
A Bad Feeling

Sophia and Aubrey have finished with their fitting for their dresses for the festival. They made their way outside to get some fresh air.

Aubrey was curious in knowing more about the queen's sister and children. "Hey Sophia, what is the story on the queen's sister."

"Ugh, it is a one-sided competition between our mother and our aunt. Queen Miranda is the queen of the kingdom of Taluilia. She is our mother older sister. She has two girls and one boy and they are just like their mother.

"So what's the conflict between them," Aubrey asked.

Sophia pulls Aubrey to a bench in the garden area for them to talk further.

"Aubrey listen. They are not to be trusted. They are selfish and misleading people."

She was surprised at how ill will Sophia was talking about her own relatives.

"I know it sounds harsh, but I learn not too long ago that they are jealous of us."


"See. Aunt Miranda wanted to marry our father, but he offered his proposal to the mother and she was furious and tried everything to break their engagement. When mother and father got married, she heard that there was a king in a neighboring kingdom that has not taken a wife, but he was old in age."

Aubrey tries to imagine what this king and how old he was.

"Well, Aunt Miranda went to the kingdom and seduce the king into marrying her shortly after mother and father had got married. Then, she gave the king three children. Princess Evelyn, Prince James, and Princess Esmee."

Aubrey curiosity continues to grow to know more about them, but more importantly what they are going to think when they see her.

"Aubrey trust me. You don't want to be around people like them even if they are family. When I was young, Evelyn and Esmee cut my hair."

Sophia touches her hair as she remembers how short they cut it, but they denied doing such a deed. Queen Miranda scolded Sophia and stating that she was jealous of her cousin because they were more beautiful than she was. Queen Louise and King Fredrick did not stand for such remarks and silence the Miranda and sent her out to save an ongoing argument.

King Fredrick wanted to cut ties right now, but the two kingdoms have strong relations for years. He knew if he cut ties with Taliulia that it could bring certain conflicts and maybe even a war.

Aubrey places a hand on Sophia's hand that was resting on her lap. Sophia snapped back to reality.

"Don't worry Sophia. I won't them tag team on you again. They will have to go through me first."

Aubrey squeezes her hand to give her reassurance that she has her back. Sophia smiles and is so relieved to have a sister that will stand by her.

"And I will do the same, Aubrey. If they say one thing out of line about you, I will put them in their place and maybe even through them in the dungeon."

Aubrey laughed at Sophia's determination. "I think the dungeon will be too much for them."

Sophia sees Aubrey laughing and couldn't help but to laugh as well. They headed back into the castle to enjoy the rest of the day.

The day went by so fast. Aubrey was in her room preparing for bed. Mary finished turning Aubrey's bed.

"Is there anything else I can do for you Lady Aubrey?"

"No Mary, you can go now. Enjoy the rest of your night."

Mary gives Aubrey a bow. "You do as well. I see you bright and early."

Aubrey walks slowly to her bed as she thought about what Sophia has shared with her about their relatives that will be arriving tomorrow. Suddenly she hears a small thumping noise. She looks down and sees a pebble on the ground.

"Where did this come from," she said out loud. She looks up to make sure that the ceiling was not falling apart, but the pebble does not match the stonework.

Then she looks to where her balcony was and walks until she was standing outside. She didn't see anyone. She turns around to head back around.

"Psst, Lady Aubrey."

Aubrey quickly turns around when she hears her name being called. She walks back to the balcony edge and looks over it and spots a male figure in the garden area.

It was not long until she figures out who it was.

"Land...I mean blue knight."

He approached closer for Aubrey to see him. Even in the dark of night, she can clearly see his blue eyes from a distance.

"What are you doing?"

"I was hoping to have you keep me company." Landon boldly asked.

Aubrey couldn't help but smile at the idea of sneaking out.

"I will be down shortly," she said.

"Meet me in the garden," Landon told her.


Aubrey dashes into her room and heads straight for her closet to find a simple dress she can put on. And she found her cloak from her first few days in this new world neatly folded in the bottom of the wardrobe. She put that over her dress.

Aubrey checks the mirror to make sure everything was put together. She opens the door slowly to see if there were any guards patrolling the hall. Luckily, there were no guards around. She quickly made her way down the hall to the nearest exit.

Aubrey was glad that she had the cloak on because the wind was not being kind that night. She finally reached the garden and sees Landon. He was pacing back and forth like he was nervous.

"Hey, Landon."

Landon was surprised that she came down so quickly. "Lady Aubrey." He gives her a bow. Aubrey laughs.

"Landon, I told you can call me Aubrey. We are friends right."

Landon had forgotten that with their friendship that titles were removed and they were just a man and woman. But, it was hard for Landon because his feelings were getting stronger every day. He hopes that he can control his feelings and not let it be known. Landon could not stand if their friendship was to end.

"Are you okay," she asked.

Landon gave Aubrey a slightly confused look.

"What do you mean?"

"You were pacing back and forth when I was approaching you. Was there something on your mind?"

Landon didn't even know he was deep in thought, but he was glad to see that Aubrey could see that he had something on his mind.

"I was thinking about the festival that is vastly approaching."

"Are you nervous?"

"This is the kingdom biggest celebration. Everyone has been working tirelessly to make sure that everything is ready."

Aubrey couldn't help but think about that day she and the few co-workers that were not sick were able to pull it off. But that scene of Tristan stabbing Eric came back and she couldn't help, but get sad.

Landon places a hand on Aubrey's shoulder to comfort her.

"Aubrey. Are you alright?"

Aubrey lightly shakes her head. "Yes, I'm fine."

She was starting to have a bad feeling for some reason. She hopes that it was nothing serious because she could not stand to see what happened that night with Eric to happened to Landon.