
a mistake from the past

Adnan lived an ordinary life in a mountain village. He attended school in the morning and assisted his father and brothers in their shop in the evening. He had a younger sister named Khadija. At age 13, he migrated to the city with his uncle to pursue his preparatory studies, which were unavailable in his hometown. On weekends, he returned to visit his family. However, a significant event took place one day, changing the course of his life.

nolugo_san · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Cave Keeper “Lalb” 

After talking with his grandfather he went to the mountain and as soon as he reached the bottom of the mountain, for he expected his father to fall somewhere, but he saw a dark cave, and when he looked closely he saw that it had fallen down steps, the first he steps in. That was the first footstep I heard. The sound of a strong wind, then a huge boulder closed the cave and Adan dove into it. Adan then decided to go down the stairs hoping to find his father and then find the position he had fallen into. The weather turned cold and cold as he descended. In a general sense, this is a normal situation because we are on the 11th day in the depths of autumn, but this cold is too much. They've started. The situation was about to get worse, suddenly a strong wind coming down pushed him so hard that he threw up the stairs and nearly fell off it for not holding his breath going, until he began to hear a voice which is calling him. Who is there to be? Who is bothering us? Go outside . Adan trembled with fear. This was not a human voice. It was very chaotic and scary, apart from the one sitting here in this dark place. I'm going to go. leave. This place is not suitable for humans. "Buildings" Gathering Courage : I catch... Who... Who is there, by the way? The strange voice continued: You're stuck and what brought you here in the first place? So, you're stuck like me. Come down and help me, I promise to get you out of this place. "House": I came here to look for my father who disappeared two days ago. Also, if you sleep here like me, how can you help me?

Strange Voice: Just continue your descent, and if you find me, I'll help you find your father too. I've been here for years and I just need someone to take me out.

"Buildings": Okay, this weird voice.

Weird Voice: Call me "Lalb".

Adnan walked downstairs, drops of sweat dripping from his head in fear . As he set foot on the level ground Lalb shouted loudly 'Here you are' Stop, listen to me. Read what I am about to say immediately

Adnan was surprised: H..H..okay

 Ola read a few odd words, and then Adnan saw something big standing next to him. He didn't specify what it was from the fog, and here he said "redb".

"Lalb": You can't see me because of the darkness. You humen are in desperate need of light, so we are going down to fulfill your wishe. What's your full name, by the way?

"Adnan": i'm Adnan ******.

Then Lalab became silent and said, "I am sorry, I cannot bring your father back to you. You must also leave this place before they know that you have come."

"adnan": Before they knew... who were they? And who are you with?

Suddenly Adan felt something carrying him, until he stopped, and then a bit of light began to enter the area, and here it appeared…

"Lalb" - do you see these people? I have a responsibility to protect them, so I'm.

 The Cave Keeper "Lalab".

to be continued...