
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Yay, Tentacles! Boo, Sharingan!

Because most people were focused on two of the most well known shinobi in the era suddenly appearing on their battlefield, most missed the deaths of the last two higher ups of the Noibaro clan. However, nobody missed the next thing that happened.

The greatest genius of the Takira in generations walked up to the three commanders, ripped their hearts out, and allowed his chest to tear open and suck the hearts in. He took the heart of each of the three Noibaro commanders, followed by one of the Noibaro's higher ups. He was then at five hearts.

After that, he went on a rampage. Most of the Takira were still trapped in the swamp, which was only just beginning to recede, and they forced themselves to stop simply gaping in awe at the duo, turning to the carnage produced by the avenger, fulfilling his purpose,

Kakuzu's moves did not flow, nor were they works of art, but they were efficient, stable, and smooth, his War Dragon's Rage taking down one ninja for every three moves. After two minutes, the rest of the Noibaro had been completely dispatched, except for one.

Kakuzu walked up to who he had previously identified as the aged sixth in command.

"Hey, old shit, where have you guys stored your clan jutsu? I couldn't find the place no matter how many times or how hard I looked."

The old guy chuckled a bit. "You ought to know I would never tell you Takira garbage our secrets." And this was true, especially considering how loyal the Noibaro were, this being required for all of them to be able to use mass cooperation ninjutsu.

Kakuzu laughed and scoffed. "I already have a pretty good control over this hidden of yours. I wonder how having tentacles crawl through and rip apart your inner organs. Alternatively, the more you tell, the nicer I'll be. Also, I'm not a Takira."

The old man groaned in displeasure, but recoiled when hearing the last bit.

"Not Takira? Then what are you?"

Kakuzu reached into an inner pocket where he kept a cloth with the Kawakami symbol on it, removing it for the last Noibaro to see.

He fell back onto his back. "Haha...damn. I knew attacking that clan would be bad. Lo and behold, it leads to the destruction of our clan. Pull the red book on floor two of the slave room then punch the wall between the two paintings to the bookshelf's right."

Then, the old man bit down hard, spending a bit of chakra in the process, and died in an instant from then, drinking an extreme poison.

'Huh. Did he just give me the location of the clan library without requiring...persuasion? Also, is that fucking Hashirama Senju? What did I miss?'

Kakuzu turned up to the Senju and Uchiha. "Well, I don't have any clue what you guys are doing here, but if it's for reinforcements, that obviously won't be necessary."

Hashirama blinked slowly twice, then chuckled. "Well, that was the plan, but at this point I guess I'll just attempt my second mission, which is forming an alliance with your Takira clan."

Kakuzu looked toward his chief who was crumpled on the ground being helped by other members of the clan, then to Izuna, who was already leaving. "Ah. I'm afraid that'll have to wait as well. Though Madara's younger brother is over there. You should probably capture him."

Hashirama bonked his head, trying to act cute, directly resulting in Kakuzu gagging, as he shunshined over to Izuna, who was completely unable to evade the Wood Release: Wood Cage Jutsu. Hashirama looked over his shoulder as he began walking away. "I'll be back to this field in eight days to discuss the treaty. Tell your chief-*BONK*"

He slammed his head into a tree branch. Kakuzu replied in turn with a powerful facepalm infused with chakra. Hashirama grumbled and began shinobi tree travelling away, holding the unconscious izuna in the cage.

Kakuzu, meanwhile, was trying to better maneuver Jiongu. His prior successes with Jiongu attacks like the Extendo-Rasenkiri were actually flukes, most likely only possible because of adrenaline. Now that he was calm again, he could consider what he knew. Namely, stealing the hearts was easy, almost like a natural reaction, while doing anything else would be very difficult.

Also, while his chakra had decreased earlier, it was now around 180% of what it had been before stealing all of those hearts. Five is better than one.

Also, with just a thought, he now knew the chakra nature of everyone he saw. It almost felt like a dojutsu, as each person he saw had an aura emanating from them, differentiable by color. Fire was red, water was blue, wind was green, earth was brown, and lightning was yellow. There were also one or two that had white and black auras, presumably yin and yang. Chief Brock and Principal Hisaru both had murky dark blues, while most water users had a cerulean color.

Lastly, he raised his hand, pouring out chakra into a rasengan. "HOLY SHIT!"

He put in the same percentage of his chakra as he did earlier for rasengans, but it was extremely unstable and larger, exploding quickly. Everyone just stared at him as he put his mask back on and picked up the nearly passed out Hisaru, tree running the two miles back to the cave system.

After dropping him off there and speaking to the chief, who was awake and brought in by Sun Staff, he was sent on a rank 5 mission to loot the entirety of the Noibaro's assets now that there would be no retaliation.

Upon arrival, there was a slight problem. Kakuzu saw a blue and brown aura hidden inside the place where he was supposed to be, along with a a black and red one.

