That same blind man he had tried to shoot. Illuminated by the faint light of the moon. His hair and skin seemed to glow in the darkness. He looked down at the still body with a blank expression on his face, his features conveying a deep sense of melancholy dullness.

For a second….he thought he was witnessing the light brother in his final moments, but the gentle nudge from the bare toes would make him think otherwise.

"You're going to tell me everything that is going on here." The pale figure's cold voice cut through the tense air, sending shivers down the captive's spine.


"Do not try to deceive me. I will find out the truth one way or the other. Now speak."

"I-i won't ever sell out my tribe!" with newfound resolve, straightening his back, he tried to position his hand to try and shoot the blind man.

The blind man's face grew dull. From his hand, a brilliant green light burst forth. It struck the gun, then it didn't. Causing it to suddenly feel lighter in his grip before shattering into pieces and falling to the ground. The bandit's surprise turned to fear as he realized he was no match for this powerful being.

"Your compliance was never really a factor anyway."

He gradually lowered himself to the bandit, closer his hand was to his head. Before he hesitated suddenly. 'How would his brain react to my chakra invading it?' 

As foul as this human was, it could backfire, resulting in a needless death in a long cycle, a preventable one, something perhaps he could relish in. But who relishes in putting down a rabid dog? Only a monster, and he wasn't like that anymore.

"....No….I guess you're lucky I'm considerate." he moved back upwards. Instead opting to quickly knock the bandit out with a kick. He could figure it out naturally.

His dull expression softened. Standing at attention for what was to come next.

"Hey, mister?" A small, innocent voice pierced through the chaos. The man turned his head down gently in the direction of the voice and was met with sparkling purple eyes. A soft smile adorned the girl's face.

"Thank you for saving us." 

He smiled back at the odd little thing that shouldn't also exist yet still did.

"It was my pleasure." he replied, returning her smile.

"So are you like some sort of go-"


A well-worn man with a droopy face rushed over, kneeling protectively beside the girl. "Why did you run towards the huntsmen?" he asked frantically.

"But Papi, you saw what he did right? We're fine!"

The man found himself unable to argue with a child. His worry and fear were evident on his face.

'Even now, while I may be going insane, of which is no surprise….they are still humans….not things…'

Toneri found himself chuckling at the sight. He noticed the old man flinch. The old man grabbed the girl's hand and attempted to run back to their hiding spot in what used to be a shop. But the determined little girl held her ground. He decided he should probably intervene.

"You should listen to your grandfather. He knows best, you understand me?"

"I know. But you're strong! And you're blind!"

"Yes, I am," Toneri confirmed with a chuckle. "And that's exactly why you need to follow your elder's advice. I would hate to see you caught in the crossfires of this conflict while so unprepared."

She pouted…but did not refute it. She suddenly had a solemn look on her face.

At that moment, Toneri found himself at a loss for what to do. He was the youngest and last surviving member of his tribe; he had no experience with children.

"Promise me this," he said softly, "you'll look after your grandpa. Then grow big and strong to make sure your family can be safe."

The girl's eyes met his-or lack thereof, understanding the weight of his words. She nodded

"Good. Now run along." he urged her gently.

She nodded again. And the grandfather, still looking astonished, gave a thankful nod before motioning for the girl to follow him back to their hiding spot.

Toneri let out a sigh, feeling a mix of emotions at the encounter with the unlikely duo. There were others like them, still alive, civilian, innocent. It only infuriated him with the site of this village.

However, he kept his calm. He came here on a mission, and this was just a part of that. But he could tell, he was starting to acknowledge a part of him he hadn't had to for a long time. This mission was more than just a job - it forced him to confront a side of himself that he had long suppressed. He had always prided himself on his control and discipline, but now he found himself grappling with his own deep-seated hatred.

But he knew just how bad it was to be at the mercy of his hatred, and to be ruined by it. It nearly got him killed at the end of it all before.

Without that all-encompassing emotion, though, what was left of his identity? Was he simply a shell of a person, hollow and empty? These were the thoughts that plagued him as he struggled to find purpose beyond his burdened vendetta.

Was this bandit lacking something, which he gained by granting the sin of violence upon others? Did he know? Did he accept this? Was he misguided?

…..If he was to be the new celestial protector? What was he to do with such thoughts?

"Toneri…." the gravelly voice echoed. He felt the same energy as his parents, his grandparents, his entire people, and even the Tenseigan.

With a hitched breath he hurled himself around.



His hand caressed his face….

'Am I sweating?'

….no…he must be imagining it….he never sweated before, or since….

He calmed himself once more. Breathing in and out. He must embrace his role and bear the weight of the heavens upon his shoulders. 

He mustn't trick himself into believing otherwise.


Raven wasn't easily shaken.

She was strong. Agile. Skilled. Perhaps exceptionally lucky. 

She held the belief and pride that strength was a lot of things, but over the years, she learned that strength isn't everything.

But information? Oh, that decided everything.

