
A Lover, His Queen (A Draft Preview)

Standing in the morning rays of the rising sun, was a woman with smooth, snow-white skin, piercing violet eyes and soft red lips. With the hood of the cloak pulled down, it revealed pure silver-white hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail with several loose strands framing her slightly heart-shaped face. The dark clothes she wore did nothing to hide her slender physique and accentuated the curves she had perfectly. A belt hung on her hips. Her head was held high and she carried herself with an air of regal elegance. She stood perfectly still, exuding a confidence and grace that was rare. However, the hauntingly beautiful face wore an emotionless, blank mask. A tangible silence enveloped the space between them as all three werewolves simply stared at her, entranced by her beauty -- a beauty that was bewitching.

quadruple_flip · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter VI — Outmatched

There was apprehension and restlessness, as many of the werewolves skirted around her, to get to their own destinations in the pack house. They were attempting to mind their own businesses. However, they were very intrigued by the black witch in the room, yet was hesitant to approach her, simply being by-standers. Most of them were surprised to find the black witch seated in the living area, as they were about to return to their training.

They were even more surprised when they witnessed their Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Female Gamma burst into the living area almost tumbling over each other in their hurried frenzy.

Jayden felt a wave of relief wash over him when he spotted Cassandra in the living area conversing with Victoria — she hadn't left.

She looked up and spotted them from where she was on the couch, smiling as her eyes landed on Rosalieé. She broke off her conversation with Victoria who turned as she was back-facing them.

"Rosalieé! Are you alright?" Victoria jumped up at the sight of her friend.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Victoria."

"Alpha, Beta, Gamma." Victoria bowed her head in respect and turned back to Rosalieé.

"You were amazing. I knew you were a great healer but I didn't know you could fight that well. I mean I have never seen you use offensive magic before. I would love to have a practice match with you one day before my summer vacation ends and I leave again if it's possible. I was just talking to Cassandra about how your match has really opened up my eyes and made me realise something. I shouldn't just limit myself to fighting werewolves, I wish to be prepared for anything and that includes against magic as well."

Lucas was about to protest but was shut up by a look sent to him by his mate. Rosalieé walked up to one of her closest friend and grabbed her hand in hers.

"Thank you and I would love to, Vic. I have always admired this mindset of yours that makes you continuously want to better yourself. I think it's time for me to resume my training as well. I've been out of touch for far too long. Today has made me realised that as well. And I have never battled against anyone else other than my fellow Coven sisters. It would be a new experience for me too and like you said, it's best if one is prepared for everything they can. I truly look forward to what we can learn from each other."

Both of them smiled at each other. The warm, heartening moment was disrupted when they heard a scoff followed by a high pitched voice full of condescension and scorn.

"Don't be ridiculous, dear cousin. It was all a phoney show put up by the two of them to draw attention to themselves. I don't even know why you bother."

The owner of the said voice strolled in, still dressed in her training outfit which consisted of a neon pink and black sports bra and matching dark pink leggings.

"Leia! That is out of line. I apologise for her rude remark." Victoria admonished and proceeded to apologise to the two witches before her.

"Apologise? To them? Cousin dearest, did you hit your head? And its not like I have said anything false. After all, witches can never be a match for us werewolves. You have only tarnished our family name when you associate with the likes of them." She sniffed haughtily, oblivious to the glares directed at her. Her own glare directed at Cassandra.

Victoria's face had a mixture of anger and horror as if she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her cousin's mouth. 

"Let me go, Lucas! Let me at her and I'll show her how much of a match witches can be."

"Why? Am I wrong? You witches don't actually think you can beat us wolves when we're clearly superior in strength and speed?" Leia asked in mockery, her questions directed to the fuming white witch in front of her who was being held back by her equally ticked mate. 

Jayden was barely able to control himself while Dylan and a few others in the room bristled.

"Shall we test out that theory, Ms Smith?"

Her voice cut through, soft, sharp and cold.

She glides past the others to the front. Cassandra's hand briefly landed on Rosalieé's shoulder who in turn calmed and stilled at the former's touch, and no longer struggled against Lucas whose arms had slackened at his sides by now. Rosalieé straightened and watched as Cassandra approached Leia.

The temperature in the room seemed to have dropped several degrees.

"I have informed you that I do not take malign and depreciation to my people kindly. If you have confidence to claim as such, then you wouldn't mind having a match to attest to it, would you?"

Without waiting for a response, she glides past Leia whose face contorted with rage towards the main door.

