
A Hunter Is Leaving

War is Life in the Great Tree village, Zune. Casualties is to be expected as battles break out almost everyday against the opposing village Fon. Monsters roam this world leaving very little civilized lands. While this war against the two villages has been raging for hundreds of years. Every boy is raised for that purpose. Given no name and taken from their Nurturer at the age 8, and trained until they are 13. Once they have completed this they go through “The Naming” Ceremony. Which names and titles are given too them, as they are added to the ranks of the army. Hunter is an elite title given too the most loyal and talented men in the village. They work in small groups spending most of the time outside of the village and camps. They specialize in recon, tracking, trapping, and killing monsters. At least that’s what The Officials will say. This world called Noon has so much to offer if it wasn’t for the other village. War propaganda is spread across the village. Everyone must do their part to keep their way of life safe. But is this way the right way? Classism, sexism, deceit, corruption, all within the reasoning of The Officials.

brownkaleal · アクション
7 Chs

A Midnight Encounter

The young boy had a mission to complete. As the stars winked above, he carefully slipped out of the training grounds, his heart pounding in his chest. The night air was cool against his skin, and a flicker of excitement danced in his eyes.

Unbeknownst to him, his movements had not gone unnoticed. A wise old man, Master Ta, stood silently in the shadows, his watchful eyes trained on the young adventurer.


The old man's voice pierced the air as he yelled, capturing the young boy's attention in an instant.

With a knowing smile, he stepped forward towering over the boy, blocking his path. As the boy stayed frozen at the position of attention. Arms locked to their sides, feet attached together, chin pointing towards the celestial orbs shimmering above.

The old man had his officer robe on. A striking combination of black and purple, exuding an air of elegance and authority. Its sleek design featured intricate gold lining that traced the edges, adding a touch of regality to the ensemble. The black fabric draped over the shoulders. Allowing his long white hair to demand focus, while the vibrant purple accents brought a sense of sophistication and flair to the uniform, creating a commanding presence for those who wore it.

"Ah, my eager pupil," Master Ta said, his voice gentle yet firm… now. "What brings you out here in the dead of night? The training grounds are not a place for you young boys to wander freely."

Startled, the boy's mind raced, searching for an explanation. "Master Ta!" he exclaimed, feigning surprise. "I was searching for you. I wanted to seek your guidance on an important matter."

Master Ta raised an eyebrow with the scar above it following. His is expression was curious yet cautious. "Is that so?"


"Relax, What matter weighs so heavily on your mind that you would venture out at this hour?"

Taking a deep breath, the trainee allowed his body to unwind, easing out of that rigid stance. The boy continued with his deception. "I find myself torn, Master. Between the path of a soldier and that of a hunter. I am at a crossroads, and I sought your wisdom to help me decide."

Master Ta's gaze softened as he listened intently. "Ah, the choices we must make in life. Both paths hold their own merits, young one. As a soldier, you defend our village, protecting it from external threats. But as a hunter, you safeguard our sustenance, providing for the very core of our existence."

Master Ta's words echoed the thoughts that had plagued his mind for weeks. He hadn't come seeking guidance, but now the truth seemed to unravel before him. He felt compelled to share his true intentions.

"Master," the boy began hesitantly, "I must confess, there is more to my late-night excursion. I am not here to seek your guidance alone. I have something else hidden away, something that I believe will bring joy to my friends."

Master Ta's eyes twinkled with curiosity, and a hint of a smile played on his lips. "Oh? And what might that be, young spear?"

Drawing a deep breath, the boy pulled out a concealed bag from beneath his cloak, revealing a bottle of wine. "I ventured into the cellar under the training grounds. I secured this, hoping to surprise my friends with a taste of something beyond our usual fare."

Master Ta's surprise quickly transformed into amusement. Chuckling softly, he gazed at the boy with a mixture of pride and understanding. "Little sword, my loyal pupil, you are a resourceful young soul. Your willingness to go to such lengths to bring joy to your comrades is a testament to your character."

The boy's eyes widened, relieved to find acceptance instead of admonishment. "Master Ta, does this mean you won't stop me?"

Master Ta nodded, his gaze filled with both respect and wisdom. "I will let you go. Take this opportunity to bring laughter and happiness to your friends' hearts. You all will have your names soon and will join the ranks. Times like this will be important in the future. Your loyalty to the village is admirable, and it will serve you well, no matter which path you choose in the end."

With gratitude shining in his eyes, the boy bowed deeply to his master. "Thank you, Master Ta, for understanding. I promise to carry your teachings with me always."

Relief from the encounter, the boy tries to walk straight while leaving his masters presence. Fighting the urge from releasing a days worth of hydration from fear alone. Once he believed he was free from Master Ta's gaze he began to run. Making his way through the small trees heading back to the huts.