
A Megalomaniac's Cowardly Demon

I have decided to come back to continue this but will be unable to focus on it as much for now as it remains as a hobby. A boy who craves power summons a cowardly demon who fears hell and wants to hide within him. An unknown entity that lurks within the boy's soul awakened by a rude guest. A journey across dimensions in order to live life to the fullest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1 of the story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm writing this for fun right now and may start a pat.reon later In order to motivate myself to work more, but for now, my main focus will be on my life. If you are okay with an unstable update rate, feel free to follow this as I make more chapters. The current schedule is fairly chaotic because of issues in my life. I am getting everything sorted, but it will take a while. If this ever becomes somewhat popular, I will write more often. The first few chapters will have a good bit of info-dumping because I don't really know any other way to introduce this story yet, so I hope that it does fit their characters. The discord server: https://discord.gg/jGQ8WKnutF This has also been posted on RoyalRoad by me if you would rather read it there: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/51831/a-megalomaniacs-cowardly-demon

The_Authors_Void · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The test

Xanther saw the gates of the city's stone walls. They were covered in odd runes that seemed to forcefully calm the flow of energy within the city. As he got closer, he saw two guards on the sides of the gate. They seemed to be inspecting everyone who was trying to come into the city and taking the toll for entry.

The guards had an initially surprised look on their faces but quickly returned to normal. One guard then left his post to approach Xanther.

He was wearing a set of full plate armor unlike the other guard, who wore a set of robes.

"Hello there, what seems to be the purpose of your visit today?"

[Say that you're here to have your talents assessed for the clan recruitment.]

"I'm here to have my talents assessed for the clan recruitment."

"Ah? Then we can give you one of these temporary entry passes. Do you know the rules regarding these recruitments?"

"I don't, could you explain them to me?"

"You'll be allowed to stay within Laxun's walls for however long the recruitment lasts and be given a dorm to stay in if it takes too long, but if you do not pass, you will be escorted back out. If you do pass, you will become a resident here and will not have to pay the toll the next time you're here. Very obviously, don't commit any crimes in here or else you will be escorted out. If you do not know what counts as a crime, either buy a lawbook or use your own judgment and don't do anything bad."

"So I just need to not commit crimes? That's fine."

"Glad to hear it. I'll need your name and your place of origin to put on your pass."

[You're from Sert village.]

"My name is Xanther and I'm from Sert village."

"The one that was just torn down from beasts? No wonder you look so dirty. Were there any survivors?"

Xanther looked down and tried to act sad.

"There weren't any as far as I know. I think I'm all that's left."

"Don't look so down boy, you seem to have a lot of talent. Just make sure that you live a good life to honor their sacrifice."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks."

He was handed a card by the guard along with a pouch with 10 copper coins.

"Take these and do your best to show them what you have to offer, you'll do well."

He did his best to look like he was on the verge of tears.

"Thank you."

He began walking inside and felt like he had passed through a bubble. The guard shouted that the card would help guide me to the testing area as he quickly walked inside with a smile on his face.

The inside looked like it was filled with old English architecture with the larger residential houses looking like they were built to have training spaces as a focus.

The card began showing arrows on the back to lead him to the venue. When he arrived, it seemed to be placed significantly far away from any other buildings. There was a circle of tents on a large empty area and a set of small dorms to the left.

As he entered the circle, he saw a desk with a sign that said registration floating above it. A lady was sitting behind it and was messing with a wand in her hand. She widened her eyes when she first saw him before a quill and paper began floating in front of her.

"Hi there, how may I help you?"

"I'd like to get assessed for the recruitment if it was still possible."

She seemed like he would almost jump out of joy once he had said that

"Sure, sure. I just need your name."

"It's Xanther."

The quill began jotting it down along with some extra notes that he couldn't read.

"Your assessment should start in an hour, if you'd like, you can wait in one of our tents."

The people who were standing at the side gave her a scowl as soon as she said that.

"Uh, sure. That would be nice. Thanks."

"Wonderful, It's right this way. We'll send someone to fetch you once it begins."

Once he was led to the tent he sat down and took a deep breath.

[Got some questions?]

"Yes, I'm assuming that you already know what I'll ask?"

[Your body is causing all of the energies around you to always try to flow into you unsuccessfully, but you also have a body that has been strengthened enough to most likely survive awakening to it. You're someone who has what they call Gluttony's curse and you'd be the only known case to have a good chance at awakening. Anyone who realizes this is trying to suck up to you to gain benefits when you're strong.]

"And about the language?"

[One-time thing, I don't want to wait for you to learn the common language and then wait for the next recruitment.]

"And how will this assessment work?"

[Trying to cheat your way to a pass? They'll have you place both hands on a plate and project your affinities in the air. I'll rig it to favor Vigor for you.]

"Alright. I think I need some silence for now."


Xanther sat and thought about what his life was and what it should be. He had lived a reclusive life where he had trained his body and mind for all his life. Now that he had the freedom to live how he wanted, how should he live?

It didn't take long for the hour to pass and a man lead him to a stage. An old lady was giving a speech on what was going to happen as more people flowed in. Some of the people coming in gave Xanther a glare once they saw him.

"All of you are here to show us your talents and possibly join one of the clans present here today. You must make sure to not take this lightly and prepare yourselves mentally both for the test and for the outcome. Many of you will fail and some may even fail because they are not ready despite having enough talent. Your mind's discipline and integrity will be shown to us along with your talents. That will be the true decider of who can and cannot join the generous clans here today.

Clapping started from somewhere in the crowd and spread quickly until the whole crowd joined in. The old lady raised her hand and the clapping stopped.

Two others came up on the stage and began calling out the names of the people present to be tested. Most failed with only sparks of color being shown around them. A few had fist-sized orbs of color appear, but couldn't maintain them. Only three had a single stable orb roughly the size of their own head appear. Those three were seated at the side of the stage in a specific area for the rare talents.

The crowd always seemed so amazed at the appearance of someone who passed. They released gasps of amazement and gave envious looks to the three people standing at the side of the stage.

Eventually, the name "Xanther" was called.

I decided to write another chapter today to make sure that I don't lose track of the thought in my mind

The_Authors_Voidcreators' thoughts