
A kiss to my forbidden love : My Magnet

" He is sunshine, I was midnight rain " Just like that we were , and we met . For me he was the sun in that gloomy town , he lightened up that dry empty desert and made it the home I wanna go back all the way for . He leaned closer from my ear and whispered " I want you , I want you in the sweet old traditional way , and not the way that breaks your heart and cause you pain...wait for me " I always admired my space and feared to be close from anyone , anything, until he showed up and made me want him so close , until ....Fate started to throw arches of "why we can't be together even if we are for eachother" on us , just to push the magnet that pulled us together away . He said "call my name and I will be right to your face , just Call out my name Reena " We were two lovers , in a gloomy reality were fantasy can't take over and reality is all that slaps you .

Ranias_Heaven · 都市
27 Chs

No Where To Be Found !

Two days later, My Mother asked me to accompany her to her favorite grocery shop , which is unfortunately not my favorite supermarket.

I saw this as my sign and played with her mind trying to convince her to go to That Supermarket.... Atlas workplace!

she kept refusing since the things she wanted to buy where from her favorite grocery shop and wasn't available at that supermarket...so we came to a middle choice .

It Was already 12:30 pm in the afternoon, and I remember My Sister's bestfriend Dina told me once his new shift finishes at around 13:30 pm , so we decided to make it quick to my mother favorite grocery shop, which is gonna take us half an hour to go and comeback from , and then we will go to that Supermarket and buy some chocolate.

As we did as we planned it took longer than we thought at the grocery shop and it was already 13:15 when we arrived to the Supermarket.

But He wasn't there again !!

My disappointed was dragging down heavily it was obvious....

My mother asked me what is it and I couldn't help but tell her About Atlas and how his absence when I decided to make a move again has slammed me to a wall instead of an open door .

My mother as a faithful believer said to me :

_ Darling ...I always told you .. what's meant and written for you , is always gonna find it's way for you . How it started isn't always how it should end , you can't force things sweetheart, leave it to the creator and destiny .

Her words hit hard , I didn't know I was falling until I realized and I knew it was time to stop .

That evening I talked to my Bestie and updated her about her plan and she also agreed with my mother .

There was only one thing left I wanted to feed my curiosity with and then stop .

I texted Dina , my sister's bestfriend and Atlas's neighbor about what happened to his job and she told me that he quit for a while , but he told her he will comeback in 8 days , he was just exhausted and felt behind of his friends who already figured out life and their goals while he is still stuck .

I was a bit relieved but at the same time my doubts came Back to the surface and I was sad to the fact that he opened up to her about private thoughts that I knew are hard for men to open up about ...But He did ...With Her .