Jayden's hand shot out to grab her arm as she passed him and he felt the small tingles erupt. She turned to him, cool, impassive violet eyes meeting his electric blue ones and she quirked a delicate brow. Her face was impassive as well. He opened his mouth to say something but at the look in her eyes, snapped it shut. He released her arm.

She wasn't asking for his permission or opinion, or anyone's for that matter, and it was clear nothing he was going to say was going to change her mind.

Without saying a word, she glided past him to the main door.


They stood in the same field, across from each other.

Word had spread fast, and the whole Lilium Pack has once again gathered to watch. It was after all not every day one got to witness a fight between a werewolf and a witch — specifically a Beta's daughter and a black witch at that.

Because of this, Jayden himself was having an internal conflict, unable to believe that this was happening and how he had done nothing to prevent this. He was worried, not that he doubted her even for a moment, but over the fact that Leia was still a Beta's daughter, so naturally with Beta blood running in her, she would possess speed and strength that was above that of an average wolf's.

"You're not going to make the first move?" Leia taunted, before saying flippantly. "But no matters, you're bound to lose anyways."

There was no reply and that, coupled with the cool, blank and indifferent face she got from Cassandra, aggravated Leia further. This was on top of the anger that had built up since the night before for being sent back to her room. Leia was itching to pay back the embarrassment owed ten folds.

She charged at Cassandra who remains unmoving, even though the former's figure was a blur. 

At the very last second, Cassandra's lilac eyes flashed red, and she vanishes, causing Leia to screech to a halt, into a disappearing purple magic circle of dark shadows where she once stood. The confusion marring Leia's face fell away as she whirled around, catching sight of her target who materialised from a dark material on the opposite end where she had originally started, the signature magic circle glowing.

Charging forward in a blur again, Leia raised her arm, preparing to deliver a blow to the witch. However, just before her fist could land, Cassandra vanished again in a similar fashion as she did previously. 

This time though, Leia had failed to stop in time and her momentum caused her to tumble through the air and nearly crash face first into the concrete ground. Instead, with her werewolf reflexes, Leia tucked and rolled to the side. When she recovered to her full height again, she found her opponent who had once again teleported on another end of the ring that was their arena. Leia could feel her anger boiling, and she glowered at the black witch.

She circled Cassandra, narrowing her beady eyes at her before a cruel leer took over her face, Leia taunted, "Is that all you witches know how to do? Teleport? Running and hiding from your opponent? I don't see much of a difference between that and cowardice."

Again, there was no reply, simply an aloof mask as Cassandra tilted her head to the side, her whole relaxed stance almost screamed boredom. This aggravated the shewolf further.

Dashing forward with the agility of a werewolf, Leia aimed and sent a round house kick which stopped midway and she spun a hundred and eighty for she had fully expected her opponent to pull the same trick again. However, Cassandra who instead of teleporting this time, gracefully ducked and swept Leia's legs from under her, causing the latter to land painfully on her behind.

Leia's anger snapped, as she jumped up from the ground and transformed into her wolf — bones cracked, clothes ripping apart in the process. Anticipating the shift, Cassandra lithely cartwheeled out of the way.

Landing on all fours, Leia faced Cassandra, her wolf baring her teeth and snarling menacingly when she caught the slight twitch in her opponent's lips.

Cassandra's eyes danced with dark mirth as she watched the she-wolf give into her frustration — her calculations and preparations complete.

The she-wolf on the other hand, prowled cautiously, circling the black witch, looking for any obvious opening left by the latter. Seeing none, and feeling her agitation spike, Leia's wolf dashed forward. Not missing a beat, Cassandra reached for her belt and at the same time, began chanting, a string of words filled with raw power and magic flowed out of her mouth.

At this, Rosalieé's eyes widened, at last recognising the trap that had been laid meticulously by Cassandra since the battle had began.

Steel blades flew from under Cassandra's cloak, towards her opponent. All of them leaving minor, deep cuts and drawing blood from the charging werewolf that gave an angered snarl. Leia lunged and simultaneously, Cassandra's eyes glowed red upon the completion of her incantation.

The powerful wave of magic that was released when a huge, complex circle spanning a five meter radius with the two opponents at its epicenter spread out and activated on the ground, caused majority of the spectating audience to take several steps back in a hurry.

