
A Lazy Person in Demon Slayer

Born into the Uzui clan, a family of shinobi, Ren Uzui is the youngest of nine siblings and must endure the brutal training of his family since a young age. However, he discovers at a young age that he has a unique ability to self-hypnotize. With this ability, Ren is able to push his body and mind beyond their limits, making him a formidable fighter. But as he grows stronger, Ren begins to question the ethics of his clan's methods and wonders if there is a better way to achieve their goals. As he navigates the complex politics of his family and the world of shinobi, Ren must decide where his loyalties lie and what kind of person he wants to be." "Hi, this is my second fanfic. I abandoned my first one because I didn't think it was good enough. I don't speak English, so everything is being translated through ChatGPT. I am asking for your help to create a cool story with your comments :) Please feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions to make the story better. Thank you!" Disclaimer: I do not own anything. This story is not intended to offend anyone. Enjoy :)

Feeelps · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Uzui clan

The nine children are in a small village surrounded by a dense forest, with tall and leafy trees that provide a sense of isolation and protection. The village consists of a few irregularly arranged wooden houses, with sloping roofs and walls worn by time. The vegetation around is dense and vibrant, with colorful plants and flowers that contrast with the rusticity of the buildings.

In front of the children stands a very tall and slim man, measuring 1.95m in height. He has pale white skin and cold features that seem to show no emotion. He is dressed in dark clothes and a heavy cloak that envelops his body in an imposing way. His posture is rigid and intimidating, as if he is always on guard.

The youngest of the nine was named Ren Uzui. He had black hair and eyes as dark as night, and he was the youngest of a family of shinobis in decline. Today would be his first day of training, and he was apprehensive. According to the stories he had heard from his older brothers, the training would be a true hell.

The tall and intimidating man in front of the children was their own father, responsible for conducting the training. He was a renowned shinobi, known for his skill and cruelty.

Ren Uzui, the youngest of the nine siblings, felt particularly nervous. He knew that his father was a demanding and cruel man, and feared that the training could be more difficult than he could bear. His older brothers had suffered greatly during the training and left exhausted and injured.

Looking at his father, Ren felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was admiring and respectful. On the other hand, he was fearful and apprehensive. Would he be able to overcome the challenges and follow in the footsteps of his family of shinobis in decline?

Despite being apprehensive about the training that was about to begin, Ren Uzui knew he had a secret advantage. From a very young age, he discovered an unusual talent that helped him to perform the most difficult tasks without exerting as much effort as others. He was able to self-hypnotize himself to do things in an almost automatic way.

For example, when his father gave orders for them to do exercises, Ren could hypnotize himself so that his body executed them without him having to think about each movement. It was as if he was asleep, but his body was still awake, following the last orders he set. Ren remembered everything that happened during this trance and could break it at any time.

This ability was a secret that Ren kept to himself. He didn't know how or why he could do it, but he took advantage of the advantage without hesitation. He was lazy after all.

While he pondered this, Ren noticed that his father was observing him. He looked away, feeling embarrassed and exposed. The training was about to begin and he needed to be prepared for what lay ahead.

Ren's father, a cold and calculating man, called him for a serious conversation. He said that from that day on, Ren would no longer do just light exercises and would join his brothers to learn real ninjutsu. The tone of his voice was so impersonal that it seemed like he was talking about objects instead of his own children.

"You have only been preparing physically until now. But today, you start real training," he said, showing no emotion on his face. It was as if Ren and his brothers were just tools he was taking care of to use later.

Ren knew that his father had always been like this. He never showed affection for his children and treated them only as tools to be used for the benefit of his family and clan. It was hard for Ren to understand how his father could be so unfeeling towards his own children.

"Yes, sir," Ren replied with a stoic and monotonous expression, as if he had just agreed to something completely trivial. Since they were young, he and his brothers had been taught not to show emotions and to be nothing more than tools for the clan. Any demonstration of feeling was considered a weakness that would be punished by their own father.

They all followed this rule rigorously, except for one: the eldest brother of the Uzui family, Tengen. He was an extravagant man who refused to conform to their father's strict rules. Tengen was an artist both in life and on the battlefield. He was able to turn a common battle into a true performance, using his ninja skills to impress his opponents.

Ren's father, a cold and calculating man, called him for a serious talk. He said that from that day on, Ren would no longer do only light exercises and would join his brothers to learn real ninjutsu. The tone of his voice was so impersonal that it seemed like he was talking about objects instead of his own children.

"You've only been physically preparing until now. But today, you start real training," he said, showing no emotion on his face. It was as if Ren and his brothers were merely objects he was taking care of to use later.

Ren knew his father had always been like this. He never showed affection for his children and treated them only as tools to be used for the benefit of his family and clan. It was hard for Ren to understand how his father could be so unfeeling towards his own children.

"Yes, sir," Ren replied with a stoic and monotone expression, as if he had just agreed to something completely trivial. Since they were young, he and his brothers had been taught not to show emotions and to be nothing more than tools for the clan. Any demonstration of feeling was considered a weakness that would be punished by their own father.

Everyone followed this rule strictly, except for one: the oldest brother in the Uzui family, Tengen. He was an extravagant man who refused to conform to his father's strict rules. Tengen was an artist, both in life and on the battlefield. He was able to turn a common battle into a true performance, using his ninja skills to impress his opponents.

Although their father did not approve of Tengen's behavior, he could not deny the effectiveness of his skills. While the rest of the brothers focused on becoming perfect tools for the clan, Tengen stood out for being different. To Ren, Tengen was like a beacon in the darkness that enveloped his life, a bright light that showed there was more to life than just obeying his father's strict rules.

Ren knew that his older brother would be a positive influence in his training, even if he himself was not able to express himself freely. He decided that during the training, he would focus on his own goals, but would always be watching his brother Tengen, seeking to learn from his unique skills and challenging behavior.

"Ren, you will start training with your brothers today, but remember: you are still a tool of the clan and need to act as such," said their father with his cold and merciless expression.

"Yes, sir," Ren replied, his voice monotone and emotionless.

"You need to be able to completely focus on your mission, without letting emotions get in the way. That's how shinobi must act," their father continued.

Ren knew his father was right, but he couldn't help thinking about his brother Tengen and how he was different. He wanted to be able to express himself freely, just like Tengen, but he knew it was impossible. He decided that during the training, he would try to focus on his skills and ignore his emotions.

"You need to focus on your physical abilities and how to use them effectively. Your goal is to become a perfect weapon for the clan," said the father, looking at Ren with his cold and piercing eyes.

"Understood, sir," Ren replied.

The father turned to Ren's other siblings and began to explain the tactic they would use in training. Ren tried to concentrate on the explanation, but his mind wandered to his brother Tengen. He wondered if Tengen had already gone through the same training and if he would have any tips to help him.

As the father continued to speak, Ren decided that regardless of what happened, he would do his best to become an effective shinobi for the clan. He forced himself to forget his emotions and focus only on his abilities, thinking that the only way to succeed was to follow his father's orders.

(Thanks for reading! If there's anything wrong, please let me know. Comments and Power Stones are welcome as they keep me going!)