
A Hundredfold Training System with Instantly Upgrades

Jiang Chen crossed the other world and accidentally got the 100-time cultivation system; he is getting stronger all the time! The basic martial arts skills can be upgraded to a heavenly level by walking around and waving a fist! The first thing you can do is take a pill, and your cultivation will grow faster than a rocket! It’s hard to understand the law of sword intent. Is it difficult to become an alchemist? I have a hundred times the cultivation system, it’s just a matter of minutes! Jiang Chen has a hundred times the cultivation system in his hand, from now on, he will beat all disobedience!

wounded_man · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

You are not qualified to take my things!

The sudden sound of a reminder in his mind made Jiang Chen very happy.

This feeling is just one word: cool!

He slapped the guy in front of him and got a new martial skill!

In this world, who can be more powerful than yourself?

Jiang Kuan touched his hot face, and his eyes suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

He didn't expect that this waste of the Jiang family would dare to do something to him!

He didn't even expect that he, a body-tempering quadruple warrior, could not react, so he was slapped in the face by this body-tempering double waste material!

Jiang Kuan was full of anger.

He just heard him shout and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

There is only one thought in his mind now, which is to slap the waste material that dared to slap him severely.

Jiang Kuan blasted out with a punch, full of strength, and a strong wind rang.

However, Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand, looking calmly at the fist that was rapidly expanding in his pupils.

It wasn't until Jiang Kuan's fist appeared less than three feet away from his door that he slowly extended two fingers.

Two fingers of Jiang Chen clamped Jiang Kuan's wrist impartially.

That situation is like an understatement like a leaf.

"This... how is this possible?"

Jiang Kuan was shocked.

His punch was so easily blocked by this body-tempering double-waste material.

Before Jiang Kuan had time to recover from the shock, Jiang Chen slapped his face again.

"Son of a bitch!"

Jiang Kuan only felt that his whole person was going crazy.

He spit out the blood in his mouth suddenly, let out an angry low growl in his throat, and then blasted Jiang Chen with his full force.

"I can't help myself!"

Jiang Chen snorted disdainfully; his figure was not moving, and he directly cast a gravel fist against Jiang Kuan.

In an instant, Jiang Kuan's figure suddenly fell several meters away like a broken kite, and his whole body was dead and alive.

"Ding! You cast Stone Fist and gained 20*100 experience!"

"Ding! Your gravel fist has reached the stage of Xiaocheng!"

Jiang Kuan was knocked out with a punch, and Jiang Chen strode out to the outside under the system's pleasing sound.

"Ding, you took a step and gained experience 10*100!"

"Ding, you took a step and gained experience 10*100!"


With every step Jiang Chen took, Liu Yunbu gained a lot of experience points.

When Jiang Chen walked to the edge of Jiang's inner courtyard square, in just a few minutes, Liu Yunbu had reached the perfect state!

"Ding! Your Huang-Rank primary body technique Liuyun step has reached the perfect state, and you have successfully advanced to the Huang-Rank intermediate body technique meteor step!"

"This is the advanced level of Huang Pin Intermediate."

Jiang Chen was amazed.

This way, he would have a hundred times more experience in walking. I am afraid that it won't take long for his body to be promoted to a profound grade!

Metaphysical martial arts—this is extremely rare.

Even their Jiang family only possesses the only martial arts of the basalt class, which is regarded as the treasure of the Jiang family!

"Grandpa, don't worry; after I go to Lingyun Wufu, I will definitely practice hard and will never let you down."

At this moment, a voice that made Jiang Chen very familiar suddenly came from the center of the square.

Jiang Chen followed the voice, looked over, and saw Jiang Yunhong Yushu standing in the middle of the square facing the wind, saying goodbye to Jiang Qianhe, the elder of the Jiang family.

Around the square, many of Jiang's disciples looked at Jiang Yunhong with a look of envy.

Jiang Chen's face became cold, and he strode towards the center of the square.

At the same time, his cold voice floated slowly in the middle of the square.

"Jiang Yunhong, this opportunity to enter Lingyun Wufu was bought by my father at the risk of his life. You are not qualified to take away what belongs to me!"