
A Match Made In Mayhem

" She liked him but never dreamt of him , He disliked her and never dreamt of her. However, for some reason fate brought them together." • • Rosalina Navarro is an enthusiastic , charming young lady, and a successful wedding planner. Known for creating magical moments for couples on their special day. Jose Long, on the other hand, is the son of a successful businessman . He's arrogant, condescending, making it difficult for anyone to warm up to him. However, underneath his tough exterior, he is hiding dreadful secrets . Though Rosalina and Jose had crossed paths before, their initial encounter had been quite unfortunate. They were meant to cross paths again, but fate had a way of playing crazy games, and it decided to intervene, changing their lives in unexpected ways . When Rosalina and Jose finally crossed paths once more, their worlds collided in a whirlwind of chaos, messiness, and undeniable chemistry. Sparks fly as they engage in constant banter trying to one-up eachother. Rosalina finds herself both infuriated by Jose's presence and strangely drawn to him, while He derived pleasure from seeing her squirm . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Rosalina and Jose navigate the unpredictable twist and turns of their relationship. Will Rosalina and Jose be able to put aside their differences and find common ground? Or will their chaotic relationship lead to even more mayhem? [ I won't be updating this novel everyday, just three 3×A week.]

Kuchi_G_ · 都市
12 Chs

Premature death.

Fire, screams, and pain...

Ms. Anna stared at the burning building in front of her, watching as it collapsed bit by bit. Her hands clenched together as she hoped and prayed for everyone's safety. She was shaking slightly from head to toe with fear. Her hands trembled uncontrollably.

"Rosalina… please… be safe," she whispered under her breath as she watched the fire consume the building completely.

The firefighters she had contacted earlier had arrived and were attempting to put out the fire. They had begun evacuating all those within.

She closed her eyes as the fire reached a new level of strength and grew ever more violent. The last two children remaining were brought out of the building by one of the firefighters.

Anna approached the man and inquired, "What about Rosalina?! She's still in there! Please save her!!!" She cried tearfully, begging him to hurry.

His expression showed that he didn't have any choice but to obey.

After looking up at her, he answered quietly, "We're doing everything we can to stop the blaze. It's only a matter of time until all those trapped are dead…." He paused.

"…but I will try to find her," he whispered before he rushed away quickly, leaving her alone and scared.

'Rosalina…' She thought sadly. Her thoughts returned back to the scene in front of her, and she remembered when she began caring for the children in this orphanage. Ms. Rosalina was young back then; she looked so peaceful and happy when she smiled at her. It broke her heart to see how much that girl had suffered over the years.

Within the blazing inferno, the firefighter who had spoken earlier scoured every nook and cranny, desperately searching for any sign of Rosalina. Despite his efforts, he found no trace of anyone else in the building.

However, on the floor, there was an area obstructed by debris and rubble that seemed impossible to clear. Determined to find Rosalina, he realized he needed assistance in moving the obstacles. With a sense of urgency, he called out for help from the firefighters outside, who were tirelessly battling the growing number of fires engulfing the structure.

As he awaited a response, a minute felt like an eternity.

Finally, he shouted with all his might, "Is anyone down there? Ms. Rosalina, I'm here to rescue you."

Silence greeted his words, amplifying the tension in the air. Undeterred, he continued to move debris, his voice echoing through the chaos, desperately seeking a reply.

Exhausted, he paused, having cleared a substantial portion of the room that was cluttered with shattered furniture and twisted metal beams. The weight of the situation pressed upon him, and he took a deep, labored breath, struggling to inhale amidst the suffocating smoke. Flames danced around him, casting an eerie glow as he scanned the wreckage for any sign of life.

Then, a faint cough pierced through the crackling flames. His head snapped towards the sound, and his eyes locked onto another figure lying amidst the destruction. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted towards the figure with all his might, collapsing to his knees beside them.

"Ms. Rosalina!" he cried out, a wave of relief washing over him as he confirmed it was indeed her and not a lifeless body. She appeared semi-conscious, gasping for breath with visible cuts and burns marring her body.

As Rosalina's eyes locked onto the unfolding scene, a profound sense of déjà vu washed over her.

"Even in my second life, I couldn't change my fate," she lamented silently. "No matter what I do... my life remains unchanged."

'How cruel...t....'

Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the dust and grime that covered her cheeks. She desperately tried to move, but the weight of the broken wood pinned her down, trapping her in a suffocating embrace. The debris pressed against her body, crushing her with an unbearable heaviness. Each breath was a struggle, as if she were being stabbed by countless tiny knives, her head throbbing with intense pain.

Her eyes grew heavy, her vision blurred, and her body surrendered to the weight of the collapsed ceiling and debris. Darkness encroached upon her mind, waves of dizziness overwhelmed her senses, and she could no longer fight the inevitable. Her eyes drifted shut, and she surrendered to the embrace of the darkness.

Suddenly, another firefighter rushed in, his determined gaze scanning the wreckage. Together, they worked tirelessly to free Ms. Rosalina from the entangled mess. With great effort, they managed to lift the heavy rubble off her legs, their muscles straining against the weight. Finally, they carried her fragile form out of the crumbling building, their steps filled with urgency and purpose.

Anna, a witness to the harrowing scene, approached the firefighter with a mixture of anxiety and concern etched on her face.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, "Is... is she alright?"

The firefighter met her gaze, his expression solemn as he said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't save her in time."

Anna's eyes widened as she stared at the firefighter, shock and disbelief evident on her face as tears streamed down her face.


The atmosphere in the car was thick with tension and uneasiness as the chauffeur sat back on the plush seat of the luxurious black car with his hands clasped firmly around the steering wheel, eyes forward. Jose relaxed slightly into the leather upholstery of the passenger seat, as his fingers drummed rhythmically on his legs, an obvious sign that he was impatient with the ride to their destination. He removed the silver mask from his face and let it fall into his lap as he leaned out slightly to get a better view of his surroundings. His black hair fell over his face, and he pushed it aside, not bothering to fix it or put the mask back on. The chauffeur looked at him through the rearview mirror and shook his head.

"Michael, don't look at me like that," Jose said quietly and without any particular emotion. Michael sighed and shook his head. "Your father asked me to take you back to the mansion," he said.

"I'm not going. I have my own house, which I bought with my own money," Jose argued, folding his arms across his chest defensively and sitting back against the seat again.

"Your father doesn't know that," Michael answered shortly. Jose rolled his eyes and slumped down further into the expensive chair.

"I'm not going," he mumbled, looking away and glaring at the passing scenery. Michael could sense how unhappy his master was, so he drove in silence.

Michael recalled what Jose's father's words: 'If you're unable to make him come back home, then kill him and yourself.'

A chill went down his spine at the thought. Michael couldn't do it... He couldn't kill Jose. But he also couldn't disobey Jose's father. 'Why would a father request for his son to be killed?' Michael pondered, staring straight ahead.

His gaze shifted to the rearview mirror, watching the dark-haired man closely.

'I had rather kill myself than kill, young master,' Michael thought to himself. A subtle grin appeared on Michael's face, but before he could refocus on the road ahead, their car collided with another vehicle, releasing a jolt that reverberated through their bodies. The impact sent their car careening out of control, crashing into a pole and careening off the side of the street.

Michael wrestled desperately with the unresponsive steering wheel as the car spun in dizzying circles until it finally hurled him into a nearby tree. In that instant, darkness enveloped him, obscuring his consciousness.

As Michael regained awareness, he found himself sprawled on the ground, a disarray of blood and dirt staining his body. Attempting to move, his limbs betrayed him, responding weakly or not at all. Nausea and dizziness plagued him, blurring his surroundings as he struggled to rise, only to discover his legs devoid of strength. The hazy recollection of losing consciousness lingered in his mind as he turned his gaze towards Jose.

With widened eyes and a mouth agape, Jose lay unconscious, a pool of blood expanding beneath him on the pavement. Michael's breath caught in his throat, tears welling up as he locked eyes with his companion.

"No... this cannot be real," he choked out, his trembling hand reaching out to touch Jose, his touch revealing the absence of any faint pulse. Confirmation washed over him, and a deluge of sorrow overcame Michael. He wept profusely, clutching his fallen comrade tightly to his chest, unwilling to let go.

Immediately, sirens could be heard, sirens that sounded like they were coming from miles away. Then, the car headlights flickered on, and police lights followed closely behind. Soon, Michael began to lose consciousness as the paramedics ran over to him. They helped the two men out of the wrecked car and carried them over to the ambulance. Michael passed out before they made it even halfway to the ambulance.