
[54.3] Drudging up Old Wounds

I ignored the Headmaster and turned to Chief Gonza, "So why did you want to borrow Caldwell for this plan of yours?"

"Ah! Well, it doesn't have to be Caldwell per se. I just needed a familiar animal to go somewhere that I can't access. I asked your fox first but-" He showed me the scratches on his arms, "-He seems to be in a bad mood."

I tried to stifle my laugh.

He continued without noticing, "I can't ask Belle because she's off on another mission for your father-"

The Headmaster spoke, "-She went off on her own. I don't know where she is."

Chief Gonza continued his explanation, "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that Caldwell is the only other familiar I can use. I have to keep this matter off the books so I can't involve others from the Bureau."

I raised an eyebrow with a bad premonition, "And why is that?"

The Headmaster clicked his tongue, "It's because he's going against one of the richest families who has the strongest influence over the Kingdom AND they practically own the Bureau."

"Eh? Which family is that?"

Before Chief Gonza could answer, the Headmaster cut him off, "-You don't need to know the answer. Anyone who goes against that family either disappears or dies. Yet, nothing bad ever happens to those family members. They own this Kingdom and even the King can do nothing to stop them."

Hm? Doesn't that sound a bit like Cyrus's Uncle's family?

The Headmaster noticed the look on my face and cut in sharply, "Don't get involved. If they want to, they could kill anyone. Including me. Including you. They should be avoided at all costs."

It's definitely Cyrus's Uncle's family.

The Headmaster turned his glare to Chief Gonza, "And that includes you too."

Chief Gonza made a face, "I'm not scared. Besides, that's exactly why I want to use a familiar! I can easily hide a familiar from them, but I can't hide myself. I just need the familiar to check something for me then I will be able to determine if my theories are correct. I'm being careful!"

I suddenly realized something, "Wait. Why don't you have a familiar?"

Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever seen his familiar.

Everyone in this Kingdom has familiars. However, familiars that aren't as useful usually stay home unless the owner is extremely attached like in Priscilla's case.

My mother is one of the few who don't have a familiar because her body was given to her using necromancy and she cannot make a contract.

Hazel is another case, but that's because of her allergy to magic. Of course, now I know it's because she's allergic and a Holy Light user, making most familiars too afraid to go near her…

Other than Belle.

So is he like the Headmaster and his familiar is just never around?

"I used to have a dog." Chief Gonza's eyes became nostalgic, "He was such a good boy. When I first joined the force, I worked in a petty crime unit. I was tasked with finding burglars. My little Buddy would bite those dirty thieves and hold them down so I could bring the culprits to justice. When I climbed up through the ranks, he was there by my side as my sidekick. Everyone feared my little Buddy."

I've seen videos of police dogs ripping apart criminals.

I felt a shiver go up my spine.

I bet it was a ferocious beast. Maybe a Doberman? Or a German Shepherd. I've heard police officers always used those kinds of breeds.

I asked curiously, "What happened to it?"

Chief Gonza let out a somber sigh, "He got hit by a carriage… The driver couldn't see him since he blended into the road and was so small."

"Eh?! Small?!?"

The Headmaster explained, "It was a miniature poodle."


I… I can't picture that.

Chief Gonza let out a large sigh, "After his death, I couldn't bring myself to get another familiar… I just feel like I'm betraying his memory if I were to replace him."

Aw… That's a little sweet.

Chief Gonza shook his head, "It doesn't matter. If I can't use a familiar, I will just have to figure out something else."

The Headmaster stood up and shouted, "No, Gonza. They will kill you if you put your nose into their business. I forbid you from dealing with them."

Chief Gonza glared back, "You're not in charge of me."

"I'm your older brother."

"So!? I'm an adult who is capable of making his own choices!"

"OBVIOUSLY NOT!" The Headmaster shouted back, "If you do this, I won't speak to you! I don't want MY family getting hurt by YOUR stupidity!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Chief Gonza shouted back, "Don't you even care about our parents!? Don't you even want to bring justice to them?! You say you care about family but you ONLY CARE ABOUT YOURSELF!"

Ice formed at the feet of the Headmaster, "I do not! I merely know when to fight and when to retreat! I'm strategic unlike you who only knows how to be reckless!"

"You're not strategic! You're just stubborn and a COWARD!"

I looked between the two, shocked by the tense atmosphere of their argument.

The Headmaster grabbed his conspiracy map and threw it at him, "JUST LEAVE THEN!"

Chief Gonza grabbed it from the ground and huffed back, "I WILL!"

The Headmaster seethed, "If you do this, don't even bother coming back to see me. You go after that family and you're no longer my brother. I will take you off of the Marlow registry!"

Chief Gonza paused at the door, then faced the Headmaster with a cold expression, "Fine. I don't want a spineless brother like you anyways."

He stormed out of the door and slammed it shut behind him. The Headmaster slunk down in his seat and let out a large sigh.

I felt a bit anxious and tugged at my clothes, "I'm sorry…"

I feel like I caused them to-

"-You don't have to apologize." The Headmaster quickly caught off my dark thoughts, "You didn't cause this. My brother and I have been fighting over this matter ever since my parents died. He thinks I'm not doing enough while I think he's acting irrational. It's the reason why we became estranged before you arrived."

The Headmaster looked at the seat with a layer of frost. He let out another sigh, "I thought we were past this when you came along, but now I see he's just as invested as ever. I just don't understand why he gives little value to his life in pursuit of this truth."

I knitted my brow and pondered over it. I spoke in a low voice, "Maybe it's the only purpose he feels he has in his life."

"Then he needs to get a new purpose." The Headmaster sneered, "Maybe a wife… Or a husband."

I'm sure Caldwell would agree on that husband part…

I felt a wave of sadness as I remembered that Caldwell was missing.

The Headmaster let out another sigh, "Anyway. This matter is between me and him. You don't need to be concerned."


He cut me off, "-Your Mother might need help getting dinner prepared. Can you go help her?"

"Oh. S-Sure."

I went into the kitchen and found my Mother hiding by the entrance. It was apparent she was eavesdropping and wanted to avoid getting involved.

We both exchanged a look of worry that didn't need to be translated.

That night at the dinner table, all of the males were in bad moods and not talking. Zephyr still hadn't recovered from the loss of his sister and we could barely get him to come downstairs. Cyrus was still upset over Caldwell's demon reveal and then disappearance. While my father was still seething over the circumstance with my Uncle. All three of them were playing with their food with no appetite.

My mother and I looked around at them feeling helpless.

I gave my mother a look that said: What should we do?

She thought for a moment before clasping her hands together, "Let's take a vacation?"

The three men picked up their heads and looked at her in unison. They all looked at her skeptically, "Huh?"

She grinned, "Let's go to the village by the Vanishing Island. The Newman's Villa is still safe and the season is always warm and sunny there."

The Headmaster huffed, "I have to work. I can't go on vacation."

Her expression turned cold, "You can and you will."

"...Yes, dear."

She then turned to Cyrus and Zephr, "Well?"

Zephyr scoffed, "Do I even have a choice?"


My Mother and I looked at Cyrus.

He let out a sigh, "It's not like I have anything else planned."

Feeling hopeful, I looked out of the window and watched the pouring rain hit the glass, obstructing the outside world.

Any man who owns a small dog is obviously ga-

[Author was then murdered by the PC bros on the internet]

Nekorucreators' thoughts