
A Mobs Ascent

A Mobs Ascent is a Novel inspired by the authors pov and novel's extra. The Novel follows the journey of a mobs rise.

Trytrytrytrytry · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Rising Power

"As a reward we will be heading to the weapons vault, you may each pick a weapon you want. You can keep this weapon even after you graduate so choose wisely, it's our academies gift to you all. " said Professor Margret

10 minutes later

"You may all chose one weapon from the first, second or third levels of the vault" said Professor Margret.

The academy vault was known for having the best quality weapons. The deeper you go the stronger the weapons get. Everyone scurried off to the third floor to get the best weapons. However, I remained on the first floor as I knew there was a sword here on the first level that had potential beyond mythical class. Swords are ranked in a system starting from - common, uncommon, rare, ultra rare, legendry and mythical.

Since we only have access to the first three levels the best sword here would be rare. The sword I picked up was a sword lying in the corner of the room that was covered in cobwebs. This sword was a common ranked sword however it had an effect that made it worth it. Infinite potential, the sword wasn't just steel, the sword had been infused with void.

Void, an energy capable of annihilating anything. Void was a black, dark energy. Void wasn't inherently evil it was just extremely volatile. If awoken incorrectly the sword could destroy it's user. However the void present in the sword wasn't going to manifest until I awoke it. Picking up the sword I returned to Professor Margret.

"I have decided this use this sword" I exclaimed.

"You haven't gone to the third or second floors, I recommend you go back and pick up a different sword" said Professor Margret.

There are the two ultra rare swords of the protagonist and his rival but those have limited potential. In addition I plan to create a sword art so choosing a sword is necessary. I have made my choice and have no reason to change it.

"No, I'm fine with this sword." I said.

"Vey well than, what's your name again ?" questioned Professor Margret

"Tamashi, Tamashi Muko" I responded.

'Tamashi Muko the one with the lowest rank is also then one with the least intelligence' thought Professor Margret.

"You can leave now today was just an introductory class, classes will start from tomorrow." said Professor Margret.

Now that I have the void sword my next goal should be the golden chalice. The golden chalice was an artefact found in a cave near Voluk town. The golden chalice wasn't actually that great the true prize was the liquid inside of the golden chalice. This liquid does two things. Firstly, it grants the user access to the system, a tool used to evaluate a persons status. Secondly, it grants the user the ability to break their limit.

Limit represents a characters maximum potential. As a mob my limit is probably really low meaning after I reach my limit regardless of how much I train I will be stuck at the same strength. With this I'll be free to grow as much as possible. I went to the train station where I bought a ticket. With magic this process had become automated, meaning I didn't have to talk to anyone.

Once I arrived at the Voluk town station I picked up my luggage and entered the town. The town was a quiet countryside town. Their weren't many people but the town had a homely vibe to it. Anyway I didn't come here for sightseeing, I told myself. I ran through the town until I had arrived in front of the cave.

I entered the cave eager to find the chalice. I walked through the cave until the ground started to shake. Quickly, I ran towards the exit but it was too late, the ground collapsed and I fell down whilst clenching onto my sword. Everything went black.


tippit-tapp a-tap, hearing this sound I woke up. Water was dripping on my head. I got up and started to recall what happened. I forgot that this was how the protagonist discovered the chalice too, he also fell down from the cave. I put my sword back in it's sheath and walked forward through the hallway in front of me.

Half an hour passed, then an hour, an hour turned to two hours and two hours turned to four hours. I was thirsty my throat was parched, I started to regret not taking some of the dripping water in a bottle. Finally, I saw the chalice without hesitation, I gulped down the liquid present in the chalice.

"Status" I said. A blue window with white text popped up in front of me, it read

Tamashi Muko :

Age - 15

Skills -

Swordsmanship (G)

Endurance (F)

Infinite potential (?)

Endurance, I guess I unlocked it after walking this long. I looked down at my sword and thought status.

Void sword :

Current rank - Common

Potential rank - ?

'Now then how do I get out of here ?' I tried to recall until I remembered the power of the goblet. The goblet was an artefact that would allow the user to teleport anywhere they had previously been to once before breaking. I held the goblet in my hands and said "Teleport to Tain academy, male students dormitory, room number seven." in a flash I was back at my dorm. I instantly fell on my bed and slept until tomorrow.

That's it for chapter 2 folks, hope you liked it.