'Ah, shit. Just my luck. People with strong double elements. I haven't even gotten time to get used to Jiongu yet. Red, the second strongest 5th rank, will be here soon as backup, so I just need to hold off some overpowered guys with high strength.'

Kakuzu slipped into the room after ensuring that his enormous presence was well hidden. Well, that didn't work out well as both people turned toward him immediately.

"Hashirama? Izuna? What are you two doing here? I believe these are mine." Kakuzu glared at the two, the latter of which, while still in the cage, was now awake.

Hashirama grimaced. "I didn't want to have to harm you. You are, after all, an important member of the Takira. However this order takes precedence over the alliance. If I can take the Swamp Eater Jutsu, I will leave you in peace."

Kakuzu nodded, filling the Senju heir with hope, but Kakuzu laughed a bit. "I should have known. Your clan works well with water and earth. But, Hashirama, you should probably consider what could be happening to the Senju right now, hmm?"

Hashirama recoiled. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Kakuzu had been considering why Madara allowed Izuna to join a battlefield without him being there, as the two were known to be inseparable. He believed he figured it out. "Well, if Izuna is here, on what most people assumed would be an important, long war, then where is Madara?"

Hashirama narrowed his eyes, gazing into the ground for a moment, before shivering. "NO. You can't seriously mean... crap."

The heir fell to the ground, covering his face with his hands, but Kakuzu didn't give him the chance. Knowing he couldn't beat Hashirama, he grabbed his shoulder, pulling him to his feet. "You should still have some time. I will help you if you leave this place without taking anything."

Hashirama looked back up doubtfully. "Yeah, what am I worried about? This will be easy!"

Kakuzu shook his head on the inside. 'This won't be easy.' "I don't plan to go in person, instead I'll give you this explosive tag I made myself. I haven't used it yet, but the effects are sure to be amazing. I am confident that as long as you use this, any enemy you attach it to will die without fail." The paper was black with red ink, humming lightly.

This was naturally the black gem Kakuzu got from his clan safe, which he dubbed the Improvement Onyx. But, despite his power, he knew he wouldn't be able to beat Hashirama Senju, and could only offer this explosive tag.

Yet another plot twist though, as Kakuzu had discovered a useful ability. He could call the gem to himself at will after a bit of blood splashed onto it during training one day. That meant he didn't have to worry about plant man stealing his rock.

Hashirama looked at the item doubtfully, but a reminder of the occasion from Kakuzu awoke him from his musings, and he really only had the option to accept what little help he got, leaving behind the jutsu scrolls he was supposed to get.

After Hashirama lightsped his way back to the Land of Fire, Kakuzu looked down to Izuna. "Oh look. My own personal Sharingan. I want it. But I want your brother's more. You're heart on the other hand... What the hell kind of fire chakra potency is that? It's like you're asking me to take it."

Kakuzu opened his chest, sending out a few tentacles just in time for Hashirama to run back in. "I forgot my hostage. I'll take that."

Kakuzu's back was still turned to Hashirama, allowing him to slowly close his chest and back up. Izuna had already thrown up and was shuddering at the disgusting sight. He had seen guts before, but never like that. Hashirama attributed it to the sleeping poison he used, not realizing that Izuna had immunity to that kind of poison, and began running away with him.

Kakuzu didn't actually particularly care about this. The chakra potency was good, but he was sure Madara's Fire heart and Yin eyes would be better. That was also an interesting discovery. The Sharingan running on yin chakra explained why the Uchiha tended to have higher amounts of yin chakra and why the mangekyo abilities stem from emotions.

The second discovery was hidden within the fact that the Sharingan ran off yin chakra. Kakuzu could only take five hearts, but there was no stipulation on eyes, meaning he could increase the potency of his yin chakra by taking a Sharingan, being able to use six elements fluidly as well as the Sharingan. Jiongu was actually very overpowered, it would seem. Who woulda thought?

Anyway, while thinking all of this, going over new possibilities, Hashirama was rushing to the Senju Clan at top speed. The Uchiha had assumed the war would take a while, so Madara and his forces had only just attacked when Hashirama arrived.

As much as Hashirama wanted to curse Kakuzu for not letting him get the Swamp Eater Jutsu, he was more thankful that the young boy actually told him to consider why his rival left his dear brother to fight in a war. Izuna was not weak, but he was just a bit beneath pre-jiongu Kakuzu's level, despite being around four years older. Enough to help in war, but not change the course of it.

Hashirama landed hard, a wooden plank growing out of the ground to catch him, as he looked into the battle that was currently occurring. He pulled out the explosive tag while gazing at Madara, who had just looked at him while killing a Senju with his bare hands.

The brown haired heir's eyes teared a bit. "It didn't have to be this way, Madara. I gave us a way out. You can still stop here!"

The black haired heir's eyes hardened extensively. As much of a hardass Madara acted, he also truly wanted peace. The difference was how the two wanted to get peace. Madara refused to believe people understanding each other would work, only believing in a dictatorship through power.

Therefore, he looked to Hashirama, and grabbed a kunai. "Very well then. If you can take me down, I will join you."

