
6. Underhanded Move

Going about there daily life the residents of Willow town had no idea what was about to transpire.

Overlooking the farmers methods of picking and distributing food Lumi could say without a doubt they would be okay.

A yelp was heard drawing his and a few others attention. Making their way to him was a band of various aliens that oozed with bad intentions shoving anyone in the way to the side.

"Which one of you is the pint size I'm looking for?!!" One stepped forward wearing a red scarf tied off to the side,spiked helmet,brown trousers, and skinned boots of an unknown species along with a large club over his shoulder.

The woman had put the children behind them as the men moved in front to shield them.

"I asked a question and no answer you people are quite rude until I get an answer one person will get beat up" signaling some his crew to come forward all armed with cruel smiles.

The men were prepared to defend themselves armed with farming tools. 'So they took the bait Graul was correct' deciding to spare both sides unnecessary suffering.

"When you said pint size was it me being referred to?" Lumi upon the hill staring down at the thugs. The club wielding alien looked over him "You fit the description perfectly best you come with me or someone gets hurt" jabbing his thumb at the villagers not even looking at them.

"What do you want with him he's done nothing to you?" One of the farmers questioned gripping his hoe(A farm tool) tightly.

"My employer has tasked me to retrieve him and don't make a mess if possible" the man explained shrugging.

"Why would your boss want him?" the same farmer asked. "Don't know don't care just give him to us and everyone walks away" the man rolling his hands.

"I'll go with you just leave them be" Lumi knew the best outcome was to surrender after all he could not have others paying for his problems.

"Wise choice kid now come on I got places to be" having to of his men walk near him in case he tries to make a run for it.

The gang left going back the way they arrived with Lumi in tow. The townsmen were conflicted about what just happened,but did not pursue as the leader said the boss wanted him unharmed basically.

(Polluted Ridge)

Maintaining a safe distance two figures we're watching workers in bio hazard suits carefully move the waste into sealed barrels which were then pushed through portals.

"Let's head back we have been here long enough" the slug looking man said ready to leave this place gives him the chills. "We need that evidence or the plan may fall through Al" Mark had the appearance of fly with multi colored wings.

"It's far to dangerous we would be caught besides Graul said this would happen and already made adjustments. Think about your family" Al hated to pull the card but it worked as Mark took one last look at the waste site.

"Alright you win let's get out of here this makes me sick" following Al quietly.

(Mirgo's Villa)

Being instructed were to go Lumi was outside a pair out double doors. Knocking 3 times it opened revealing a fox man in a butler suit.

"My master wishes to speak with you" turning on his heel being gestured to take a seat he did so.

"We have a lot to talk about please make yourself comfortable this will take a while" Reaver said smoothly with a slight smile.

"What is it that you seek I doubt my assistance will amount to much" Lumi would go slow for now let his acquaintance lead.

"My name is Reaver and I believe we may benefit from working together rather than being competitors. I have witnessed your ability to grow fields of produce in mere seconds your gift with magic could bring all the profit in the universe and with my backing you can avoid legal troubles" tapping his hands against the other.

"I am Lumi sorry to disappoint you but my view of profit seems to be opposite of yours" sipping the tea provided.

"Most intriguing go on" leaning forward intently.

"My gift for magic is the key with it there a endless possibilities for example open portals without the need of dimensional scissors" opening a portal to prove his point.

"Another would be giving it form" making the light turn into a puppy. Canceling the magic closed the portal and phased the puppy out of existence.

"I know who you are now Strider" Reaver said having finished tea.

Lumi had now put his guard up while "My name is well known already so much for keeping a low profile. What do you plan to do with this information you could have the message spread out so why keep it?" 'This got tricky real fast' trying to keep a poker face.

"That's not all I also discovered another secret about you this one will make you a target practically everywhere you go" holding out his arms in dramatic fashion a smug grin on his face.

"What else could you possibly know?" Lumi really debating whether or not to end Reaver.

"My suspicion was confirmed when the festival fireworks were launched your face had cheek marks glowing only one family has them. Your a member of the Butterfly family aren't you imagine if that got out your bounty would attract the best hunters in the multiverse would always be tracking you down" Reaver had walked over to the window.

An intense rage demanded to be let loose 'I sense no deceit in his statements everything he said is true while I am strong enough to defend myself there a beings out there with near universal defying power who would catch me with zero effort' the air became frigid,his eyes had a touch of insanity within them.

"What due you wish to happen" Lumi's eyes glistened dangerously.