
Chapter 123: Golden Eyed Demon


I'll be alternating between other PoV's and Kokoro for a bit, since that idea somehow didn't cross my mind lol?!

But yeah, these will be ~1K word long chapters from other peoples PoV, which should keep the story interesting since they are all characters that you see in the story often; besides that, don't worry about Kokoro being 'replaced', it's just hard to do more when she's pregnant, though I will certainly be doing a few chapters where it's about her dealing with the pregnancy.


Cameia PoV

Glancing towards the thick copse of trees across from me, I scoured through the branches before locating Anko, the violet haired woman clinging close to the trunk and staring down at the encampment of Iron Samurai below us.

Recently the Land of Iron has been sending these groups of Samurai onto the Land of Fire's borders, almost like they were testing whether or not Konoha would respond.

The idea was sound; most villages had heard that Danzo had been killed, prompting a sleuth of foreign invaders and spies towards my new home.

The Land of Iron was just the most persistent; what they lacked in Shinobi prowess they made up in raw numbers and technique in Kenjutsu and utter belief in their superiors.

Currently, Anko and I were stalking the latest encroachment onto the Land of Fire's territory, both because we wished to earn a large amount of Ryo, but also because we wished to protect our home.

For me, it was what lived inside that home that I wished to protect.

Each member of the group that lived inside that compounds walls had grown on me.

That group that I had learned was called 'family'.

Anko was an admirable hunting partner, whether we were hunting for sport or hunting humans, she performed quite well.

I also rather enjoyed her crass and unreserved attitude; it was refreshing to have someone talk to me like I wasn't their superior, be it in rank or strength.

Back where I had been born, my status as a Priestess made the others treat me as some higher being, and my strength guaranteed that.

Yet, Anko didn't care that I was stronger then her; she treated me like she treated everyone.

Brutally honest, crude, and boisterous.

Next was Kurenai, the quiet and strict illusion user.

She wasn't fun to be around, but she kept order inside the compound, as well as being an expert at placating everyone's tempers.

The raven haired woman was also really good with children, and I could appreciate that ever since I started tutoring Karin.

Speaking of, the two red haired, now dyed, Uzumaki girls were polar opposites.

Makoto was quiet and barely had any presence, whilst her daughter wished to make friends with people and learn whatever she could from them.

I cherished the little girl more than I believed was possible; teaching her made me...

Well, it was the second time that I've ever felt something strongly in my life, and I wished to continue feeling the content and joyous emotions that came from teaching her how to be proficient in cold weaponry.

Then there was Kokoro...

Every moment I was with her made my heart warm, and I felt my day brighten whenever she was in it.

I don't know what truly drew me to the woman; was it her radiant smile, honey like laugh, curvaceous body, skill with a bow, or her personality?

All of it?

None of it?

I didn't know, but I knew that I loved every part of her, and that feeling was odd...

But welcome.

Which is why I readied the Kama in my hand, waiting for Anko's signal.

These Samurai were planning on disrupting the peace that Kokoro needed to get through her pregnancy, and they wished to cause harm to the people that I had begun to care about.

Seeing the snake summoner nod towards me, I dropped from the tree, the Darkness Chakra shrouding my body silencing the sound of my feet hitting the ground; not that there was any sound to muffle.

The forest was my domain, and when it was dripping with shadows like it was now...

None could notice me.

Raising the Kama, I buried it deep into the buff man speaking in the center, the sickle blade tearing through his flesh with ease as I pierced his heart.

I 'appeared' in the center of the clearing, drenched in blood and surrounded by Iron Samurai, all of whom had drawn their katana.

Flicking the crimson liquid from my Kama's blade, I looked around calmly at the dozen Samurai, waiting for one to make a move.

When none did, I took a deep breath before coating the Kama with Darkness Chakra, making them flinch.

"D-Don't let her cha-"

Swinging the blade to my right, I sent a wave of black energy slicing towards the woman who spoke, bisecting her body.

Listening to the wet thud of her torso falling to the ground, I activated Flash Step and began to reap the lives of the Samurai inside our borders, all whilst Anko kept watch.

Targeting the ones who were trying to make the most noise, I culled the people in the clearing down to none, leaving only me remaining.

Slipping the Kama back onto my belt, I watched as Anko dropped onto the floor beside me, shaking her head as she let out a quiet whistle.

"Damn Cameia, you're fucking ruthless."

Tilting my head, I followed her gaze, staring at the bisected bodies, dismembered limbs, and puddles of blood.

"Ruthless? They all died quick deaths."

Sighing, the woman raised a brow as she stared up at me, her brown eyes filled with mirth as she said "Yes, ruthless. The quickness doesn't matter when there isn't a blade of grass not drenched in blood left in this clearing..."

"Does that matter?"

Hearing my confused tone, Anko rolled her eyes as she said "Alright, let's get the Captain's head and orders and go home, you Golden Eyed Demon..."

"Golden Eyed Demon?"

"Yes, Golden Eyed Demon. Do you need me to clean your ears on the way home?"

Staring at the smirking Anko, I remained still as I pondered her words, before shrugging.

"No, but I don' think I would mind-"

"Alright, grab the buff dude please..."

With an exasperated sigh, Anko gestured towards the man I had first killed while she searched the others.

Following her orders, I thought of home, realizing that that word truly held meaning to me now.


That was where Kokoro was; where Karin was.

Where Kurenai and Anko lived, and Makoto as well.

My home.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts