
Turning A Plan Around And Getting Angry

"Yo! Tsukune-kun!" I turned to see an annoying bastard but I put a smile on anyway as I greeted him.

"Gin-senpai," I spoke with a polite tone before apologizing about yesterday. I didn't mean it but to keep up appearances, I might as well, "About yesterday with Ichinose-senpai...sorry for getting you caught. She was pretty pissed, huh?" I laughed, much to Gin's frustration as he had a forlorn look on his face as he helplessly smiled.

"Hey, man, no worries. When she kicked me I got a better view of her panties anyway," he shamelessly smiled and I had to suppress the desire to sigh as he continued, "So, we're cool, Tsukune-kun."

...He's a real pervert, huh?

I thought this as I nodded before I replied, "Is there any particular reason you called me aside, senpai? I was just on my way to the clubroom anyway, so couldn't it wait until then?"

He put on a complicated smile as he lifted his hands as if to say 'there's nothing I can do' before he spoke, "The club members are meeting somewhere else for today, so I came to collect you. Sorry I couldn't get the message to you earlier. I asked Nekonome-sensei to tell you but she must've forgotten," he smiled and spoke sincerely.

Or rather that's what he wanted me to believe. I'd spent enough time snooping around while hunting Monsters in my past life that I could spot a lie like a flamingo among swans. Too many people tried to cover for certain monsters like Succubi and Incubi that they thought they were in love with, after all.

But right now, I wanted to know what he was up to, so I put on a thankful smile as I nodded, "Ah, okay. Lead the way then, senpai," I motioned for him to walk in front.

And with a smile, he did so.

Following him, I noticed a familiar blue-haired Succubus following us which only confirmed my suspicions - Gin was trying to lead me into a trap. But I kept quiet and made sure Kurumu didn't notice me seeing her, while I simply followed Gin.

. . .

My suspicions were 100% proven when we arrived at the place the club members were meeting at - a place behind the school and near the graveyard where Moka and I usually meet up before coming to school.

Though I knew exactly where we were as I saw the small building that was emanating sounds of giggles and laughter from within.

Of course I knew where we were as I'd looked all over the academy with Moka and remembered every place within it. Every bit of information was useful. That's what my days in my past life told me, anyway.

"Don't worry about the place," Gin said, noticing how I was looking around, "Everybody'll be comin' soon!" he said with a fake smile before he pointed to the building in front of us, "You see that little window there? Go and have a look inside of it. That's why we're here," he said with such a sickly fake face that I wanted to slap it off his head.

But I suppressed that thought and walked over to the boxes stacked next to the window.

The building? The girl's changing room. Obviously, Gin wanted to get a picture of me peeking and then use it to get Moka or Kurumu to hate me or something. He probably thought he'd be able to blackmail me away as well and keep me away from the girls.

What a childish and naive plot. I've dealt with more intelligent Zombies.

"Oh, and one more thing," Gin brought my attention back to him as I stopped and turned to him as he continued, "Moka-san is even better than I heard she would be, y'know...I really like her. She's even got me falling in love at first sight," he laughed but I didn't feel like laughing.

I felt...sour. A weird feeling that made me want to shout at Gin to tell him to keep away from Moka. The same feeling made me want to break his legs if he even tried to get near her.

I tried to tell myself that I had no right to stop him from loving who he wanted but the thought of Moka with someone else, especially someone like Gin...it stung like hell.

I wanted to grab that feeling and tear it apart with my bare hands.

Walking back over to Gin with a smile that hid what I was really feeling, I grabbed his shoulder with an vice-like grip before dragging him back over to the window with me, "Let's investigate together, Gin-senpai," I said with a calm voice. So calm that even I was unnerved a little.

"Hey, let go of me--What's with this goddamn grip?! Are you made of metal or something?!" Gin whispered harshly, trying not to shout for obvious reasons - so he didn't alert the girls in the changing room. Hearing him I just chuckled darkly as my smile stretched a little too far yet I felt that it didn't reach my eyes that were narrowed as if I were dealing with an annoyance of the highest order.

Which I was.

"Let go of you? And miss out on some male bonding with my senpai? No way," I joked but my tone was completely the opposite - it was cold and grim as I propped Gin onto the box and held him there.

He tried to struggle free but in his human form, just like most monsters, he wasn't my match and I held him in place with one hand while the other hand frisked him and quickly found his camera.

"What's inside the building, Gin-senpai?" I asked, innocently, as I clicked the camera's button and the shutter went off incessantly, "Oh my, there's half-naked girls in there? How weird, it's almost like you wanted to frame me or something. But that can't be it, can it? Gin-senpai wouldn't resort to such underhanded tactics because he can't get a girl he's lusting after, right?" I asked, my voice getting progressively more and more cold as my grip on his shoulder tightened more and more until his bones began creaking and his face paled in pain.

But I will give him this - he didn't make a noise. Probably knew his plan would backfire on him massively if he alerted the girls in the changing rooms.

"Tsukune-kun, listen, it-it was just a joke, y'know?" he weakly said, still acting and trying to disarm me so he could do something else.

At that point I had it and I threw him backward a few meters where he stopped himself almost silently. Or rather silently enough to not draw attention to himself. Huffing, he brought a hand to his shoulder and massaged it, "Wow, you really got riled up when I mentioned Moka-san. Seems to me that you think of her as more than just a friend, right?" he laughed, his pale-ish face recovering remarkably.

"Shut up, Gin," I said, dropping the 'senpai' honorific as I'd given up on acting as if I respected him even slightly, "Just, shut up. I have these photos and if you overstep any boundaries, I'll spread them all across school. Let's see how that helps you get girls," I smirked derisively, shocked at how he still thought he could beat me through words.

"What about Kurumu-chan? I hear she's a Succubus. She must be easy enough, right? I think I'll give her a shot," he chuckled, still poking and prodding at me.

I just coldly stared at him, "If you touch either Moka or Kurumu I'll break your legs in so many places you won't be walking without assistance crutches for the rest of your life, and don't think a healing factor will help you if you have one. I've had to work around one of those before and I'd say the end result was even more painful for the poor guy I did it to," I coldly threatened him with an equally cold smile and for a second he flinched but his nonchalant smile came back.

"Scary~" he mocked with a light chuckle, "I'd love to stay here and keep this dick measuring contest up but I have places to be," he said before taking in a deep breath, "Is that someone peeping in the girl's locker rooms?!" he shouted so loudly that everyone within 20 or so meters heard him loud and clear.

Then he disappeared.

"Tch...only didn't wanna continue because you'd realize you'd lose with such a pitiful dick," I retorted before hearing the girls in the changing room rushing about as if they were about to charge out. Sighing, I flexed my legs before shooting into the nearby forest and then up the tallest tree near me.

. . .

It was well past the end of school and I was still sitting on top of the same tree I'd been on for the past 15 or so minutes, when I heard someone flying toward me and as I was getting ready to run away I smelt a familiar scent.

Like strawberries and cookies...my favorite fruit and my favorite snack...did someone make personalized bait--I mean, perfume for me or something?

Turning to the origin of the noises and the smell, I saw Kurumu and smiled, "Finally. I was wondering when you'd show up," I laughed and in a feat of inhuman balance and coordination I stood on the very tip of the tree's top, "You were there earlier right? When me and Gin had that chat?" I asked with a slightly teasing light to my eye.

But upon seeing Kurumu's worried expression, I narrowed my eyes, "What? What's wrong, Kurumu?" I asked and if it weren't for the fact I was balancing on a tree, I would've rushed over to her in a worry.

"T-Tsukune, it's Moka...Gin-senpai is trying to..." she trailed off but the meaning was incredibly clear in my head.

I felt every little bit of expression drain from my face. I cursed the girls that were still searching around the forest below me - if it weren't for them I could've left but most of all, if I just hadn't cared for what they thought of me, I could've left. Even if I was labelled a peeping tom, I had the evidence to show that it was all orchestrated by Gin. I should've gone to check up on Moka as soon as he left...but how was I supposed to know that she hadn't just gone straight back to her dorm room...

Frustration at this whole situation began to build up in me before it cascaded into a whirlpool of anger and other negative emotions.

I felt and saw images and emotions pouring into my head. Of what Gin was trying to do to Moka. Of what he was going to do to Moka. Then came a burning that came from the center of my chest. Though I didn't realize it, it was coming from exactly where my new heart was placed.

But I couldn't care less. That burning...that thrumming...it was just being mixed up and confused with the absolute rage I felt flooding my body.

Without being able to stop it, I felt my body enter Adrenal Mode, my hearts beating quicker and quicker, and compared to before, they went even further. Far enough, in fact that I felt pain rack my entire body.

My veins couldn't handle the pressure. A sudden pain in my eyes told me that the blood vessels in my eyes had popped completely, probably dying my sclera blood red.

But I didn't care.

All that filled me head...was destroying Gin.

"Where?" I asked and if I were of a sound mind, I'd probably be surprised by how deep and gravely my voice sounded but again, right now I didn't care.

But Kurumu did and she looked scared as she answered, "O-on the main school building's r-roof, they're--" I didn't need to hear anymore. Every second wasted here, something could have happened to Moka. A palpable pain spread through my chest but this wasn't physical and it was only brought on by the thought of Moka being hurt.

It was maddening and I grit my teeth so hard that I felt them creaking under the pressure and my gums were beginning to bleed.

I said I would give you three chances, didn't I, Gin?

Well strike...you're fucking out. I'm gonna rip you apart if you've even misplaced a hair on her head you sleazy fucking pig.

And like that, for the first time in what felt like forever, I was mad for someone and on my way to beat up their problem. This had never happened to me before and it was not only painful to my chest and mind but also confusing.

Why was I going so far for a girl I'd barely known for a week?