
Waking up

Character profile of Ana...

Name: Ana Wasa

Age : 18 years old

Birthday: August 29

Height: 170 cm

Interests: ballet, food, sleeping in, .....

*slowly opening and closing eyes in hospital* "arghhh" *looks around* "the heck happened, what's today's date?"

*nurse runs into room* "oh my god, she's conscious!"

*Guy whose car got wrecked by Ana enters*

"Oi, you doing alright there?," he asks. "Uh, who are you?" Ana asks. "I'm Hwang Jin, and I figured you're Ms. Wasa from your drivers license."

*Ana rubs away headache* "yeah you're not wrong I'm Ms. Wasa, and I'm guessing it's not very nice to meet me in this situation." "I apologize for crashing into your car, also do you know what's going on with me right now?"

*shakes head* "they only said you're going to be unconscious for a bit because on the impact," says Jin.

*doctor enters room* "hope you're feeling better Ms. Wasa, I'm Dr. Park."

*Ana looks at clock*

"Good afternoon Dr. Park, could you tell me why I became unconscious?"

"you were probably tired before driving you got knocked out by the car crash, some test results we had while you were unconscious showed that you had malnutrition." "Besides that, we need to do a few more tests to ensure you'll be fine, and then you're all set."

"Now excuse me, I'll see you later Ms. Wasa." *Doctor leaves room*

"Oh why did it have to be this way! I had a huge rehearsal today and I'm in a hospital because of a car crash!"

"You've been unconscious for two days Ms. Wasa, it's the eighth of December today," Jin says.

*shocked Ms. Wasa pales*

"Were you able to give them my insurance info?" Ana says.

"No, I'm paying for it at the moment, don't mind it since you'll have to pay me back for the damage from the accident."

*Ana nods, dazing in overwhelming thoughts*

"Hey, don't overthink it, just get better," says Jin. *Jin is heading for the door*

"Hey, do you know where they took my phone?" *jin motions to the nightstand next to her* *Ana sees her dance bag* "oh, thank you" *Jin nods and walks out*

*placing the bag onto her lap she rummages to get her phone* "it still has 18 percent of battery," she says making a surprised face. "Let's just listen to some music..."

🎵 close your eyes take my time

let's remember this moment

remember this moment

slow it down before dawn

everything is everywhere

oh oh oh oh oh oh

every single one, yeah

oh oh oh oh oh oh

stay like this, oh yeah 🎶...

To be continued ;p

Story by: Salty Miso