
A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)

The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-pop world gets a whole lot fun and a lot more intense as they get to meet other k-pop groups. With BTS, EXO, B.A.P, MONSTA X and Red Velvet, get ready for an endless streak of dance battles, music, fun, sleep overs, a whole lot of drama, petty fights, trouble and romance. But when some circumstances beyond control befall on Sam, Zoey and Christine, they have to reconsider keeping up with Collins' "Golden Rule" (not dating any boy group member in Korea) which gets tougher by the day. Things get even worse for The Toxins as they make plans to go back home and a familiar face comes along making The Toxins' last days in Korea a lot more difficult.

Mbita_Namwinga · 都市
47 Chs

Chapter 15: The Hero Challenge

"Are you kidding me?" I asked as I looked around.

Shownu pulled me by the hand and I got onto the platform. The sun had now set and I was looking up at the dark night sky.

"Is there a problem?" Shownu asked as he looked at me.

I folded my arms. "You know, I knew you were likely to bring us here."

Shownu raised the corner of his mouth into a smile. "Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because, the others were so excited that I didn't want to say no. Besides, this isn't so bad. I just wonder what the others would think when they come up here."

As soon as I had said those words, the door behind us flew open. Zoey and Jooheon came up to us.

"May I ask what we are doing here?" Zoey asked as she looked at Shownu.

"Does this remind of you anything, Zoey?" I asked.

Zoey looked around the rooftop and then on the round helipad platform Shownu and I were on. She scratched her head as she went back to looking around again.

"I have no clue," she said as she scratched her head. "Are we waiting for some helicopter to get us up here or something?"

Shownu laughed, so did Jooheon. I sighed instead.

"What?" Zoey shrugged her shoulders.

"Tell me, has Sam figured it out?" Jooheon asked Shownu.

"She's smart like everyone says she is, she knew about it way before we came here," Shownu answered as he looked at me.

"Nice." Jooheon quickly stepped up onto the platform. He jumped up right in front of me that I had to take a step back. "I like smart girls," he said as he looked at me with a corky smile.

"And I thought I was your bias," Zoey complained as she also got onto the platform.

"You always will," said Jooheon.

"Can someone please tell me what I'm missing here? It already seems I guessed the wrong answer."

The door leading to the rooftop soon opened again and the rest of Monsta X, The Toxins and Lee appeared.

"I just love the cool breeze," said Christine with her arms outstretched when a slight night breeze passed by. Her black curly hair flew in the wind.

"Can you tell me why we are here?" Wonho asked. "You know I don't like such places."

"Oh, you're scared of heights, aren't you?" I asked as I looked at Wonho as he approached with the others.

"Pretty much, yes," he answered as he gave me a nervous smile.

"I can't help but feel that this place reminds me of something," said Mike as he joined us on the platform.

"Ya, me too," said Daniel. "I wonder what it is."

"That's what I've been trying to figure out," said Zoey. "And sadly, these guys aren't saying anything."

"If you're a real Mon Bebe you will know why we are up here," I said as I folded my arms.

Christine snapped her fingers. "Hero, the song! They did their music video from a rooftop of a building."

Zoey slapped her forehead. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"I actually had that figured out," said Lee as she looked around the rooftop. "Don't you think it's dangerous being up here?"

"For me, yes," said Wonho.

"Stop being such a baby," said IM. "If we can manage to shoot the video from the rooftop last time, we can do so again."

"Okay, now that we know what being here reminds us of, what are we actually doing here, really?" Christine asked.

I turned to look at Shownu and everyone else did the same.

"What are you all looking at me for?" Shownu asked as he shrugged.

"You're the one who brought us here," I said. "So you're the right person to answer the question."

"Okay. I brought us up here not just to remind us about the Hero music video," Shownu started. "But also to have a dance battle."

"A dance battle?" the rest of us said at the same time, not believing a word he said.

"Ya, a dance battle. Monsta X vs The Toxins," Shownu had a bright smile on his face.

I didn't seem surprised by all this but a dance battle was the last thing on my mind right now.

"But are we all up for it, is the main question at hand," said Hyungwon. "I know I'm up for it."

"Me too," said Mike as he rubbed his hands with delight. "This is going to be so much fun."

