
A horror killer knight settles down as an adventurer

Sir, Aspire is a soldier who served as a knight. While fighting against the gods. He was cursed by an evil witch with immortality and insanity to kill all that lived. Even becoming an infamous legend. Fifty years later, during his killing spree, he comes across a home of witches. After killing the adults, he goes for a baby. Just as he’s about to choke it, he regains his memories. His insanity is gone and he is left with guilt, remorse, self hatred, and a baby.

RafaelPerez · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Aspire's steps crunched the autmn leaves at each step. He walked maniacly, moving vines and tearing through any bushes that got in his way. He felt like a ghost, unable to control his immortal body. It did what it wanted and all he could do was see and feel it. It wanted to kill tonight, the blood lust was stronger too. Sword in hand he continued walking.

It was always a full moon that triggered his bloodlust the most. Fifty years of lingering as a killer broke his will. He didn't even bother praying or hoping his victims survived.

Aspire saw a light ahead and he knew somebody was dying tonight. All he could do was brace himself again. He'd killed so many people that he lost count. One time he managed to take down a whole fort by playing dead.

The home was now visable. It was made of refined wood, unlike most log homes these days. It must be a witch that lives there. Only they could refine wood so well. Aspire kicked the door and the lock broke. He kicked it again and the door swung open. Aspire saw a man standing with his arms extended at him.

"Get out of my house! I paid my taxes!" A man yelled. His wife emerged from a room on the right, her eyes widened.

"Mel, that knight isn't right..I've seen that armor in history books. It was the battle against the gods." She said.

"Y-your joking…this is that armor? Wait, Soldier…dear gods. Run Ana! This is the cursed knight!" Mel shouted.

Aspire threw his sword with all his might. The sword hit Ana in the calf and pinned her into the wooden floor. Blood flowed quickly from her wound.

"You bastard!" Mel shouted and ice came out of his hands.

Aspire felt his body freeze to death. This would be his death near the thousand mark. Aspire had been killed many times. Stabbed, burned, crucified, rolled over, but every time he'd come back to life. As if nothing happened.

"Are you alright Ana?" Mel kneeled by his crying wife.

Aspire's body came back to life. The ice broke, then he lunged forward and grabbed Mel by the hair, then slammed his head against a table.

"Noo! Don't kill us!…we have a baby girl..my baby!" Ana yelled.

I wish I could stop lady…honestly. You both look like a good couple, Aspire thought.

Ana raised her hand and shot a fire ball. It hit Aspire's chest and it felt like he'd been rammed by a goat. This made his body angry, he could feel his heart beat rising.

Aspire grabbed his sword and pulled it out of the ground, then he stabbed Ana three times. After that he turned back to Mel who was disoriented. He stuck his sword in his neck and left it there.

Just forget about the baby..don't be smart enough to look for it, Aspire thought. He could already tell it was looking for it. Aspire's body began searching the rooms. Overturning beds, dumping out closets, then he found it. The baby's bed was visable across the room. Aspire's metal shoes clinked as he stepped inside. He looked down and he felt his face smile. You sick bastard, you fucking sick bastard! Aspire thought. He tried to stop his body from reaching down into the crib, but nothing. It was no use. His body wasn't his anymore. This would be the fifth baby his body would be killing.

Aspire felt the baby's neck. Next would be choking until it was dead, but nothing happened. Aspire blinked.

"I blinked…I can talk..I can move my own body!" Aspire yelled.

The baby began to cry at the sound of his voice. Aspire backed away from the crib and fell to his kneese. For the first time he could control his own body. At first he cried, then he felt shame, then anger. He tried to kill himself by cutting his throat. The cut healed instantly. Every time he took off his helmet, it would float right back on his head. That mean the curse was still active.

"I deserve to die..I need to die.." Aspire said as he stared at the crying baby. It was laying down, red faced, and reaching up for its parents. Aspire picked it up.

"I swear I'll give you the best life..I, I know I can't take back what I did..." Aspire weeped.

10 years later

Aspire opened his eyes. It was another day. The sun beamed in through the slit in the curtains. He felt the emoty bottle in his hand amd knew he drunk too much. He didn't even remember going to bed. But he fully trusted his drunk self not to do anything too stupid. Aspire sat up. He was still fully armored, because the curse wouldn't allow him to remove it. At least not for too long. Taking showers and using the outhouse was difficult, but doable.

"Mia! Time for school." Aspire called.

She was up stairs asleep.

Aspire saw the spectors of Mia's parents standing in the corner. Since they were witches. They had casted a spell to become mighty spirits.

"You should wake her." The mother said.

Apsire could never see their details, but he recognized their voices from day he killed them. In ther honor, Aspire let them name their own daughter.

"Right..she is lazy. I'm bastard parent." Aspire said.

"Theres no need to apologize..as a single father, I know its rough. She needs a mother figure too." Mia's mother said.

Apsire didn't like the idea of getting married, so he ignored it.

"Right, I'll waker her." Aspire said. The two ghosts vanished.

Aspire walked up the stairs. Then he knocked on the door. He heard his gauntlets rattle at each knock.

"Mia? Its time to wake up." Aspire said.

"Let me miss school today.." Mia said.

"No, you already missed five days this season. You will not miss any more." Aspire opened the door.

Her room looked like one fit for a princess. It had a tea table at the center. Large stuffed animals surrounded her bed. A partially see through curtain surrounded her bed too.

"Mia, please wake up. If you get in trouble, I'll have to attend a formal meeting…I can't do that in full antique armor." Aspire said.

His armor was from around 100 years ago. Its definitely something you'd see on display at a museum.

Mia sat up, then she rubbed her eyes.

"I'll have breakfast ready for you." Aspire said and closed the door.

Walking down the stairs sucked because his armor would rattle at each step. There was a peace of armor that clinked if he moved his foot too far up down or sideways. It also weighed a ton, but he'd gotten used to it.

Aspire began to cook the eggs. Then the god damned thoughts came back. I deserve to die. I don't deserve happiness.

"I don't deserve this." Aspire weeped.

Mia's mother appeared to Aspire's left.

"I keep telling you it wasn't your fault..you were possesed by a demon. We killed it to save our daughter." She said.

"I feel uneasy still…like karma or holy angels will drag me to Hell one day." Aspire pulled off his helmet and wiped his tears away.

He saw Mia's mother was in tears too.

"We'll talk later, just hang in there." Mia's mother smiled, then her spirit vanished. Aspire wondered why she left.

"That smells good." Mia said.

"Yeah, it's done." Aspire said as he put the food on a plate.

"Hmm? Is something the matter? You don't normally take your helmet off." She said.

Aspire turned and saw her tilted head.

"I'm fine." Aspire smiled.

"Good. I'm excited to see what quests the guild has..I hope they have herb gathering ones." Mia said.

Aspire served himself as his hemet floated back on his head.

"Well, with the plague going around, I'm sure they'll need medicine." Aspire said, then he took a bite out a sausage, then he took a spoonfull of egg. The mixture of flavors made his mouth water.

After breakfast. They made their way to the adventurers guild.