
A Fight? No, It's Called A Beating

POV Change - Moka Akashiya

Looking up to Tsukune, I saw his grey eyes narrowing as he looked behind us, looking toward where a twig at just snapped. I turned to look as well and saw Saizou, a boy from our class who...well, he weirded me out whenever he looked at me with that weird gaze of his.

It wasn't like Tsukune's which didn't unsettle me at all. But I can tell that Saizou only has ulterior motives when he looks at me. Big idiot.

My earlier conversation with Tsukune must have left him a little angry because his gaze darkened as he looked at Saizou. It wasn't like yesterday when Saizou grabbed Tsukune's collar. I could tell Tsukune wasn't that bothered by it - he was just stopping something annoying from happening. Part of me tells me that he did what he did because of those weird gazes Saizou threw at me. Tsukune's my friend, so that's natural right? To protect his friends.

But right now, Tsukune looked angry. Very angry. I wondered what I'd said had put him in such a bad mood. He couldn't actually care for humans, could he? If he does, I wonder if he's ever met humans before...they're mean, most of the time.

"Don't do this here and now, Saizou. I'm really not in the fucking mood," I heard Tsukune speak and his gentle tone that I'd gotten so used to was completely gone. All that was left was a cold sharpness that put me on edge. It was like the Tsukune I knew and this one in front of me...were different people. I found myself backing away from Tsukune, feelings of fear building up against my own will.

Tsukune's my friend! He wouldn't hurt me!


I looked over Tsukune's face and body and found myself increasingly confused by his change in behavior. He felt like an unsheathed blade right now - sharp and terrifying. When usually he put up with whatever annoying little things I did, right now, I felt like he wouldn't.

What changed? I felt myself worrying as I felt like some kind of fissure was being put between me and Tsukune. I didn't want to lose my only friend.

My ears were buzzing as I watched Saizou talking, saying words I couldn't quite make out due to the buzzing, to Tsukune, before he started to get bigger, his body ripping out of his uniform and revealing that he was a Monstrel aka a hybrid of two different monsters.

But even as he began to tower over Tsukune, I felt Tsukune's body heat rising even from where I was. I could practically hear his heart--no, hearts? I could hear that his heart or hearts were beating quicker and quicker, and I could practically feel his blood pressure sky-rocketing to levels that would make most monsters pop.

Black veins across his neck and around his eyes began to come into effect, bulging and making their presence known as he began to stretch his limbs.

And then it began.

. . .

POV Change - Tsukune Aono

"Come on, get into your true form so we can fight--!" Saizou got out, his obscenely long tongue flicking around in front of him. But he didn't get to finish what he wanted to say as I charged to his side fast than he could react.

Planting my feet, I swung my hips and planted a devastating liver punch, sending a resounding crack as his ribs, even in their enhanced form, broke under the force.

Spittle came out of Saizou's widen mouth as he was forced a few steps to the right. He sent a wild haymaker, just like he did earlier this morning, and I easily ducked under it before swinging my hips and shoulders in tandem with my momentum and slamming a right straight right into his diaphragm which had him reeling backward a few meters, gasping for air.

Letting out a breath, I calmly walked toward the heavily breathing Saizou, feeling the boundless energy flowing through my body.

I was stronger now, than I was in my prime. What is going on with this world? I'm definitely still human because I don't have the scent of a monster but I'm much stronger than what is possible. Even for a Hunter. Even for a Hunter who activates their Adrenal Mode, a mode where all adrenal glands in the body release enough adrenaline to give a normal human a heart attack within the blink of an eye.

But for Hunters, it gives them a considerable boost to their already inhuman strength and speed, while also putting their reflexes into overdrive. But honestly, you could say this is what happens when we take off our limiters and finally let loose. It's not an amplification on our existing power - it's more like we're using our full-strength.*

(*A/N - Think of it as a Hunter's true form)

I didn't need to use it against someone like Saizou. I could dismantle him with a tenth of my strength. He was sloppy and lacked technique. He swung his arms around like a flailing child. But I wanted to instill fear into him and using my full-strength should do that. Plus, I do want to see what my maximum strength can do.