Zoey, Christine and Daniel happily agreed. Kihyun and Minhyuk were all geared up and excited. Jooheon who stood right beside me was all chilled with a cool smile on his face and nodding his head in agreement. As much as Wonho was scared of heights, he also agreed. Hopefully no one was going to put him at the edge of the rooftop tonight just to bully him a little.

"Hey," said IM as he got onto the helipad platform and stood in front of me. "You don't seem up for the challenge."

"Oh, she is," said Zoey as she held my shoulders from behind. "She's just trying to analyse the situation like she usually does."

"Well, I for one am not up for this dance battle," said Lee.

The happy chattering around us died down after Lee's statement. What a way to ruin the mood.

"But why? Is there something wrong?" Minhyuk asked.

"I know you're trying to relive the 'Hero' experience, but why have a dance battle when there is no audience to make the final judgement?"

Lee was right somehow. In every dance battle there had to be an audience. But nowadays, people would watch dance battles online and vote. Just like the way Zoey and I had done when we had our own dance battle. Which by the way, we hadn't even known who had won since Mike never closed the voting poll.

"But we can always shoot a video and post it online and see what people think," said Zoey, bringing out the thought I had in my head.

"I don't prefer online voting, you know," said Lee. "It's way better when there's a crowd. And it's simply more fun too."

"She's right," said Shownu as he dropped from the helipad platform. "With a crowd, it makes so much sense."

"But where are we going to gather a crowd of random people who would like to watch a dance battle at this time?" Kihyun asked.

"It's already been taken care of," said Shownu as he pulled out his phone. "They will be here any moment now."

"You had everything planned out, didn't you?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "From the time we met at the café this morning."

Shownu looked at me and smiled. "Glad you figured that out."

"Wait, so, who are coming?" Minhyuk asked.

"A few fans," Shownu answered. "Don't worry, it won't be that much of a crowd."

"Alright," said Jooheon. "I simply can't wait to get this started."

"How exciting," said Zoey as she held Jooheon's shoulder. "I simply can't wait to kick your butt."

"Ha. And you think that you're a better dancer than I am?"

"Of course, I am." Zoey battered her eyelashes and flipped her hair to the side. "No question about it."

"You're really driving me to the point where I can start this dance battle right now."

"Just you and me?"

"Ya. You and me."

"Wait, hold on now," said IM as he came to stand in between the two. "You can have your own dance battle later."

"You guys really are something," said Lee as she rolled her eyes.

I jumped off the platform and joined Lee, not worried that Zoey and Jooheon were likely to go at each other with IM around.

"You don't seem up for this," I said.

"I was at first," said Lee. "But you're all here just for fun, so I wouldn't blame you."

"Do you think we can win?" Mike asked as he came over to join us.

"What? You're now scared of the famous Monsta X?" Lee asked teasingly with a smirk on her face.

Mike furrowed his eyebrows. "No, I'm not."

"If you aren't, you wouldn't be asking me that question."

"But Mike has every right to ask," I said as I rubbed my neck. "To be honest, I've been thinking about it too."

Lee laughed. "Guys, it's not a competition where you would win a grand prize. You're here just for fun, remember?"

"I forget that sometimes," said Mike.

"Whatever the case, they are good and so are we," I said. "Whatever happens, will happen."

"I am right with you."

Then all of the sudden, the door behind us flew open. The first person who walked in was a bodyguard all dressed in black. Behind him came a group of people. The fans Shownu was talking about. More came through the door and they were all chatting amongst themselves with excitement. When those who came in first saw us, they stopped on their tracks and their mouths dropped open.

"Meet our audience," said Shownu as he came to stand beside me.

There weren't more than thirty to thirty five people. Wasn't much of a crowd, but it wasn't bad either.

A few girls upon seeing us screamed. As much as they wanted to run over to us, they behaved themselves because of the bodyguards and just waved at us. I waved back and so did the others. They even took out their phones and started taking pictures.

"I'll just go over there and explain to them what's going on," said Shownu.

"Ya, you do that, I'll get my team ready," I said.

Shownu walked over to the small crowd that came to watch the dance battle. I went over to Christine and Daniel who were talking with Wonho, Kihyun and Minhyuk and told them to meet with Lee and Mike on the other side. I went over to the platform where Zoey and Jooheon were still debating over who was a better dancer. IM was still with them and this time, Hyungwon was there too.

