
The Road Ahead

David, now known formally as Naoise Lukssën, keeping only his surname from his previous life, woke up in a clearing he recognized from the game. It was somewhere around Brightcrown Canyon, relatively close to Mondstadt.

—How weird it feels... this feeling of true adventure... you can't get this anywhere on Earth.— He said as he stood up. It didn't take him long to take his surroundings in, nor did it take him long to find the direction towards Mondstadt. There was something different about him, probably a gift that 'she' forgot to mention. He felt like his overall being was enhanced. Senses, thought process, body awareness, control, balance. He was a different human being, and one with the capabilities to face almost anything in the world, bar the Archons, perhaps. Alas, he had to do the one thing he was the most excited about.

—Here you are... I was never a particular fan of weapons, but a pair of gauntlets... now that is a different thing.— Looking at the wolf-shaped gauntlets and greaves he had summoned, Naoise couldn't help but smile, remembering his conversation with the Goddess that gave him this new life.


An hour earlier, in the Goddess's Realm.

—Well, you can begin right now, but we have some details to polish.— She explained, smiling brightly at his enthusiasm. —I think that, before you do anything, it is only proper you get to know the Goddess you will be blessed by.—

That was something he hadn't thought about. Every Archon had a name, an identity. And the same could be said about the other Gods, a perfect example of which was none other than Osial, Overlord of the Vortex, whom he would probably fight, depending on what point in time of Teyvat he appeared. Back to the main topic, he would need an identity for his Goddess, for the Lys Archon. Having thought about this, he nodded in acceptance.

—Firstly, and as you probably already guessed, I am the Lys Archon, Goddess of Karmic Retribution.— She said, her dress flaring with an even stronger radiance as she proudly stated who she was. —I go by the name of Vine—

—The Lys Archon, Vine.— David repeated. He seemed to be savoring the words, twisting and turning them in his mouth. After a few seconds, he nodded, a smooth smile appearing on his face. —It has a nice ring to it. Then, I shall be known as Naoise Lukssën, first chosen of Vine—

(A/N= From now on, David will be called Naoise. This is because I feel like Naoise Lukssën sounds better and because the name would fit better in the world of Teyvat. Also, Naoise has an Irish origin, in spite of having a very "Japanese" style of writing. It is pronounced Neeshuh.)

Yes, it was a bit chuuni, but... so what? He was going to a world full of crazy shit and plenty of chuuni guys. It even had it's own flair of chinese arrogance in it, so he could totally be a bit chuuni about it. Besides, he felt like such manners weren't chuuni, but proper. Could it be that not only Naoise's body was his, but also his experience?

—If you're thinking about why talking like that feels natural to you, it is because of this body's memory—. Vine answered his unasked question before he could even fully process his train of thought. Be it because of her millennia of experience or her godly powers, guessing someone's thoughts so accurately was still a scary skill. Vine chuckled, probably guessing his thoughts again, before she continued with what had to be polished. —I also don't think you actually like the bow and dagger this body carried, Naoise.—

And how right she was. David, before becoming Naoise, didn't really like weapons, be it bladed, long range, or firearms. He always admired the fist-fighters and, when playing games, would always choose the characters closest to his own preference. That was why he had only one character which didn't use a sword, and that was none other than Venti. Since other weapons besides the main five hadn't been introduced to the game yet... why not do so himself in the real world?

—While this body feels a certain familiarity towards the bow in particular, I'd rather fight hand-to-hand.— Naoise said. Right after, his eyes opened wide as he came up with a perfect solution for the problem. In reality, there was no problem and he just wanted to look cool. —There is a pair of gauntlets and greaves... the Beowulf... I think that is the best weapon design for me.—

Vine waved her left hand and, right in front of him, appeared the most beautiful thing he had ever seen -besides Vine herself, since her beauty was not something he could meassure or compare. Beowulf, looking better than it ever had. It shined in pure silver, as if it had been made to match his clothing, his armor, his poise. He wanted them. He wanted them a lot. And now they were his.

—I have no other question or wish myself.— Naoise directed his words towards Vine as he tried on Beowulf, discovering in the process that he could summon and unsummon the set as he pleased. —Any warnings before I go on to Teyvat?—

—Only one.— Vine answered, gone now any hint of joy that may have been on her face. The seriousness with which she said those two words was more than enough to show Naoise that whatever she was about to say would be serious, and as such, he paid extra attention to her.

—As you know, ther are many other Gods in the world of Teyvat, me being just one of them. I don't know much about all of them, but I am sure that many still roam the land of Teyvat, either asleep or hidden from the other Archons. I don't know what you will find once you are there, but it will surely not be as peaceful as you might think it is. I ask you to act with meassure and always remain alert. I don't want my first chosen to die an untimely death, as ironic as that is.—

It was quite a bit of information to take in, but it wasn't that hard to accept. After all, he was in such a situation right now, right? The only thing that actually worried him was a possible Archon of the Dark Element, however it was called in Teyvat terms. He only nodded in sign of acknowledgement, earning himself a soft smile from Vine.

—And now the time has come. Go forth, my valiant knight. May your life be fruitful, and may your name earn glory to both of us. Go, and outshine the sun. Oh an a quick reminder, my name as a mortal is...—


Brightcrown Canyon, current time.

—*sigh*... I guess I can begin moving towards Mondstadt. If I appeared when the main pieces began moving, Aether or Lumine should be appearing soon.—

And just like that, a lone figure began walking in a world that wasn't his own. Having no friends, no family and no actual goal, how will he learn to call this world home? How will his presence -and that of others- affect the events of the world as he had first come to know it? How will he deal with the dangers that lurk in the shadows of Teyvat and, worse of all, those that are yet unknown?

Many are the questions that plague the mind of Naoise right now, but he still had one simple thought at the forefront of his mind. One that nobody would be able to take away from him. The reason why he loved games so much.

—Everything... is so beautiful... everything is unknown... each step if full of adventure, of fun. How much do we yearn for this freedom, without being aware of it ourselves?—