
A Jock's life in Classroom of the Elite

What if instead of a Red Haired Sudou Ken, we'll have another Red Head instead.

Gold_Silver_4810 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Getting in trouble

"Sakuragi-kun..." I can hear Sakura from behind. He must be looking at me from the back.

"Don't worry Sakura. I won't let them lay their dirty hands on you." I tried to reassure her.

"What's this? A knight and shining armor protecting the Princess. I never thought you're that kind of guy Sakuragi." Ishizaki said.

They approached us with only five meters distance away. They spread out a little distance away from each other.

"I don't know why you guys are spouting nonsense like that. If you want something with me, spit it out already." I answered.

"You know, you've been really up your high horse lately you know that? Putting off practice for three whole weeks and then suddenly coming back. But despite that I hear you getting the regular spot. You must have spent a lot of time licking the asses of our upperclassmen huh." Komiya said with full intent to provoke me.

"Hmph, if you just suck at playing ball then don't blame me for it." I scoffed of their cheap provocation.

"You bastard..." Ishizaki looked at me seething with anger.

"Hehehe, we came here today to keep you from doing that. You know how professional players gets injured affecting their career right? We could make a quick work for you like that too." Komiya said.

"You really had those tongue of yours Komiya. If you have time to flap those lips of yours, then you could have just throw your fist earlier. What's stopping you then? Come on, I'll take all three of you." I taunted them back.

"Hehe, we know we could do just that. But we'll also be taking that chick with us too."

"Take this Sakuragi!"

Ishizaki who couldn't hold his anger any further rushed at me. Komiya and the other guy I didn't know also come at me. They had advantage in numbers.

However they forgot I overwhelmed them in size and weight. In my eyes they're not much different than children.

"Back off Sakura!"

All three of them rushed towards me, I ate a punch straight to my face from Ichizaki. I retaliated of a punch on my own and hit his cheek.

Komiya came behind me to go for a chokehold. The other guy started raining punches on me.

However I turned the tables around when I slammed to the ground. His hold on me loosened. I catched up my breathe feeling dazed.

"Take this bitch!" Ishizaki thrown a telegraph punch at me.

I took it head on not having any intention to evading. I gripped on the collars of his uniform and threw him away slamming his back on the wall. I held back so he wouldn't die or have long lasting injury.

The unknown guy was the last. I give him a front kick straight on his abdomen. He was able to defend himself that last second with his arms, but he was thrown several meters away from the force of my kick.

"What's this, is this all you've got? You were talking all that big shit earlier."

Just as I was feeling confident of my victory. I never thought I'd brought my guard down.

"Eep..." Sakura had her mouth covered up with a guy holding her mouth.

"If you don't this girl to get hurt, you better not fight back." Another guy different from the other three came. He was large and beefy.

I am confident with my size and could proudly say I'm the biggest student in school. But this guy stood closest to my size not shorter than me by 10 centimeters. As for weight, he could be even heavier than me. This guy is a rare student in Class C. He doesn't really look Japanese, a foreigner with black skin.

"You sons of bitches. Don't you dare drag Sakura into this or I'll make you all regret it." I didn't realize that even my voice had gone deeper and deeper with rage.

"Now now, Sakuragi. We also need insurance you know? You're a pretty violent guy so we need some extra helping hand."

I don't understand. What is that guy Ryuen thinking about sending Albert here? Does he really want to escalate this incident to the school and putting expulsion on the table? This isn't something I know what happened in the novel anymore.

No that doesn't matter. I don't need to think about complicated things. A girl is in trouble and I need to save her, that's all I care about. Later consequences is second only to this.

I didn't know what brought into me, but the next thing I did is something I don't remember clearly.

When I was done, all I see was red. I haven't realized but blood is flowing down from my forehead to my face. Komiya, Ishizaki, the unknown guy, and Albert is laying down the ground unconscious.

"Sakuragi-kun! Are you alright?!"

My mind is still hazy as everything in my vision is in red filter. But I recognize that voice. It snapped my rationality back.


"The hospital. We need to go to the hospital!" Sakura said.

I didn't know what happened later but I can feel my body getting dragged on by someone. Sakura is supporting me going to the Advanced Nurturing High School Hospital.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my promise Sakura."

"N-No you don't need to apologize... I was grateful, really."

That's the last thing I remember before I lost consciousness. I'm so tired after an intense practice and getting into a fight. I guessed I also suffered concussion after taking blows from Albert's punches.

I need to apologize to everyone in class later.