
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 15 Close call

Glaring at the ape in front of them, the three wind wolves inched closer and closer. With a loud bark from the alpha wind wolf, the two charged at Ajax from both sides while watching closely for its opportunity. As Ajax saw the two wind wolves charging at him, he thrust out his spear at his right side, hoping to have it back off from being killed. As the thrust came forward, 'swoosh' before Ajax can pull back his spear, the alpha wind wolf had already used its wind enhancement making it a lot faster and bit the side of the spear snatching it away before it could kill its subordinate.

"Fuck, damn what a smart wolf" said Ajax as he saw his spear being taken away.

As his spear was snatched away, the wind wolf that he was thrusting towards came at him with even greater speed and lunged at the hand that was still put out. 'chomp'. Ajax felt extreme pain on his arm that was clenched down by the sharp jaws of the wind wolf. Luckily with his evolution, he defense was higher that it used to be and he only felt intense pain. As the wind wolf that had its jaws against the arm felt that it didn't bite through, it started to clench its jaw's even harder going down deep into his flesh and hitting bone.

'aaahh' Ajax screamed no longer able to hold it in.

Before he could even think about shaking it off, he felt the other wind wolf approaching closer and closer. As that wind wolf approached even closer, he couldn't think straight any longer and used the wind wolf that was still on his arm as a hammer, slamming it down against the wind wolf that was close to biting him. 'bang' he sent that wind wolf flying into the stream. As Ajax felt the wind wolf's clench soften a little, he thought of the movie 'King Kong' of when it tore apart the jaw of the gigantic dinosaur and thought to do the same thing. As he took action and put both of his hands on the jaw, he began pulling it apart. Just as did that, the alpha wind wolf lunged itself while covered in its wind enhancement, at Ajax's torso. Although Ajax felt the alpha wind wolf coming, he had no other choice but to take it because he had to finish the current wind wolf so that he could have less problems with their number.

'aaaahhh, fucking wolves" screamed Ajax as he felt the jaws coming down on his torso and cursed.

He was in extreme pain and angry that the alpha wind wolf had stronger strength and speed than him. As his grip on the wind wolf started to loosen, it took the chance to clenched even harder to rip off the hand. As Ajax felt his grip loosen, he put forth even greater strength as he quickly added the 5 skill points in strength, filling him with power, he pulled harder and harder and 'shred' the whole head and been torn apart. As this happened, the wolf that was thrown into the stream had already gotten up and dashed towards Ajax but was slower than its initial speed, obviously it was injured from the last attack. As Ajax saw the incoming wind wolf, he put his two hands together forming a ball fist and slammed against the head of the alpha wind wolf. As it felt the strength of the fist slam, it loosed its jaws slightly but before it could clench again, it felt its body being grabbed and thrown farther and slammed against the tree. As Ajax threw the alpha wind wolf, he stood there because he could no longer move as fast and if he did make any harsh movements, he will bleed faster. Ajax stood there waiting for the wind wolf to come lunge at him with his arms out in front of him. Seeing its leader being thrown away, it slightly panicked but threw the thought away as it was already charging at Ajax. It lunged forward with its mouth out, hoping to buy more time for its leader to come back up and finish off the strong ape in front it. ' Bang' as the jaw and hands collided, Ajax had no choice but try the same move because he still did not have his spear with him.

"DIIIIIEEEE" screamed Ajax as he pulled the same move and ripped apart the head of the wind wolf.

As Ajax ripped apart the head, 'bang' Ajax felt a strong force against the side of his body sending him flying across the ground. The alpha wind wolf tried to save his last subordinate but failed in doing so as it was too late. AAAAOOOOOOUUUUUUU howled the alpha wind wolf as it was the last one standing. It glared at the Ajax in anger. As Ajax was slowly standing up, he stumbled and felt to his right knee.

"damn" said Ajax as he felt the injury a little too painful for him to stand up immediately.

As his knee went down, as he tried to push off, he felt something enter his hand. It was his spear. The alpha wind wolf was too much in a rush to save its subordinate that it carelessly knocked him towards his spear. As Ajax felt his spear, he crouched down even lower while his hand hovered over the spear. As the alpha wind wolf, saw its regretful actions, he lunged at Ajax with its greatest speed, hoping to bite off his head before Ajax could grab the spear and strike at it. 'puchi' just as the bite was going to come at Ajax's head, Ajax had bent his back backwards while dodging the lunge and pulled his spear and thrust at the alpha wind wolf coming over him and pierced it through its body. 'thud'. The alpha wind wolf collapsed on top of Ajax's body. As Ajax felt the body falling on top of him, he struggled to push the body off, when he heard a loud scream.

" oh no, Tim" thought Ajax as he heard the scream.

As Ajax looked towards Tim's direction, he saw that Tim's left arm was being chomped down by the eight legged alligator's jaws. As Ajax felt like he had no more strength strength to battle much longer, he took out his bow and arrow, and aimed at the eight legged alligator's eyes. 'swoosh' 'puchi, as the arrow came flying into the Alligator's eye, it roared and loosened its grip and chomped even faster and twisted its body breaking the arrow on its eyes. As Tim was being flipped over, as his back hit the ground and felt the twisting motion he quickly raised his sword and 'puchi' he had finally pierced through the tough scales of the eight legged alligator.

