
A Hundredfold Training System with Instantly Upgrades

Jiang Chen crossed the other world and accidentally got the 100-time cultivation system; he is getting stronger all the time! The basic martial arts skills can be upgraded to a heavenly level by walking around and waving a fist! The first thing you can do is take a pill, and your cultivation will grow faster than a rocket! It’s hard to understand the law of sword intent. Is it difficult to become an alchemist? I have a hundred times the cultivation system, it’s just a matter of minutes! Jiang Chen has a hundred times the cultivation system in his hand, from now on, he will beat all disobedience!

wounded_man · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

You hit me, even if I lose!

"I wiped. What this kid said just now? I heard it, right?"

"Tsk, tusk. This body-tempered double-layer waste material, who gave him the courage to pretend to be here?"

"A person who has the ability to pretend to be forceful is awesome. A person who is not capable of pretending to be forceful is purely a fool. I think this is a typical fool."

"Good, very good!"

Lin Yang smiled angrily.

He stared at Jiang Chen sharply. "If you have a seed, you can compete with me in the ring!"

If it hadn't been for Lingyun Wufu's prohibition on private fights, he might not be able to help but rush up right now, pressing Jiang Chen to the ground and beating wildly.

Jiang Chen sneered in his heart.

He didn't want to care about this guy, but this kid had to take the initiative to send him to the door to slap him!

That being the case, he will fulfill this guy!

"You want to compete with me; I have no problem."

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth made a slight arc: "However, since you are going to fight, you have to bet?"

Lin Yang was overjoyed immediately.

He didn't expect Jiang Chen not only to agree but also to bet against him.

Since this kid took the initiative to send it to the door, he must make Jiang Chen pay a **** price for it!

"This is a body-tempering pill. If you win, it is yours. If you lose, then you lose me one, how about?"

Lin Yang was afraid that Jiang Chen would repent, so he stretched out his hand and took out a jade bottle from his arms.

"Hold the grass; it would be nice to have a great brother, and I took out treasures like Body Tempering Pills at hand."

"Lin Yang is really willing to take out a body-tempering pill as a bet!"

"Nonsense, body tempering four times beats body tempering two times; the fool knows he won't lose, and I'm willing to pay for it."

"I'm going. Didn't he make it clear that he was going to give Jiang Chen a body-tempering pill? Jiang Chen, an idiot, even stupidly sent it to the door."

Not only did Jiang Chen remain unaffected by the hot and cold ridicule around him, he also showed a smile of conspiracy.

"Well, with this fight, I agree!"

Body Tempering Pill, a first-grade medicine, can greatly enhance the strength of Body Tempering Realm martial artists.

Even a body-tempering pill with the most common quality is worth tens of thousands of gold coins!

The effect of this pill was many times stronger than the powerful pill he took last time.

With this one, coupled with the bonus of a hundredfold training system, his strength can explode again.

Lin Yang had already delivered the treasure to the door, and Jiang Chen had no reason not to accept it.

"I was dizzy, but I actually agreed. I'm afraid this guy is crazy, right?"

Seeing that Jiang Chen actually agreed to the fight, the audience around him was speechless to the extreme.

A body-tempered double waste material actually promised to compete with a body-tempered quadruple person. Isn't this what a beating is?

You said that if you look for a beating, you have to give it a body-tempering pill!

How stupid is it to make such a choice?

"Since you agree, let's go to the ring."

When Lin Yang heard that Jiang Chen actually agreed, he was so happy that he couldn't wait to say.

Beat Jiang Chen and get a body-tempering pill worth ten thousand gold.

There is nothing more exciting than this!

Jiang Chen smiled slightly. "Don't be so troublesome; let's start here."

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean? You will be expelled from Lingyun Wufu for a private fight."

Lin Yang's face sank slightly, and he said sarcastically, "If you dare not compare, just say it clearly."

"I didn't say not to compare with you; why are you so excited? We don't fight; just compare the body skills."

Jiang Chen stretched out a finger towards Lin Yang and said, "I don't make a move. Within ten strokes, if you can touch me, even if I lose!"