
A Jock's life in Classroom of the Elite

What if instead of a Red Haired Sudou Ken, we'll have another Red Head instead.

Gold_Silver_4810 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs


It'd been one week since the entrance ceremony. The boys in our class are pretty excited today.

I could pretty much guess their thoughts, I'm a boy too after all.

This day, we will have our swimming class. Swimming means pool, and pool means swimsuits. In other words Kushida, Horikita, and all the other girls would be... showing a lot of skin.

The boys started getting excited together as they began to loudly discuss about the girls' breast sizes. They made rankings and began a betting tournament.

One of the boys tried talking to me trying to invite me to bet. I just glared at him and said, "Don't talk to me like we're best buddies."

The guy immediately shivered and swiftly ran away.

I might have worded badly that could easily be misunderstood. But I really don't want the girls to hate me for being a pervert so I chose to distance myself from their ilk.

Well that earned only my classmate's fear of me. I could some talking silently that they should avoid me or I'll get annoyed with them.

There goes my social life.


After the lunch ended, it was finally time for swimming class. Finally the moment we have been waiting for.

I entered the changing room for boys and swiftly removed my school uniform. I took my swimsuit from the bag and quickly changed into it in one swift motion.

"Woah, you're pretty solid even for a guy aren't you Sakuragi-san?" A guy dressing next to me said.

Well I looked at my body's musculature I could tell it looks amazing. I stood at 190cm height with well trained body for playing basketball for years.

"Well yeah, thanks I guess. You also looked pretty good to me, Hirata." I answered.

The guy dressing next to me to my surprise, it was Hirata. He's a handsome guy with great personality. His popularity is on the top of the class and girls flock over him. With his personality Hirata must have caught on that I didn't really get along with our classmates and made friends. He's that kind of guy to help out people out of the kindness of his heart.

"Well then shall we go together Sakuragi-kun." Hirata invited me to go with him.

I nodded and entered the swimming pool area with him.

The moment we entered we are greeted with the beautiful sight of an indoor pool. I could tell a lot of money must have been put into this facility. That's a government funded school for you.

The other boys entered the pool with much excitement. They couldn't wait for the girls to come out of their dressing rooms to look at such sights to behold.

Their joy is cut short though when they realized most of the girls decide not to join the swimming class. They are in the second floor observation deck looking at Ike and the others with disgust in their faces.

Thankfully I managed to distance myself from them. It's also thanks that I'm with Hirata right now that they didn't give me those painful looks. I'm within the Hirata zone.

Kushida came in the pool. She looks cute and yet mixed with erotic aura to it. Her breasts are quite large with her wide hips and her delicate skin also looks great.

Next Horikita came into view. She looks really cool and beautiful. Her slender build was just right in all places. Especially her legs, back, and shoulders showing those flawless skin screams of her femininity.

I forced myself to calm down my raging urges so my involuntary biological reaction wouldn't spell my disaster.

"All right, everyone, line up!" The teacher who is a macho looking middle age man called us.

First we go for a warmup exercises. Then the teacher has us swim the pool for 50 meters without our feet touching the bottom. Seeing that we finished the task given, the teacher gave us shocking news.

"I'll have you start competing each other. We'll separate groups by gender. Fifty meter freestyle."

"C-compete? Are you serious?"

"I'll give a special bonus to the first place winner: 5000 points. The student who comes in last place, however, will have to take supplementary lessons. Get ready."

The students who were confident cheered with joy, while those less confident students groaned. I think I'm a pretty good swimmer too myself so I'm not too worried.

I fired myself up from the competition. I will get first place for sure!

The competition started, the first race was the girl's category.

Horikita pretty much won the whole thing leaving the other competitors behind her in considerable distance. She's really good at this.

"Do you best Sakuragi-kun."


Next I got called to compete. When the teacher gave the signal to start we jumped off and swim.

I did my best and came out first. I also caught some looking at me with amazed looks. I could see their faces saying "I guess his large body isn't just all for show".

Next is the girl's category, another group of girls competed. This time the winner came from a girl named Onodera. She's a member of the swimming club so she won easily.

After that the competition with the boys it was Hirata's turn. However he had a tough competitor with Kouenji in the same race as him.

The race ended with Kouenji taking the first place and Hirata following at second place. The girls are cheering for Hirata's performance, he's quite fast too.

And then finally the final race for the girl's category. The competition are close with Horikita and Onodera. In the end Onodera got first place with even a few meters ahead of Horikita the second place.

Next is the final race and moment of truth of the boy's category. This race is gonna be a tough one with Hirata and Kouenji.

I really did my best to swim as fast as I can. I could see Koeunji coming fast too and we are neck and neck. In the end I snagged the first place of the competition. It's a very close one.

"The final winner of boy's category: Sakuragi Hanamichi. 22.01 seconds!"

I won an additional 5,000 points.

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