
A Man And His Plant

Dalton is just your average dude living through Covid-19. Bored. Lonely. That is until one day, he starts taking care of a strange plant. After saving his life from two armed robbers, Dalton begins to think his friend may have been onto something when she said this plant could be amazing...

DaoistiCa2tV · SF
1 Chs


Helena said 'here, have this plant. Grow it. Love it. Nurture it. It'll be fun', she said. Sometimes I hate it that for out of the two of us, with I actually having a degree, and her the dropout stoner girl, that she is always right. Well I guess the ship of friends with her has sailed. Yeah, it definitely wasn't about the comment about Woodstock 99. Pft. She wanted me to name it. What possible reason could a person have for naming something that doesn't… that doesn't… what in the hell…? Dalton becomes mesmerized with the plant as it's now much thicker and healthier looking stalk opens up a hole and sprays out a strange orange, slimy fluid. Dalton begins to panic that he killed the poor thing, and that he failed at keeping a plant alive, but as soon as the orange fluid hits his skin he calms down, and sits back down to stare at the lovely, very cute, super friendly plant pal. Dalton's lids grew slightly heavy, and he rested his head in his hands, holding it up to look at the majesty of the strange and amazing plant. He reaches out absentmindedly to touch the stalk and it twitches a bit to the touch, and the hole closes once more. I must be imagining things. Donnie keeps selling me bad weed. He's gonna get a piece of my mi… "You. You, the plant. I know you probably can't hear me, but I've been doing the bare minimum to keep you alive. I'd like to say it's because I'm too busy with my life. But since all the shi-skittles happened I Haven't been able to stay out of bed too long. I just wanted to apologize for giving you skittles for sun. You seem like a legit dude. I mean, on the bright side I'm getting caught up on One Piece. God that anime is way too long. But I just learned the One Piece is real, so ya know, gotta do it. You wanna watch it with me sometime?" The plant seems to slightly undulate. "Woah. I might be high, but I don't remember smok… I swear you just answered me. How did a plan… You're gonna love One Piece. I know it's proper etiquette to start a show over when you're watching it with someone else who hasn't seen it, but if I do that for every, amazing, remarkable, incredible little rascal like you I'd never finish it. So…" Dalton breathes in as a slight orange haze surrounds the plant. Dalton doesn't even notice as all his stresses and worries fade away to be thought of later. "You got a name, little dude?" Nothing from the plant. Dalton almost is disappointed, but the sheer friendly aura of the plant tells Dalton that the plant was listening and acknowledged his words. It just can't reply, on account of it being a plant. "I think I'm gonna call you… Henry, no, NO- Charles. Yes. From this day forth, you shall be known as Charles Plantington I, but you like to be humble and call yourself Chuck the Plant, don't you? The first in a long line of weird little green guys, existing only to vibe and let vibe…" Dalton picks the pot up and hugs it, tearing up a bit, getting emotional, perhaps from the strange orange substance. "Listen Chuck. I'm sorry I haven't been a good caretaker. To be honest, I thought personal gardening for sheer aesthetic was stupid and a waste of time. But there's something about you Chuck. I feel like you understand me. Like I've known you forever. I feel like you and me are gonna be friends for a long time…" With that, Dalton passed out.