"Zoey, come here," I said. "We have to get ready."

"Okay, I'll be right there," said Zoey. "I still have to talk some sense into Jooheon."

"It's not going to work until we dance and show him who's better. So, come on, let's go. We need to get ready."

"Fine," said Zoey. She gave Jooheon a look. "You're so going down."

"We will see," said Jooheon.

"May the best team win," I said as Zoey jumped off the helipad platform.

"You too," said Hyungwon and IM said at the same time.

"But we're definitely going to win," said Jooheon.

Zoey and I rolled our eyes at him but I ended up laughing. Zoey on the other hand was taking this to a personal level.

"Come on," I said as I took hold of Zoey's arm and went to join the other Toxins with Lee.

"Good, you're all here," I said.

"Have you gathered us here because of the dance battle?" Daniel asked.

"Well, ya. I know we don't have a fixed routine for this one, so we have to work our way around this."

"Won't it be better if we do this freestyle?" Mike asked. "You and Shownu should have set the rules first."

"That is what I wanted to do after I had a talk with the audience," came Shownu's voice behind me.

Before I could turn around, I felt Shownu grab my hand from behind and drag me backwards with him.

"Let me borrow her just for a second," he said to the others. Still holding my hand, he dragged me an earshot away from the others.

"Okay, so what are the rules?" I asked as I looked at Shownu.

"I heard what Mike said just now and I was thinking we should do that."

"Well, freestyle is fine with me. So, what song are we dancing to?"

"I don't think you should be asking that question, Sam. We're here for a reason, aren't we?"

I hit my forehead. "Oh, ya. Silly of me to even ask. Hero."

"Smart." Shownu gave me a smile.

"But aren't you guys used to the routine for the song? I mean, won't freestyle be a bit inconveniencing?"

"Don't worry about us. We're fine. You should be worried about yourselves. It's freestyle after all, we could still do the routine if we want to."

I clicked my tongue. He did have a point.

"Okay, let's get started."

Shownu winked at me. "All the best."

I blushed but I tried to remain as stoic as ever. "You too."

He backed away a little before he could turn around and head to his team. He gave me a coy look with an amazing corky smile. As cute as that look was, it gave me goosebumps.

I quickly turned away and went back to my team.

"So, how are we doing this thing?" Christine asked as soon as I joined them.

"We're going in freestyle," I answered. "So, let's not make this a big deal, especially in front of the fans."

"I think she's talking about you, Zoey," said Lee.

"Really, Lee?" Zoey looked at Lee with an eyebrow raised. "I expected Mike to attack me, not you."

Mike gave Zoey a smirk. Luckily, she didn't notice it.

"She's just saying that because of you and Jooheon," said Daniel. "Don't get too offended."

Zoey sighed. "Jooheon and I were just joking around."

"I hope so," I said with my arms folded. "Just keep yourself under control."

"Yes, ma'am," Zoey gave me a hand salute.

"What song are we dancing too, if you don't mind me asking?" Daniel asked.

"Hero," I answered.

I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. When I turned around, there stood a young man in a white buttoned up shirt tucked in black jeans with cool black and white canvas. He wore geeky glasses but with his smartly brown hair that covered his forehead and diamond studs, he looked smart if not cute.

"Hey," said the young man before me. "I just came to inform you that the dance battle is about to start and you and your team should go up on the helipad platform."

"We're doing this on the helipad?" Zoey sounded surprised. "Well, that's something."

"No, that was just pretty obvious," said Lee, rolling her eyes at Zoey.

"You're doing it again." Zoey sounded frustrated this time around.

"We're on our way now," I said to the young man in front of me and giving him a smile, completely ignoring Lee and Zoey.

"Before that, may I take a quick selfie with you guys?" he asked.

Before I could accept, the rest of the team gathered around and the young man came to stand right beside me with his phone pulled out, his cheek against mine. I looked up at the camera and everyone else did the same with smiles on their faces, some doing the peace sign with their fingers. Zoey on the other hand, stuck her tongue out.

"Okay, everyone up the helipad, please," said the guy in glasses.

I led the way to the platform and at the same time, Monsta X were coming up on the other side being led by Shownu.