The two hits I just laid into him were only about 10% and they'd already winded him severely.

Deflecting a fist with the wave of my arm, I sent a quick counterattack jab at Saizou's nose, breaking it with a audible crack, "Argh!" he roared as he reared back. But I didn't stop there as I sent a kick to the side of his knee, putting him in a kneeling position.

Grabbing the back of his head and hair with two hands, I brought his face down and my knee up, so they could have some 'intimate' contact. His already broken nose was squashed even more thoroughly against the hard bone and it squirted with blood. But I didn't stop. I kept bashing my knee into his face, bringing him back up and planting a punch on his bruised face before bringing him back down to my knee.

He couldn't retaliate. He couldn't beg for mercy. The only thing he could do was fear me. The only thing he could do was kneel as I beat him senseless.




I upped the strength I used and the ground was shaking with each increase. Even just 20% was enough that I was sure Saizou wasn't even conscious anymore and was just a bloody mess.

Picking him up by the throat, I flexed my muscles and threw him at 50%.

He went so quick it was like he disappeared. The only way of knowing I threw him would be the turbulent thrashing around in his wake and the few trees he went through on his 'flight' path.

I also found something out - every percentage of strength I release is more than just a simple 1+1=2 it's more like each percentage was bountiful than the last. I wonder what I could do at 100%? I know it'll kill Saizou, that's for sure, and I don't exactly want to get kicked out of this school or get sent to the monster equivalent of prison. I wanted to learn about this society, after all, and I can't do that in a cell.

Letting out a deep breath, I slowly took control over my adrenal glands and heart rate, bringing my limiter back into place so I didn't give myself cardiac arrest. Once I'd done this, I looked to Moka and saw her looking at me with wide eyes, her lip quivering as if she were about to start crying at any minute.

Is she scared of me? Scared of what I just did?

Both of those ideas were thrown out the window as she ran and jumped at me, "Tsukune!" she practically screamed into my chest, "Are you alright?! Did he hurt you?!" she asked but I was too stunned to answer, honestly.

Leaving out the fact he didn't even touch me with a single hit, I man-handled him. I beat him to a pulp and then threw him away like a bag of trash, and yet...she's worried about me?

"I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you, Tsukune!" she sobbed into my chest, bringing me out of my though process as I realized she was crying, "Please don't stop being friends with me!" she said, practically begging in between her sobs.

Seeing her cry, I didn't know what to do so I just hugged her back awkwardly, "What are you on about, Moka? You didn't say anything that caused me to be angry. Saizou did that on his own," I said as I rubbed her back a little. Hearing me, her sobbing abruptly stopped and she looked up at me with her chin rested on my chest.

"Really...?" she asked timidly, the answer obviously clearing whatever doubt she had.

"Yeah...if we're gonna speak about it anymore, can we move away from here? I don't know if someone's gonna come and check out this place because of the noise made or not," I said and Moka nodded with a teary smile.

My body moving on it's own, I wiped away her tears and her face scrunched and blushed at the touch.

Laughing a little at her cute face, I wondered if I should tell her I was human or if I should savor what little friendship I have with her? She doesn't seem like the type of person to throw someone under the bus but at the same time, I don't know how far her dislike of humans goes. If she's something of a racist, well, then I can't possibly tell her. If that's the case, I wouldn't want to be her friend anyway.

No matter how cute or beautiful she is.

After I wiped away the tears, we walked away to a more secluded area, where I didn't need to worry about prying ears or eyes. I was going to tell her. Not out of a sentimental reason but to test her reaction.

If she overreacted and tried to tell the school...well, I'd have to sort that out the Hunter way. If she was averse to it, I'd have to try and convince her that I was nice despite being a human.

