
The Day Ends


This is an unpleasant way to end the day. This chapter of our lives was supposed to be Lais' story, all about him and his sword. How did it end with me reliving the past?

This is what I get for trying to help. I do a little favor and the world gets back at me with contempt. It has always been that way. I should not have been surprised. 

Still, I am disappointed at myself. What is with this grief? Why feel this pain? Lock it up, tie it down, throw it away. Do not feel, do not feel, do not feel. For the sake of the world your people died for, do not feel. 

Those lousy little brats. This is all their fault. Time for me to take up my place among my people? Time for me to fulfill my destiny. What kind of forsaken speech is that? A sick joke. 

I survived. Is that not destiny enough? I am alive, I am breathing, I am still here, is that not my place enough? Is that not what was expected of me? Is this not enough?