During their battle, he thought that at first it would be a fairly easy battle since his opponent was a water creature that was now on land. But he greatly underestimated it when it cleverly used its feet and tail to send itself flying across the ground and caused a hard fought battle as his speed was just barely fast enough to handle the eight legged alligator and caused a battle that nearly cost him his life. 'plop' as Tim sat down and begin panting for some time to catch his breath.

"thanks brother Ajax, you saved me" Tim said looking at Ajax's location.

He was greatly surprised as he saw the body's on the ground and at Ajax's injuries. 'rustle' 'rustle'

" Fuck, more?" said Ajax as heard the rustling sound not far from their location. " Must've been from the loud howl from the alpha wind wolf. Not taking much more time, he stood up and grabbed Tim as he dashed towards the water. Ajax was planning on quickly washing off the blood from his and Tim's body so that the beasts coming won't be able to pick up their scent easily.

" Quick we need to move" hurredly said Ajax as he threw Tim in the water.

As the two quickly washed off the blood, more wolves emerged from the forest and saw the dead bodies and the two apes in the water.

" Fuck, run!!" said Ajax.

As Ajax quickly put his spear on his back, he took out his bow and arrows and begin shooting at the wind wolves that was charging at them.

As the two got out of the water and began running towards the forest, " Up and follow me closely" said Ajax.

As the two climbed up Ajax was still firing off arrows at the wind wolf, but barely scratched them as they seemed to be stronger than the last wind wolves that Ajax has just previously fought off. Seeing his arrows do nothing but slightly slow them down, Ajax and Tim began to swing from tree to tree. Ajax was trying his best to think of a way out of this situation. He thought of the horned bear's territory and ran towards that direction. He was planning on finding a large group of them so he can have them clash and become distracted.

As what seemed to be days of travel, Ajax and Tim noticed that they were running out of stamina with the wind wolves still chasing after them, hungry for revenge. Before Ajax and Tim could lose all hope, Ajax saw a large group of horned bears just walking around and looking for food, they seemed stronger than what they hunted before.

" plot armor " said Ajax as he excitedly saw the large group of horned bears. Quickly he shot out an arrow at what looked to be the strongest one of the horned bears and shot another one at one of the wolves. Feeling a slight hit from its side, the horned bear looked back and saw two injured apes and roared as it ran towards Ajax. Before it got towards the tree that the two apes were on, it noticed the large group of wind wolves. As the two groups saw each other, it was like two rival clans that had a blood feud for generations to come saw each other. The two leaders of the group saw each other and roared but grew silent quickly after lower roars and grunts.

" Wtf, are they communicating? Plot armor my ass" said Ajax as he grabbed Tim and began to run even faster.

His thought process was right, the two large groups were indeed communicating and agreed to hold off on their fight to chase after the two apes.

" Fuck" said Ajax as he saw them running towards them. Ajax had finally ran out of ideas until suddenly he saw a familiar stream.

" Could it be? Did we really run this far" said Ajax as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

The stream that he saw was the stream the was likely close to his tribe. Ajax ran even harder activating his wind enhancement even harder as he felt the draining stamina.

" Fuck will we make it?" thought Ajax. " OOOUUU AAAAAHHH AAAHH" yelled Ajax calling for help as he crossed the stream and made a run for it with the two groups not far from behind. As they jumped from branch to branch, Ajax had finally lost all his energy and fell off from the branch.

" Tim, carry us just a bit further" said Ajax as he began to lose his consciousness.

" I'll try" said Tim as he also felt that he had not much stamina left.

As Tim took held Ajax, he took another step and heard several rustling sounds around him. "Shit" said Tim as he saw the two large groups appearing from behind. As Tim put Ajax down behind him, he took out his sword and screamed at the two groups with a loud chant as he felt their coming death.

But just as the beasts was about to lunge at them, a spear came flying down from above the tree. 'puchi'. One of the wolves just died like that. As Tim looked up, he saw a figure emerge. This figure was large and looked terribly strong. As strong as his dad Tim thought to himself. As Tim looked past the large figure, he saw numerous other large figures standing on the trees not far from him. They even surrounded the two large groups. As Tim continued to hold out his sword and looked at the large figure, it suddenly moved and before he knew it, it appeared in front of him.

He then heard a deep and strong voice, " hmmm, good job on bringing my son here" said the deep and strong voice. " You can rest now, we can handle the rest". As soon as Tim heard what the large and powerful figure said, he immediately fell to the ground and fainted. Tim knew when he heard the word 'son' that this was Ajax's tribe and the person that stood in front of him must've been Ajax's father. As Tim already knew that their fathers were close friends, he trusted that Ajax's father would take care of them both and let go his worries and slept.

As King Adros saw Tim fall to the ground, he looked towards the two groups and said in a loud and powerful voice, " You dare come to kill my son on my territory? Then you can go die" and then pointed his finger towards them, " Kill them all".

Hello, because of a previous comment, I noticed a big mistake on my part on how I address the chimps as monkeys. Kudos to the person that pointed it out. If you had already read up to here and saw that, I am going back to update and change monkeys into chimps or apes. Thanks for reading and please continue to fact check me if you guys feel that I am doing something wrong. Thank you.

kiingshet12creators' thoughts