...Haah~ It's like I'm getting ready to tell a kid Santa doesn't exist or something.

"Moka," I spoke up, gaining her attention away from a bunch of bats that were sleeping upside down on a tree next to us, "What if, hypothetically and all, I told you that I was a human? How would you react?"

Hearing my question she giggled uneasily before answering, "You really like asking questions about humans, don't you, Tsukune?"

"Well, yeah," I smiled as I nodded, "Because I am one."

Moka laughed some more, thinking I was joking but after a few seconds she saw that I wasn't laughing. That I was just patiently smiling as I waited for her answer.

"No..." Moka shook her head with her eyes closed, as if this was all a bad dream, "Y-you couldn't be a human, T-Tsukune," she looked to me, her face a little more pale than it usually was. Her eyes were pleading for me to tell her it was a joke but I didn't. I just sighed and took a step toward her.

"I'm a human, Moka," I started, "But I'm also your friend, right? I don't know what those people did to you in Middle School but I won't do it to you, Moka. Hey, I know you're a vampire and I've even let you suck my blood, so you know that I've accepted what you are...so could you accept what I am?" I asked, a small amount of desperation coming through. It was partly acted out yet part of me was desperate for her to see things my way.

Part of me just...wanted to stay friends with her. Part of me like the warmth I felt when I was walking around with her, when she hugged me, when she smiled or blushed at my teasing.

This was the part of me that I'd suppressed over years of hunting monsters. The part of me that was used to the cold looks I'd get, to the general cold response I'd get. And when it was shown the most minute amount of warmth from someone like Moka? It didn't want to let that warmth go. Like a junkie with their drugs.

"But--But humans shouldn't be able to get to this school!" she yelled as she looked around, suddenly both worried and confused by something.

Taking another step forward, I spoke up, "Stop changing the subject. I don't know how I got here, but I got here, so answer what I asked, Moka: Will you still be my friend even after you've found out I'm human?" I asked before laughing a little weakly, "Because you've really grown on me, Moka, and I really like spending time with you. You make me feel different to what I'm usually like, and I like how that makes me feel," I said, sincerely, sprouting all the mushy crap I'd never be caught alive saying back in my old life.

But right now, to Moka, I felt like I could say it without being seen as an idiot. Maybe a sappy idiot but not just a plain idiot.

"In all honesty, Moka," I smiled as I looked up at the stormy sky above us, "I just really like you, even if you are a vampire and I'm a human full of blood, your food source," I chuckled before I looked down to Moka and saw her covering her mouth and nose as tears poured out of her eyes.


I froze a little, not too used to dealing with emotional women. I'd had relationships, sure, but they weren't the 'stable and healthy' kind. More like the 'one-night stand and just sex' kind.

My repertoire wasn't suited for dealing with a girl who was crying her eyes out at something I said.

"Did something I say upset you or something, Moka?" I lamely asked - Of course something I'd said had bloody upset her, you bloody idiot! - but to my question, Moka just shook her head.

"Even..." she stuttered as she sobbed a little, "Even if I'm a vampire you'll still like me and be my friend...?" she asked, to which I nodded and her tears started coming down even faster and in more volume - Look what you've done now you silly bastard, Tsukune! - and I just did what I did before and pulled her in for a hug.

When she stopped crying, audibly at least as far as I could tell, I pulled away, only to find her rosary somehow stuck behind the looser knot of my tie. As I tried to pull it out, and went to speak to her and ask if she was alright, it came off and I felt my instincts go wild as if a natural disaster was about to hit the immediate area.

"My rosary...!?" Moka got out, her red-lined eyes looking up and meeting my grey ones. She looked surprised as if it wasn't supposed to just come off like that.

Well, shit.

Sappy crap, I know but deal with it. Sappy romance will be very prevalent in this story, so get out now if you don't wanna see it. Don't expect complex romance but don't expect anything too simple. There will be a few obstacles but not anything too major.

Mr_Cryptidcreators' thoughts