Suddenly, a ring of fire and multiple tendrils of dark energy erupted from the ground around Leia. The magic circle disappeared as the black tendrils latched onto all four of the werewolf's limbs, inadvertently catching Leia mid-leap in the air and pulling her back to the ground. Leia felt a shudder go up her spine as the cold black tendrils slithered up her wolf, tying her to the ground.

The fire blazed bright as the tendrils continued to wrap around her, tightening as Leia struggled to free herself, growling and thrashing as she did so. She felt herself grow tired rapidly and realisation dawned on her that the black tendrils were sapping her strength and draining her energy. Her cuts weren't healing as fast as they should either. Instead, they stung immensely.

Around her the ring of fire closed in at an alarming rate so much so that the intense heat of the flames could now be felt acutely, causing Leia to go into a panic. She felt overwhelming fear and sheer terror beginning to overtake her and she struggled even more desperately against the prison of black tendrils to free herself.

"This isn't a match." Jayden and Dylan heard Lucas whisper in horror realisation. "She's toying with her."

The truth had dawned on them as well.

Beside them, another voice spoke.

"They were never on the same level to begin with." Bryan nodded his head towards Leia. "She was outmatched from the very start and even made the mistake of underestimating her. She will be lucky to get out of this alive. And now you get a glimpse of why she is feared."

They remained silent, completely speechless. The rest of the pack watched on in anticipated horror and fear as well.

"She won't actually kill Leia, right? I mean I don't like her either and she deserves it for her rudeness just now but..." Melody trailed off with uncertainty.

"Who knows," Bryan shrugged, nonchalant before smirking and said in a voice coloured with dark humour, "Maybe. But one thing's for sure, she's definitely picked the worst person to mess with."

Jayden took a hesitant step forward, only to be held back by Rosalieé. He turned to see her shaking her head. He decided he would trust her judgement and turned back to the battle.

On the other side of the fire, with a dark, malevolent aura surrounding her, Cassandra walked towards Leia, taking her time as if she were leisurely taking a stroll at a park. Not stopping and with eyes still glowing red, the steel blades from before levitated off the ground and gathered in her waiting palm. She stowed them away.

Everyone else watching felt a shudder go down their spine. Nobody dared interfere at this point, all frozen rooted as the terrifying scene played out before them.

Her smile was wicked and her eyes danced with something akin to sinister delight as her heavily-panting opponent who was now no longer thrashing but instead visibly trembling when the latter noticed the former approaching.

"Shift." It was soft, but heard like a pin drop in the entire open area by those with enhanced hearing as Cassandra crossed the fire, the burning flames unaffecting her. Many felt their eyes widen at the order.

Leia stiffened, refusing to comply, but if one were to look closely, they would notice she was shivering in fear despite the show of defiance.

"Shift." Cassandra repeated. The black tendrils she commanded coiled tighter, making Leia's wolf let out a whimper. The cuts stung.

Bones cracked as Leia gave in and shifted. Cassandra's eyes flashed red, a purple magic circle glowed on the ground. All at once, the fire and black tendrils disappeared and a blanket materialised from thin air, floating down to land on Leia, barely covering her naked form.

"Not many who have crossed me or slandered my people in my presence have lived to tell the tale. Consider this my last warning."

With that, Cassandra turned, cloak swishing and walked away, the surrounding werewolves parted for her.

Rosalieé shot one last look of disdain at the trembling she-wolf before following behind her fellow coven sister.

No one moved to help her as Leia struggled to get to her feet, staggering because while the cuts disappeared physically, the feeling did not, like a phantom. And only her cousin walked towards her tentatively. The former felt numb, she still quivered slightly.

Slowly and silently, the crowd dispersed.

"I hope you've learnt your lesson, Leia." Victoria said softly, stopping a few feet away from her. Victoria's eyes filled with pity and disappointment for her shaken cousin.

"You got off lightly. She was merciful." Leia did not look up, but simply pulled the blanket closer to her body at Victoria's blunt words.


Dusk fell as the sky was painted a blended hue of dark orange and blue. The evening air for the last few days of May was cool and the occasional summer breeze blew.

The back of the pack house was filled with the usual lively chatter as the majority of the pack who chose to have their Thursday dinner at the pack house mingled among their friends. Many of them were still talking about the events that occurred in the late morning and afternoon.

Cassandra watched as the awestruck girl who had for a lack of a better word, popped out in front of her, dragging the blonde boy, Bryan, from earlier this morning with her. She had just been about to return to her guest room to retire for the night when they approached her.