The ins and outs of the village, a pretty fountain remained with burning houses stretching across it as she sat perched on a building in the center of the village, overlooking the relatively easy scuffle for dominance.

Such as the four huntsmen who were hired to Chandra village.

Stella Una's semblance is to create a blinding burst of light that can disorient and temporarily blind her enemies. This power can also be extended to her clothing and weapons, making them shine with a brilliant intensity. It is unknown if this ability can extend to others or animals. Her weapon of choice is a pair of dual blades that have the unique capability of fusing together into a semi-automatic assault rifle, capable of firing various types of dust ammunition.

Onyx Límíng. His semblance allows him to vibrate himself or his weapons, increasing their destructive force. He can even turn an enemy's attack against them or use it to manipulate his surroundings. His preferred weapons are two blunt wooden maces that are also grenade launchers. 

Lycoris Tonga, known as the "Touch of Death", possesses the rare semblance to manipulate his own body temperature, able to reach scorching hot or freezing cold levels. He can also extend this power to others, earning him his deadly moniker. Due to his high aura level, he is often able to emerge unscathed from battles. He prefers to use a common pistol that fires lightning dust rounds.

Dawn Felt. Semblance is unknown. She wields an ax that utilizes ice dust in combat. It does not convert. But the ax can apparently change form, perhaps it has something to do with her semblance but she was relatively smart enough to avoid having it leaked. The least is known about this huntress.

Forming team SOLD, despite being relatively young, they were extremely proficient and deadly fighters.

Yet she held the pistol and one of their clubs, she couldn't get her hands on the others, but she'd have them soon enough. Not like they'd leave one of their own behind after all. It'd be a twisted sort of irony if it did occur. One can never tell with people.

Only a few minutes ago her stomach dropped, not similar to when he first spared with her father. Or when she met her.

But this wasn't exactly that. Even as she admired the handy work on these two blades, she felt the pulse of nature tingle as something seemed a bit too off for her liking.

Her instincts warned her of worse.

"Vernal…we have already gotten what we can. Tell the tribe to take what we can afford and to prepare to move out. Grimm will be here soon. If they haven't already started gathering."

Without a word, her second-in-command Vernal nodded and took out her scroll to inform everyone. The device lit up and she felt a bit more at ease. The others who heard her understood, responding with a myriad of acknowledgments to her name.

That was when the wind started picking up. 

Raven felt an ancient shift in the mood so to speak. Her power pulsing within her warningly.

The pressure dropped as the wind turned to a gust, to then a torrent. It shrouded everything. Nearby bandits went flying into walls and trees and buildings and the fountain even.

She was able to stand her ground. Albeit just barely, having to use a bit of her maiden power. No one seemed hurt-

She felt her heart-stricken in her chest. Her head motioned upwards. 

In the sky, he descended. His white kimono blazing as the fires began snuffing out, the humidity dulling to pleasantry.

She grabbed Omen with practiced ease. Ready to defend herself and her tribe.

However she could tell, this wasn't any of those ordinary huntsmen and huntresses.

The being landed on the ground in front of the fountain as water resumed flowing out from it. No shoes. The white kimono was simple, elegant, and unassuming. He moved as if he carried a weapon, however, she couldn't spot any. The man's eyes were closed. With skin so pale it genuinely made her think of a Schnee. The shaggy white hair and the heavily defined facial features. He looked younger than her.

Yet her power pulsed in her. The only time it ever did this. She couldn't tell before but now she could. 

The silence stretched between them, heavy and tense. A lone figure stood before Raven Branwen. Finally, the figure spoke with a voice that seemed to echo from the depths of a cavern.

"You're the chieftain."


"Raven Branwen."

Raven remained silent, her eyes narrowed as she studied the stranger before her. She could feel the weight of their gaze upon her, searching for any signs of weakness or hesitation.

"Do you not wish to speak?" The figure pressed on. "Are your actions causing you grief? Guilt?"

Raven's grip tightened on the hilt of her sword as she bristled at the questions. Who was this person to question her? And why did their presence fill her with such unease?

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with a hint of danger as she gripped her weapon.


"I am Toneri," came the reply smoothly, his tone confident and self-assured. "I require your assistance." His words hung in the air, heavy with mystery and intrigue.

I'm baaaack!!!!

So it's been a min, but life's been kicking my ass. Track season is up and I already got injured from the first meet. Might not be able to run for the rest of the season so yeah that was fun.

We're okay now but I still can't sprint.

Next up, school, sat’s are approaching so i've been focused on that, alongside mpa for chorus coming up its been a lot.

Not including a bunch of personal stuff, life has been really really bitchy. But it's ight. My free time is slowly coming back to me so i’ll be able to get back into writing these chapters(especially since i don't plan on making these overly long either)

I also wanted to try and convey a bit of Toneri, he is still half human and thus he wouldn't get out the dragon seal unscathed.

With that being said, I hope y'all have a blessed day. And to be safe. And don't be assholes.

Good night. Love yall!

EndoSlayercreators' thoughts