
Chapter one

Hey Guys hope you enjoy this!

First day back at school and luckily Jimin had most of his favourite lessons. Science, English (Which aint so bad if your a word nerd like him!) Music, Technology and Art. In that exact order. He walked into Science and stood where everyone else was. They were moving seats,again. And there was a new boy in the class. Cute, Hot and gorgeous are my three words to describe him. Thought Jimin.Wonder what his name is... "Jungkook, you will sit over at the far end, Jimin, you will sit next to him." At the teachers words Jungkook stepped forward and at the back of the class on a table of quickly sat next to him and grabbed his book out of his bag.

"Hey." Said Jungkook . His voice was really low and looked up from my book and gazed at him.

"Hey," He replied. "Im Jimin."

"Nice name! My names Jungkook ." He smiled a really cute half smile. The teacher began talking and then handed out microscopes. Jimin and Jungkook automatically began working. He passed him a pen to write down some notes and their hands brushed against each looked up into his gentle brown eyes and felt his heart flutter. He half smiled again and let go of the pen. He wrote some stuff in his book and then changed slides and stared into the eyepiece. He looked out again, smiled and wrote it in his book. Jungkook took a glance and wrote some notes down. "Finished? He asked, watching him put his pen lid on and looked up.

"Yep."He said happily. We exchanged a grin and began to pack up.

"So what English set are you in?" Jungkook said while we put the stuff away.

"Set a word nerd." He smiled sheepishly.

"Me too! Ive always found it one of the easiest subjects." He smiled.

"Yeah same."

"So do you wanna walk together?" He asked, not looking up.

"Oh ok." And with that they walked out.