Today, Monday, is Kara's first day at L-Corp, working in the company's media department, while also having a role working in the labs, privately, from time to time. Kara is super excited about her new role, and thinks that a change in scenery is just what she needs, as it will give her something new to focus on, and allow some time to pass for her to decompress all the bad stuff that happened while she was at CatCo. Then on top of all that, Kara is very excited to work with, or for, Lena. It excites Kara that she will be mostly working only a few floors from the love of her life every day.
Over the weekend, after the revelations about the shadow woman, all the ladies took things easy, just trying to refocus on their regular lives, and their families. However, both Kara and Lena couldn't keep their minds off of who the shadow women is for long. Both women were overwhelmed with curiosity about the unknown individual, as well as the supposed 'ally' that sent Lena the email. But that said, Kara and Lena were able to have a nice relaxing weekend with their daughter none the less, with promises being made by Alex and Winn that they would share the DEO alien tech data with Lena on Monday. But Lena, Kara and Alura's weekend soon came to an end, meaning they were all coming back to reality once more, going back to work, and going back to school for Alura, whose 2-week spring break is now over.
As it is Monday, Lena is completely and utterly overwhelmed with work, and it is definitely affecting her mood. Firstly, Lena's day didn't start off on the right foot at all, because as Alura was going back to school, her daughter had requested that she take her to school with Kara, and obviously Lena couldn't argue with that. However, once the two parents had dropped Alura off, it was already 8:45, and Lena has been trying to make a habit of starting at 9, and no earlier recently, but that wasn't possible. Kara and Lena didn't end up arriving at L-Corp until 9:30, due to an accident that caused a traffic jam between L-Corp and Alura's school. This all made Lena anxious, because even though she is the boss, she hates to be late. In fact, during the car ride Lena did consider asking Kara to just fly them to L-Corp, but she knew that would make her driver very very suspicious, and she probably shouldn't just be using her girlfriend as a taxi anyway, and risking her secret identity, so Lena and Kara had to sit in the traffic. But even once Lena arrived at L-Corp, 30 minutes late, she couldn't get stuck into her work right away, because she had to take Kara to the media department, where she would be spending her first day. In fact, when Lena and Kara arrived, Lena didn't even think about it being Kara's first day, as her mind was completely occupied with her being late, and how that would screw up her day. So, because of this, once Lena entered L-Corp she went into her elevator, followed by Kara, and pressed the button up to her office. It wasn't until after the elevator doors closed that Kara asked if she was just going to swing by her office before taking her to wherever she needs to be. As Lena realised, in that moment, that she had completely forgotten about Kara's first day, she wanted to groan, but she used all her will power not to. So, what Lena ended up having to do, is once the elevator doors opened on her office floor, she pressed the button again for them to go back down to the lobby. They, not only, needed to take a different elevator to get to the media department, but Kara needed to actually get all her security badges from the front lobby at L-Corp, as an employee, instead of just being waved through because the security recognise her as someone that Lena allows to go up to her office whenever she likes. So, Lena had to return Kara to the lobby, and then spend 10 minutes talking to the security, to get Kara her clearance, before she could then lead her girlfriend in a separate elevator to the media department. Lena knew that she could technically have the head of the media department do all that for Kara, as would be the usual practice; however, Lena didn't want Kara to be criticised for being late on her first day, which she would be by the head of department if Lena weren't there. But then also, Lena just wanted to be a good girlfriend, and at least do the bare minimum of setting Kara up, and introducing her to the people she would be working with. It then took Lena another 20 minutes, before she finally got into her office, having spent time introducing Kara to everyone, that she knew, and giving her a little tour of the area, she would be working in, while promising more of a tour of the labs later. This all meant, that once Lena stepped into her office, it was basically 10AM already, and she had a meeting with the board in a few minutes, which she hadn't prepared for at all. Thankfully, Jess had prepared her some basic notes in her stead, even though that isn't part of her job.
Lena's day continued to get worse when she then had to deal with an L-Corp board meeting, with the board members demanding more answers as to what happened in the lab fire, as Lena hasn't told anyone, outside of Sam, Kara, Alex, and Winn, that the lab fire was in fact a theft. Lena has decided not to disclose anything further, because she doesn't know if she can trust her board members, as it is possible that one of them is involved with this shadow person; as Lena thinks that surely the shadow person would have needed some top clearance inside to actually know about the alien detection device being in that lab, and then being able to corrupt the CCTV footage. Therefore, because Lena really wasn't willing to disclose much to the board, just stating the facts that it was a fire, and explaining everything that was damaged, leaving out mentioning her device, the board bombarded her with relentless questions, which she did her best to answer as much as she was willing to. This meeting went on for a full hour, and by the end of it, Lena was losing the will to live.
Once the meeting with the board ended, it was just after 11AM, and Lena had hoped that maybe her day would get better from there, but Jess then informed her that she was due at CatCo, to have a meeting with the board there, to discuss the future of the company, and potential CEO appointments. As soon as Lena found out that meeting was on her schedule, as well, today, she made an audible groan. The problem with it was, that not only was it another boring board meeting, which Lena has found to be literally the worst type of meetings, but she honestly hasn't made any progress with who she wants to appoint, or hire, as the CatCo CEO. The problem with it is that Lena does plan to stick to Cat Grant's request when she bought the shares, of making Kara the CEO/Editor in Chief of CatCo when she is ready, but that means she basically needs a temporary CEO & Editor in Chief, who will step aside when she asks them to, which could cause problems. Then to add to it, there isn't a time table of when, or even if, Kara will ever be 'ready', or want to be the CEO and/or Editor in Chief of CatCo, as Lena knows that by Kara working at L-Corp, she may decide to take a new direction in her career.
Lena then had to make her way to CatCo, which was another 20 minutes stuck in traffic, to attend the board meeting. The meeting didn't go any better than she expected, with the board members asking her many questions, that she didn't have answers to right now. In fact, Lena felt like the CatCo board meeting went even worse than the L-Corp one, as at least in the L-Corp one she had answers to the questions she was being asked, and just holding certain information back from the board. But, for the CatCo board meeting, she didn't have any of the answers, not to who would be the new CEO, or the new Editor in Chief. It all just completely drained Lena.
Presently, Lena is just coming back to CatCo, and it is now 12:30PM, and Lena hasn't even had a chance today to get started on her work in her office. In fact, Lena has been so busy, she hasn't even sat down at her desk today.
Lena sits down at her desk now that she has returned to her office, and relaxes, thinking she can just have a few moments break, to clear her mind. However, this moment only last about 30 seconds, before Jess buzzes on the intercom.
"Uhhh.... Miss Luthor, there is a man in the lobby who said he is here to see you, and you know of the meeting. His name is Winslow Schott." Jess says.
Lena literally wants to groan, forgetting she had arranged for Winn to drop by sometime today to give her all the data the DEO has on the alien tech that was stolen.
"Yes, okay, Jess. Please send him up to my office." Lena replies.
Lena then decides to spend the next few minutes, while she waits for Winn, finally checking over her emails for the first time today, and that doesn't improve her mood at all. Lena has over 100 emails, some from people within L-Corp, some from other companies, some from board members, and some from other potential business partners, most of which need to be replied to sometime today. So, as Lena looks at the emails, she feels so overwhelmed, and wants to hit her head on her desk. However, before she can do that, there is a knock at her door.