
A Match Made In Mayhem

" She liked him but never dreamt of him , He disliked her and never dreamt of her. However, for some reason fate brought them together." • • Rosalina Navarro is an enthusiastic , charming young lady, and a successful wedding planner. Known for creating magical moments for couples on their special day. Jose Long, on the other hand, is the son of a successful businessman . He's arrogant, condescending, making it difficult for anyone to warm up to him. However, underneath his tough exterior, he is hiding dreadful secrets . Though Rosalina and Jose had crossed paths before, their initial encounter had been quite unfortunate. They were meant to cross paths again, but fate had a way of playing crazy games, and it decided to intervene, changing their lives in unexpected ways . When Rosalina and Jose finally crossed paths once more, their worlds collided in a whirlwind of chaos, messiness, and undeniable chemistry. Sparks fly as they engage in constant banter trying to one-up eachother. Rosalina finds herself both infuriated by Jose's presence and strangely drawn to him, while He derived pleasure from seeing her squirm . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Rosalina and Jose navigate the unpredictable twist and turns of their relationship. Will Rosalina and Jose be able to put aside their differences and find common ground? Or will their chaotic relationship lead to even more mayhem? [ I won't be updating this novel everyday, just three 3×A week.]

Kuchi_G_ · 都市
12 Chs

Desires That Can't Be Control

Their tongues brushed against each other, igniting a fiery desire within Jose. He yearned to guide her to the bed, to explore her beneath his trembling hands. His heart raced in his chest, an echoing rhythm of desire. She was so near, her presence enveloping him in an overwhelming sensation. All he wanted was to draw her closer, to have her beneath him. This level of arousal was foreign to him, the insatiable need to make her his was consuming him.

His hands moved from her waist to her hips. Fingertips danced over the side zipper of her dress, inching lower with a featherlight touch. He was on the verge of revealing more, just as the doorknob on the restroom door suddenly jiggled. Jose swiftly and gently pushed Rosalina away from his embrace.

"Why is the door locked?" a man's voice echoed from outside.

With a frustrated sigh, Jose cast a wary glance at the door. He refused to be caught with Rosalina in such a compromising situation. The doorknob rattled even more aggressively, the voice grew more insistent.

"Open up! Open the damn door!" the man growled, his words laced with irritation as he banged on the door.

Jose quickly retrieved and donned his mask, obscuring his identity once more as the voice from outside grew increasingly agitated.

"Who the hell is in here?! Open the damn door, or I will break it down!" The same voice thundered through the door, its owner clearly irritated. Rosalina began to speak, but Jose urgently covered her mouth with his hand. Her quizzical gaze met his, seeking an explanation for the sudden silence that had befallen her.

With a furtive look back at Rosalina, Jose whispered, "Please, just stay quiet, or we'll both end up in serious trouble."

As he cautioned her, the doorknob clicked, and the intruder outside attempted to force their way inside. Panic surged through Jose's mind as he realized they were running out of time. Thinking on his feet, he firmly grasped Rosalina's hand and led her towards the last cubicle. With swift movements, he swung open the door and ushered her inside, following closely behind.

The restroom's main door burst open with a deafening bang, causing Jose to wince. He swiftly closed and locked the cubicle door behind them, turning to face Rosalina, who raised her eyebrows in curiosity, her gaze reflecting a mix of surprise and inquisitiveness.

"Oh, shit, you broke the door," another voice which belonged to the friend of the man, chimed in from outside.

The man who had been so vocally angry moments ago spoke once more, his tone still filled with irritation. "Seriously, was no one in here before? "

"Maybe the door was jammed, and now you've completely destroyed it," his friend mumbled under his breath, evidently irritated with the man's actions. The man cursed under his breath and ignored his friends remark as he entered the first cubicle.

"Anyways, be quick; we have places to be," insisted the man's friend, lingering near the restroom's entrance.

Recognizing the need for haste, Jose hurriedly navigated to one of the toilet cubicles, his movements efficient yet discreet. He quietly lowered himself onto the toilet seat and deftly seated Rosalina on his lap. As she settled comfortably, he encircled her waist with his arm, her legs wrapped around his own, creating an intimate closeness between them.

In the hushed ambiance of the cubicle, Jose pressed a gentle index finger to his lips. Rosalina, understanding the need for silence, mimicked his gesture, vigorously nodding her head in agreement. Her arms embraced his neck, drawing her nearer to him.

As they sat in the confined space, the proximity ignited a growing desire within Jose. His mind raced with thoughts, the anticipation in the air palpable. He couldn't help but be mystified by what it was about Rosalina that provoked such a profound response in him. As he felt his body reacting to her presence, a stream of thoughts raced through his mind. Was this moment truly necessary?

Locked in an unspoken exchange, their eyes locked. In the profound quietude of the restroom, they shared a fleeting moment of connection, their hearts pounding in unison.

Relief washed over Jose as the voices of the intruders continued from outside the stall. The tension slowly dissipated, and he could finally process the whirlwind of events from the past few moments. Finding Rosalina in these circumstances had been unexpected, and the intimate proximity even more so. However, there was an inexplicable sense of rightness to it all.

He remained acutely aware of Rosalina, her presence pressed against him. Her sweet scent filled his nostrils, and her warm, soft body against his evoked a heady mix of emotions. Jose took a deep breath, exhaling slowly in an effort to regain his composure, struggling not to be carried away by the intense feelings that coursed through him.

"Control yourself, Jose," he admonished himself silently. Rising to his feet, Rosalina still clung to him.

"Hey, Rosalina, could you please get off me?" Jose spoke softly, his voice a gentle request. Yet, she remained unresponsive, her face buried deeper into the crook of his neck, her hold on him unwavering as if her very existence depended on it.

A sigh escaped Jose's lips, his attempts to disentangle her met with obstinate resistance. "Rosalina," he tried again, a tad louder, in the hopes that she would hear him. Nevertheless, her grip only tightened.

"Rosalina, please let go of me now," he implored once more, his tone earnest. As he waited for a response, he noticed her head slumped onto his shoulder. Her long eyelashes fluttered lightly, the rhythmic motion of her breath against his neck evoking a tingling sensation he couldn't deny.

' It seems she has fallen asleep, ' He thought.

Without further hesitation, he reached into his pocket, extracted his phone, and dialed his driver, Michael's number. After two rings, Michael answered, "Hello? Is everything alright?"

"Michael, I have a slight problem and need your help," Jose admitted with an undertone of urgency in his voice. Michael sighed and inquired, "Where are you?"

Jose disclosed his location and told him the situation, and a momentary silence followed before Michael affirmed, "Okay, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Michael," Jose expressed his gratitude before ending the call, a faint smile gracing his lips.

A few minutes later, the restroom door swung open, and Michael entered, carrying a thick blanket in his hand. He assisted Jose in gently moving Rosalina away from his body, then carefully enveloped her in the warm blanket, ensuring she was secure in his hold to prevent any potential falls.

"I'll take her to the car first," Michael volunteered as Rosalina stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open. Jose nodded in agreement and observed as Michael expertly guided her out of the restroom.

Jose retrieved his phone once more, powered it on, and checked the time, which displayed 11:43 pm. His eyes widened in realization as he thought, 'When did time move so swiftly?'

"Shit, I have to leave immediately, before it happens," he muttered under his breath, a sense of urgency creeping over him. Jose swiftly exited the restroom, taking care not to draw attention, and made his way out of the hotel. Fortunately, most of the guests had already departed.

Approaching his car, he opened the door and slid into the passenger seat at the front. He glanced at Michael, who started the engine and smoothly pulled away from the curb.