Cassandra's eyes flitted to the side, to their audience she had been vaguely aware of.

Among her friends whom were watching from a distance away, this girl was the only one with the courage to approach her.

Cassandra could hardly blame them - she wasn't very approachable in the first place. Furthermore, the matches earlier in the day had not helped either, only fuelling their wariness and unease around her.

Melody starred at the black witch in awe, mouth forming an O while Bryan shuffled slightly, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but here as he was obviously dragged against his will. His sister was nowhere in sight, Cassandra had noted.

She smiled softly at the two teenagers before her and spoke, her gentle voice carried between them.

"Bryan, how are you settling in?"

The bored expression on his face wiped clean, his eyes snapped to hers, clearly mildly surprised to be addressed.

"Fine." He answered, coughing awkwardly. "Me and my sister are settling in just fine. This is Melody."

He introduced the girl whom was still gapping, nudging her in the ribs.

"Oh oh, hi, I'm Melody. It is such an honor to meet you! I have never met a black witch before! You were so cool today when you taught Leia a lesson - although you were super scary at the same time - Oops! I mean the teleportation and fire spells you casted was awesome but the badass, intimidating aura was just wicked! We were all worried you were going to kill her for real a moment there- my brother was going to step in! Plus nobody's ever put Leia in her place before too! She's pretty strong with the Beta blood running in her but you — the battle was absolutely one-sided! And did anyone tell you you're really beautiful! I'm sooo jealous-"

"Brother?" Cassandra echoed, as she caught up to Melody's constant stream of rapid fire.

Alpha Jayden.

"Jay!" She answered without missing a beat.

At the same time she exclaimed it, Cassandra pieced it together. She analysed the young girl — the pin straight, dark coppery brown hair varying a shade from her brother's dark cocoa one that framed her heart shaped face accompanied by a button nose and pink pouty lips gave her a sweet, innocent appearance. With the only resemblance between them, their electric blue, almond shaped eyes, Cassandra would not have pegged them as siblings at first glance.

And from the widened eyes and stiffened posture of the blonde boy next to Melody, it seemed Cassandra was not the only one whom found so. It was apparent Bryan had just learnt about this fact. But Melody was too busy gushing to notice the slightest change in her companion.

"Speaking of my brother, he's totally head over heels for you. You should have seen how he rushed out when Bryan told him you were in the living room talking to Victoria this afternoon! Didn't even welcome his own sister back after not seeing her for two weeks! One would think you're his- mfffmm"

Melody was cut short by a hand that slapped over her mouth. This time it was Cassandra who stiffened significantly, causing Bryan to look puzzledly at her while the younger sibling bickered with her Alpha brother.

"Hey! What was that for! Did you even wash your hands?!"

"No." The brother's reply came without hesitation as he returned the glare his sister shot at him.

"Yuck! Now I've got to bleach my mouth!"

"That's what you get for running your mouth and poking your nose into something's that's none of your business." Jayden stated in a matter-of-factly tone.

"What do you mean none of my business! Of course it is! If it is true and I'm going to be getting a sister-in-"

Melody was cut short once again by her brother's hand over her mouth which she immediately retaliated by biting it.

"Ow ow!"

"Will you stop that! What is with you Jay?! It can't be she doesn't know it yet!"

For the split second that he broke off his glare at his sister to allow his eyes to flit to Cassandra, he caught how extremely rigid her stance currently was and how impassively stony her expression had become.

Melody watched the pair and her words faltered.

"Huh- it- you- you didn't-"

Jayden pinched the bridge of his nose, not wanting to deal with this right now. The audience — including the increasing eves-dropping from the surrounding pack members — they had and were attracting wasn't helping it either. 

"Look, Melody, it's...just go hang out with your friends the rest of the night, okay? I need to talk to Cassandra...alone."

Melody took in her brother before her as he beseeched her with his request in a gentle tone he rarely used, only when he comforted her. It didn't go unnoticed that her brother's tone also held a certain tiredness which only she could detect. She didn't know what was going on but she didn't push any further, simply nodding mutedly and slowly turned and walked back to rejoin her friends with Bryan following silently behind. The latter had recovered and hid his shell-shocked expression well after piecing together the new-found discovery.


On another side of the gathering, the bustle continued uninterrupted between the pack members.

Every once in a while, for those that stood in range, their eyes would trail to one of the subject of the currently hot topic conversations whom was weaving albeit frantically, through the crowd, looking for someone. Her mate, their Gamma, was tailing close behind.