When we were all up the platform, the fans gathered around and started to cheer. This was going to be fun. I smiled to myself as I looked at our opponents and they looked back at us.

I turned to the Toxins. "Are you ready for this?" I asked.

"Ready as ever," Daniel answered.

Zoey cracked her fingers, looking at her opponents on the other side. "So ready," she said.

Christine gave me a wink. Mike nodded his head. He looked way more determined to beat Monsta X than we were.

Lee gave us a thumbs up and mouthed out "good luck." I nodded my head and went back to focusing what's at hand.

The guy in glasses also came up on the platform and stood in the space between The Toxins and Monsta X. Looked like he was the one hosting the show.

"Good evening, party people!" he said with so much enthusiasm. That got the crowd cheering. To be honest, I  never thought the guy even had it in him.

"Tonight is going to be an awesome night, right here, right now," he continued. "We're going to have an epic dance battle with one of the world's best pop dancers. On the left corner, having this dance battle on their own home turf, the monsters taking over the music world, Monsta X!"

The crowd cheered loudly and some whistled. Most girls called out to Monsta X and screamed the loudest. Monsta X turned to the fans and waved. Some putting their hands together and acknowledging their fans support.

"On the right corner, our visitors all the way from the States and taking over the entertainment headlines all across the globe, the phenomenal, Toxins!"

The fans cheered just as loud as they had done for Monsta X. We waved at them and Zoey blew out kisses to the fans.

"Now, we're going to have a freestyle dance battle," continued the host. "Which ever team dances the best will depend on you. Now, who is ready for this?"

The fans cheered in response.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Once the host jumped down from the platform, the music started to play. There were loud speakers close to the platform. Monsta X got into formation and so did we.

Just as the music got to the climax, Monsta X, took to the centre. Their opening dance was almost similar to the one they had done in the music video. Nothing we can do about that.

On the first verse, Christine and I took the centre, walking in with attitude. That sent Monsta X back to their corner. Christine and I danced, our moves synchronising with each other.

Then Shownu and Wonho came up, backing Christine and I to our corner and taking centre.

Coming to the chorus, the five of us Toxins took the dance floor. The crowd cheered as we showed off our dance moves in front of Monsta X.

Soon enough, we backed off and Jooheon and IM took centre. Afterwards, Zoey and Daniel took to the centre.

Mike then went in solo and Hyungwon also joined in. There was loud cheering from the crowd and from the teams on stage as well giving our support to our fellow teammate.

On the third verse, Kihyun and Minhyuk took centre. Just as the song was about to end on the chrous, the two teams started to dance all at once. And surprisingly, we The Toxins danced the way Monsta X did in their music video. Apparently, they did so too. That felt a little strange but no one took offense to it and we all took centre and danced together. Afterwards, the song was done and the fans started to clap and cheer.

"This was so awesome!" IM exclaimed who stood right next to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Okay," I grew a little surprised by the hug. While the fans were cheering, a nice sweet sigh came from seeing us hug.

"Oh," IM quickly dropped his hands. He was blushing and so was I. "Sorry."

"No, it's fine," I said as I looked away and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Oooooh, that was so romantic," came the host who came back onto the platform and the fans couldn't agree more.

"Alright! Enough of that," said the host. "Now, the moment of truth. Your cheers for the group I point at, will determine if they win or not."

Oh gosh! Judgment had finally come. I put my hands together and rubbed them. To be honest, I was pretty nervous. But all that didn't matter anyway.

"So, do you think The Toxins danced better?" the host asked as he pointed his hand at us.

The crowd cheered loud. I heard Zoey squirm next to me. She was nervous too.

"How about Monsta X?"

The crowd cheered louder on the mention of Monsta X. Monsta X won the dance battle. I clapped for them and so did the other Toxins. Zoey didn't really look happy at all but she clapped anyway.

"Congratulations, guys," said Christine as she walked over to them and hugged Hyungwon first.

"You guys were awesome," said Shownu as he approached and he and Mike gave each other a high five.

"We're so going to get you next time," said Mike giving Shownu a smirk.

"Can't wait for that day," said Jooheon as he came to join us.

"You better be ready for it," said Daniel.

"I think you guys danced way better than we did," said Hyungwon as he came to join us with Christine.

"Does that even matter?" I asked. "I mean, we did have fun, didn't we?"

