
A Million Above The Sky: Eternal Love

A million years ago. In the sky world, there is someone who has a superpower. His name is Chen Liao Xuan, the Crown Prince of the Sky World. Supposedly, He becomes the next ruler of the Sky World, but Fox Stealth started the war. As the leader, He needs to defend his constitutional save his nation. In the end, He manages to defeat Fox Stealth. As the crown prince of the sky world, He goes to the Earth rather than do his job as the next ruler. Chen Liao explorer the human world when he stumbles into a beautiful human creature called Liu Angier. He falls in love with Liu Angier after several encounters during his time on Earth. He decides to marry Liu Angier. His Royal Father is furious and instructs Chen Liao to come back to the Sky World and leaves his wife alone. Liu Angier is angry with her husband that abandons her alone. She hates him without knowing her difficulties. Something happens during the time of Chen Liao's absence, and it makes her life change. It makes her in the crossroad between hate and love to her husband. Can fate bring them together? Can Chen Liao save Liu Angier's life? Can Chen Liao find out his wife under Liu Angier disguises as Man to save her life?

PrincesAuntum · ファンタジー
155 Chs

Chapter -17-

Two nights Liu Angier knelt in front of the shrine gate. She didn't even move from where she was kneeling. Her lips were dry, and her face was pale. She almost lost consciousness. On the Yongheng hill, the weather is volatile. A moment the torrential rain and the storm, the moment the sky is clear, and the snowfalls. Liu Angier felt it all.

One of the students of the great teacher opened the gate. It has been two days since the gate was tightly closed. The weather was clear. So he wanted to invite his friends to clean the outside of the shrine. And how shocked he was to see a figure, who two days ago knelt in front of the temple gate. It turned out that the figure was still there in a pathetic condition.

One of the students panicked. When the figure kneeling in front of the gate collapsed on the ground. The disciple immediately ran into the shrine. Then he shouted for his friends and teacher.

"Great Master Zhang! Great Master Zhang!" call him many times.

The real name of the great teacher is Zhang Min Chu. However, to the human race, he is called the great teacher of Gong.

Not long after, his other friends left. They panicked at the screams from his friend.

"Oi, Yi Nan, what are you saying? Why do you call the Great Master so loudly and countless times? Don't you know that is presumptuous?" scolds one of his friends.

Meanwhile, Zhang Min Chu walk arrogantly. Descending the stairs then he looked at his disciples, who looked worried.

"Don't you know, if the morning is not good to shout, especially calling someone's name repeatedly," said Zhang Min Chu.

"Forgive me, Great Master Zhang. I want to say, if outside the figure who kneeled for two days was still there, and now that figure is lying helplessly. It seems that figure can no longer hold on! What should we do, Great Teacher Zhang? "

Zhang Min Chu was silent. Then he walked towards the gate. Zhang Min Chu see s the figure wearing the healer clothes lying there, in a very pathetic condition. Her face was pale, and her lips were dry and bleeding, and her nails were bleeding. The nails were injured when she attempted to climb the Yongheng hill.

"Great Master Zheng, what should we do? Shouldn't we bring the figure in and treat the people first?" asked Lu Yi Nan. He was most anxious to see that figure because he could not bear to see it.

"Should we take the people inside, Great Teacher Zhang?"

"No, I'll take the people inside," answered Zhang Min Chu. He immediately raised his hands, and a big bubble seemed to envelop the figure's body. Then, the figure floated in the bubble started walking inside the shrine. Zhang Min Chu walked in, his students followed in his footsteps. Until in a room, the figure was lying there. Zhang Min Chu glanced at his disciples, who were now behind him. "Go clean the shrine and cook. This figure I'll treat it with myself" ordered Zhang Min Chu.

"Very well, Great Teacher Zhang!"

The students left immediately. Zhang Min Chu looked at the figure lying on the bed for a moment. Then he took the human's hand and confirmed how his pulse was. After he confirmed that the human was alright, he immediately touched the human's back. Zhang Min Chu channeled his inner strength until the figure's temperature is now warm.

After he made sure everything was fine. Zhang Min Chu finally got up from his seat. He walked out of the room and disappeared.


Lu Yi Nan put a bowl of porridge on the table. He examined the person who still closed her eyes. If Lu Yi Nan looks around, the person wearing the healer clothes looks beautiful. The person was too pretty, even if the person were a boy. Lu Yi Nan was somewhat envious, and he felt that something was more beautiful than him. Even though all this time, he was always proud of his handsome face that looked beautiful.

"What are you doing, Yi Nan? Didn't Great Teacher Zhang warn us not to get close to that human? Why are you so curious about that human?" asked Tan Ye Xia.

"Forgive me, Brother Tan. I'm just curious about this person. How could this person be in Yongheng hill? Does not great Teacher Zhang says this hill can see by saints? People descended from the Gods and Goddesses of the sky. Are the people one of us? But aren't we only ten students? I don't know if an eleventh student came here. "

In millions of years ago, Great Teacher Zhang Min Chu only accepted ten disciples. Because of each birth, the gods and goddesses send down their ten holy offspring. No more. That was what confused Lu Yi Nan.

We can't see what's going on. Again, we also don't know whether this person is the eleventh disciple of Great Teacher Zhang. All decisions are in the hands of Great Teacher Zhang. After all, this fellow hasn't passed the two core tests. The person will have to get through if this person is to become Great Teacher Zhang's eleventh disciple,"

"What Brother Tan said is true. We still don't know whether the person is a holy human or not. It could be that the person came here by chance. So, let's wait for Great Teacher Zhang's decision," said Lu Yi Nan.

After that, Liu Angier opened her eyes. Lu Yi Nan and Tan Ye Xia looked at Liu Angier seriously.

"Human, are you okay? Are you aware?" asked Lu Yi Nan.

His face looked red when Liu Angier looked at it without blinking. Then, Lu Yi Nan chose to keep his face away from Liu Angier. It was strange. Why did he feel nervous about being seen by Liu Angier?

"Where am I, Sir? Has Great Teacher Gong accepted me as one of his disciples? Has Great Teacher Gong been kind enough to allow me to study martial arts and medicine here?" asked Liu Angier seriously.