As Madara finished speaking, the current Senju and Uchiha clan heads punctured each other with their lance and tanto, respectively. Both fell to the ground, breathing heavily.

Kakuzu took the opportune time when the heirs looked and attacked each other to swoop down and steal the hearts of the duo dying on the ground, as well as the Sharingan. They couldn't resist. Both had fought each other with the last of their remaining strength. He replaced his water and fire heart with them, as well as the Sharingan.

Obviously Kakuzu had followed Hashirama secretly. He could hide much more easily now that he could literally see chakra spillage, including his own. Despite his apparent great luck, he could only angrily punch a tree, knocking it down.

'These hearts only have three days left, at the most! And these damn Mangekyo Sharingan are almost blind! I can only feel around thirty seconds of Susanoo left, as well as one use of the other abilities, though I don't know what they are.'

No matter how hard and far he looked, the only other user of wood style he could find was Hashirama.

'No good. For the good of both myself, the clan, and the future of this world, I need to get stronger, but I can't kill Hashirama. Or even Madara, yet. Not until he lays down his plans with Obito.' He would need Kaguya to be revived, both for her heart and to make sure everything he knew from the 4000 or so Naruto episodes happened, as it would allow him to protect the world by wiping out the evil members of the Otsutsuki clan permanently.

Theoretically, Kakuzu could just live together, waiting for Zetsu to make a move, but allowing everything to go according to Zetsu's original canon plan, then taking advantage of it would be a good move.

While Kakuzu was hidden behind a tree, he saw an old woman land near the bodies of the two rivals. Naturally, Kakuzu had sown up the holes on their chests to hide the culprit, even going so far as to put the hearts he replaced in the chests of the two, but the eyes were still missing from the Uchiha clan head.

The woman rolled him over and began groaning in anguish. "Brother! NOOOO!"

The eyes of Kakuzu widened to an extreme, as he cracked a slight grin. "Hey, I can't possibly be this lucky, right? Hey, woman, do you have a Mangekyo Sharingan?"

She leapt back, but Kakuzu was faster than her. She was in her late 80's, to be fair. When she saw Kakuzu's Mangekyo Sharingan, her eyes also began rotating, "How do you have that? Wait, no. You are the one who took brother's eye! DIE!"

Kakuzu dodged her mad tanto swipes. She had skill, but her withered bones and rage limited her skill. He punctured her lungs with a Rasenkiri, using one hand to grab her by the neck and slam her into the ground by it.

She was already practically dead by this point, but she was trying to turn off chakra flow to her eyes to make them normal, preventing Kakuzu from using her Sharingan. But alas! She was too slow. After plucking the both of her Mangekyo, he tore apart her face and that of the old clan head to keep anyone from knowing their eyes were taken, then he set off back to the Land of Waterfalls.

After a moment, an enormous explosion was released. Kakuzu snapped twice, then channeled chakra to his hand, and the black crystal appeared.

Returning to the Noibaro compound, he activated the spatial ring function of the black crystal by putting it in the backpack, and cleaned out the treasury, which he found after around four hours of searching, then the library, which the old prick from the Noibaro told him about.

After dropping it off at the treasury in the cave system, he went into the war council room and removed the Sharingan he had, inserting the woman's. Suddenly, the whole cave shook.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts please make it stop why can't I move someone help this is a nightmare help me kill me make it stop..." Kakuzu shook in utter agony before passing out completely.

When he woke up, he felt his eyes brimming with power. However, he wasn't exactly where he thought he would be. All around, as far as he could see, everything was white. Kakuzu heard a voice while wondering where he was.

"You're already falling o the Curse of the Kawakami Clan. What happened to us?" A boy with a red horn appeared. Correction, not a horn, a knife cloaked in the boy's own blood, inserted into his skull.

"Who are you?" Kakuzu glared at the boy, trying to remember him.

"You...really don't know, do you? Have you forgotten all of your old life already outside of Naruto? All that you think of is power and the clan. As you, I can't allow us to keep doing this to ourselves. We need a break, and you just gave it to us." The boy's features became clearer and clearer as Kakuzu-no, David remembered what he had lost. His will to live. He had already given himself up to be a tool used for the clan and the protection of the world, trying to gain power for that cause.

However, a bit of the old, more rational self was still inside. "Uh, I gave myself a break?"

The shade of David looked at Kakuzu, who was now half-David, half-Kakuzu. "Did you really think an eight year old could handle the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan? Are you an idiot? I'm meeting with you now because I had to sacrifice my soul to make sure your chakra wasn't just sapped dry. The next time you wake up will be three years from now, as at eleven. You're lucky you have such a massive chakra. Your hearts from the old men are already destroyed. Luckily, you took that old lady's and she didn't fight much, so her heart has around seven years before dying out. Also, it's an earth heart, not a fire heart. Weird for an Uchiha. That's about it. My timer's pretty much dry. Good luck."

With David's last words, Kakuzu drifted off into a formless sleep.