"Ya, we did," said Minhyuk.

"Well, someone still doesn't look happy," said IM.

I knew who he was talking about. I looked at Zoey behind me. She was staring elsewhere towards the night sky with her arms folded and her eyebrows furrowed.

"Is she upset?" Wonho asked.

"A little," Mike and I answered at the same time.

"I know how to cheer her up," said Jooheon.

"I don't think you should," said Christine. "I mean, you're going to annoying her even more."

"No, she won't." Jooheon walked past me to get to Zoey.

"This is going to be fun," I said as I turned around to see what was going to happen.

"Hey, Zoey," said Jooheon as he came towards Zoey with open arms.

"Don't you dare come near me," said Zoey with her finger raised, warning him.

"Why? I want to hug you so that you can feel better."

"Get away from me, Jooheon!"

"Come on, Zoey," said Christine. "Just do it."

"No!" Zoey exclaimed like a child as she backed away from Jooheon.

"Come on, bring it in," said Jooheon as he came closer. Zoey was just on the edge of the platform. But she soon turned round, moving along the edge.

"He won't bite you," said Wonho. "Just hug him."

"Don't make us start chanting," said Mike.

"Chanting what?" Zoey asked looking at Mike.

"Hug him, hug him," Mike started, clapping his hands together.

Surprisingly, I found myself chanting and so did each one of us on stage. Even the fans joined in too.

"No!" Zoey said.

"Come on," said Jooheon. "Everyone wants this."

"Well, not me," said Zoey, still backing away. "You've to catch me first."

Zoey ran across the helipad platform. The rest of us made way so that she could run through. She jumped off the platform, running into the fans.

"She's so fun," said Jooheon as he soon followed suit, running after Zoey.

The two ran around the rooftop in circles like little kids or rather a dog chasing a cat. Zoey being the cat and Jooheon, the dog.

"Get away from me, Jooheon!" Zoey called out to him as she ran behind a pole.

"I'm still coming for you," said Jooheon, passing the pole and almost catching her.

The fans couldn't help but laugh at the situation at hand that some started filming what was going on.

I also couldn't help but laugh myself. This was fun.

"Collins is going to love this," said Lee who came up on the platform and started filming the chase with her phone.

"Tonight has just been awesome," said Kihyun.

"I couldn't agree more," I said.

"We should be doing this more often," said Mike.

"The chase or the dance battle?" Daniel asked.

Mike looked at Zoey who screamed out loud just as Jooheon was about to catch her.

"Both," he answered.

"I wouldn't mind playing catch with you guys," said IM. "As long as we have to catch Sam."

I raised an eyebrow as I turned to look at IM. "Me? Seriously?"

"I wouldn't mind that too," said Hyungwon.

"Me neither," said Shownu.

"I'm not a deer you have to hunt, you know?" I folded my arms.

"Let's do this," said Kihyun. "For Monsta X only, whoever catches Sam, will be free from doing the chores for a week."

"Awesome idea," said Shownu.

"This just got interesting," said Christine. "And on The Toxins part, catch Sam and you will be leader for a week."

"This just real, "I said shaking my head. "Lee, help me out here."

"Can we play that another time?" Lee suggested. "At the moment, Zoey and Jooheon's game just got interesting."

"Ya, so, Sam, get ready," said Hyungwon as the corner of his lips were raised to a smile. "You're next."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, so not looking forward to that day.

Zoey captured my attention as she  screamed. Jooheon had finally caught her from behind and he hugged her, not willing to let her go.

"Well, it's about time," said Daniel.

"Now that that's over," I said, "if any of you don't catch me before I reach downstairs to the car, we are not going to play the next game."

"Huh?" the others muttered.

I caught the other Toxins and Monsta X off guard. I quickly dashed off, jumped down from the platform and headed for the door.

"No fair, Sam!" Christine exclaimed behind me.

"Let's go, we better catch her," said Wonho.

"Zoey! Jooheon! We have to catch Sam!" Mike called out to them. "So stop hugging and let's go!"

I smiled at the others and winked when I reached the door. The others were all jumping down the platform. I quickly pulled the door open and ran down the stairs. I am fast when I needed to be and I was fast now. They weren't going to catch me, no matter what.

Besides, I am the Black Kitty after all.