
A Journey against Gods and Wizards

I was reading an SI into the diary horcrux and liked it and thought I could try but with more Mythology so I am throwing something together with Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, I know a shocker. Anyway, Guy dies meets Pontus makes deal does stuff and hopefully doesn't die on the way. YAY!! Read If ya want or don't I post when I feel like it cuz I prefer to write it on paper before typing it up.

Yami_Bakura · 書籍·文学
3 Chs

Chapter Two

Now step 'get body' is complete I have to prepare for step 'become op'. First to the lake and see what I can do. Going through the hallway's if hogwarts is both new and nostalgic, the glances from the portraits are also putting me off about and their voices. It's also good it's night and I know the disillusion charm. I pass by who I think is the Bloody Baron, what with all the blood covering him I am sure I am right. He seems to be looking for something, well not my problem.

Reaching the lake, I immediately jump in. Instincts I didn't know I had took over as I dived deep into the lake and I noticed I could breathe which isn't a surprise but what else I could certainly did. I could link to all the creatures from the giant squid and merfolk to the red caps, this must be how Aquaman feels like, it's kinda empowering. Now I want his sweet tattoos. With my mind, I call some fish to myself and have the squid shake my hand..OMG this is soooo cool .. ahem ... and I hold on to his tentacle.

As I was submerged, I could feel that my soul and body were adjusting quicker and my power was increasing. Unfortunately merfolk aren't sexy, like come on J.K. at least give us hit mermaids like the ones in one piece (note to self: get to one piece world) oh well that's enough. With a flex if will, I use the water and currents to move and launch my self back up. My strength quickly goes back to normal, I didn't notice when I was in the black lake but I was at least 3 times stronger.

Now to Hogsmede, I have to plan what I am to say to Dumbledore tomorrow. With Hermione dead, and Harry as an anti-social loner my plan to leave him the work while I focus on Gaia isn't going to work. Why did the troll have to kill a main character? is plot armour not a thing because that is good and bad as it means Im not guaranteed to win guess that's why Pontus involved me.I will need to absorb the diadum horcrux for more of Voldemort's knowledge the more power I get the better and he should have been in his 40s when he made it so it should have a lot more information. Then with that taken care of it should destroy the DADA curse so I can spend a few years here as a defence teacher before fucken off to America to help the demikids.

It does seem likely some of the wizard children are demigods now that I'm thinking about it, probably the half-bloods or muggleborns as the purebloods have two wizard parents. Okay, I will keep an eye out for them and I can even play guess the parent to pass the time, I wonder if Harry potter is a demigod that usually happens in this type of crossover hopefully not cause that would be a lot of work.

I need to make a lesson plan and get rid of Lockhart then I am golden. I'm thinking, eaten by a red cap it would be ironically funny. Seriously, I will have to get a wand so my plan is Dumbledore, Diagon Alley then murder and finally teaching little brats all the while gaining power to literally fuck the planet.


After that panick attack, I head towards an inn called the hogs head, speaking to the barkeep I give him a Galleon for 4 nights before heading up to my temporary room and have a well deserved nap to take in all I've dealt with today which to be honest has been overwhelming.


"So you have begun your backup plan Pontus, how fortunate we won't have to use him." They spoke.

"Shh sister, he has grown powerful he may notice are talk" a sister stated.

"Not yet, though with him allied to other counterparts there's not much we can do, we never should have agreed with the Shinto in the first place" Another added.