

Its easier being in the background where I'm not seen. If it wasn't I probably wouldn't have picked this place to come to. I looked at the buildings, some where tall and red, others were small and white. The silver one caught my attention but I stayed away from it. The title was something angels.

The area around it seemed friendly and welcoming though. I kept going till I hit the fountain at the main part of it, I sat down and gazed up at the sun. I was waiting for someone and I didn't know who they were or what there name was. All I know was that they should be here.

My phone went off then, I picked it out of my jeans pocket and opened it. I knew who it was, nobody called me other then my boss.

"Hello," I said.

He went off. "Are you there yet, they've been there forever. They said if you weren't there now they were leaving." I looked at the time, twelve to noon. There early and are complaining. Who ever they are, I already don't like them.

"I'm here." I told him. "Sitting at the fountain waiting. I'm early by twelve minutes and if they don't like it then they can leave without me. I'll live in the city." He grumbled and did some talking.

"Ok, where at the fountain," he asked.

"On it," I answered.

"YOUR IN IT!" He yelled.

"No, I'm sitting on the edge. I'd blow my cover as a sweet innocent girl if I was wet." He growled at me then and I laughed. "The boss was a bit of a perve when it came to people being wet, mainly girls.

"Okay," he sighed into the phone. "No more jokes. I'll see you when you get here."

"Sure, papa." I hung up. He didn't like me calling him my dad, though he is my father like figure. He taught me to be what my class is, and taught me humour. He's still my boss though, and the only reason why he taught me these things is so I'd have no choice but to work for him. How twisted he is.

Three very tall guys walked toward the fountain, all of them were almost, no they were over six feet tall. One looked like he was almost seven feet. Of course the boss would send tall and muscled men to fetch me. I was less then two hundred pounds and just over five feet. These guys were actually huge.

"Are you the little girl," the seven foot tall guy asked me.

"Who's asking," I said first.

"I'm Rex," he said.

"I'm Regina," I answered.

"A queen and a king," one of the boys said giggling.