
a hexarian travel through the multiverse

__________________________________________ While in his summer break, Y/n just gone out and buy a pokemon pack for collection. He got charizard but didn't did he know, it was a last pack he open at his world due he got hit by a truck while he is celebrating on the way back home. He met a god who give him a second chance in other world and give him random card game ability as a card Master. Who will he met on his journey? are the friends or foul? which side will Y/n pick? and what is y/n secret? ___________________________________________ First, story ever write by me so I will have some mistake.(a lots) second, my English not my main language so some part will not make sense. third, this is a small part of my imagination world, until then there will be a lot hole and thing inside this story because it also based on alternative universe of my own thought.

weeb_xoai · ゲーム
13 Chs

chapter 2: level up and enroll to beacon



*Speaking action*



The start of series

Location: dusk till dawn

Info: place to buy book and dust.


Y/n POV:

Y/n:' today is the day the main event start as I instinct tell'

I'm faking read a comic behind the the main protagonist of series, ruby.

Y/n:' soon or later the top pat soon will bust in and rob dust.'

Pause a second turn my head behind to check the main protagonist which she still chilling with her comic and music before look back at mine.

Y/n:' in last encounter with the CEM. I quite have a lot of problem deal with them due to there high level and especially with there aura. but also why am feel like the author some how skip 1-2 years of progression?'

After stand there a while I moving to the table near there and fake read my novel which I thought it was good idea( Atleast no one suspects).

Y/n:'Other thing that I realize is I don't have aura which is a disadvantage for me but it could cover up by me grind more. After encounter them I go farm some Beowolf and boarbatusk to level up but sadly no new card exep weapon card.'



LV 5

260/16000 exp

HP: 81/81

BIT: 13/16

Side: neutral

Mental state: neutral

Y/n:' I don't know will it be ok cause my hp quite low compare to other... But now all I need will be waiting'

I start to get sleepy due to now is night and I yet sleep for 2 day cause of grim keep ambush me...

Y/n:' before he come u could try to tak-'

Roman busting at the time I almost fell a sleep...

Roman:"do you have any idea how hard it Is find a dust shop open this late"

The hence man next to him hold out a gun to intimidate the shop keeper.

Shop keeper:" please, just take all the money"

Roman:" I don't want the money. "

He look to the side to signal his hire henchmen to take the dust. And one of them notice me come closer with his gun point at me.

Hence man 1: "Hand on the air kid!"

I ignore him and wait for the guy that met ruby got kick to begin assault.

Hence man 1: "Do you hear me hand on the air."

Am turn around make a fake suprise face.

Y/n: "you roping me?"

Before he even answer back he got distracted by one of his teammate get kick by main protag. At mean time I use my only new card in adventure.


10/16 bit

The sword appear on my hand and I immediately disarm the henchman and knock him out before summon the guard on my side which was my first time did it.

4/16 bit

The guard salute infront of me waiting for commend.

Y/n:' dam am feel like I want to over Thrown ironwood so bad... I should do this in the next Isekai... If I can'

I order my guard to follow me outside and help ruby out which ruby have a... little struggle?


Begining of story

Plan A:

Follow suit the storyline and let Roman escape

Plan B:

Capture roman.


Plan A:

Enroll to beacon

Shop unlock

Common card

1640 exp

Plan B

Enroll to beacon

Increase fame

Shop unlock

5640 exp

[Y]   [Y]

Y/n:' bruhhh it a force quest... Either way'

I look at ruby who just disarm and knock the guy out but behind her a henchmen from no where, appear to strike her but luckily my guard block it with his bucket shield before knock him out. I don't want it be left behind so I dash in the battle and dance with my scimitar.

Roman:*sign*" I guess you really got what you paid for"

He throw his cigarette down and use his can to extinguish it which I didn't remember that he even light one.

Roman:" the little red, a random kid and... Classical guy ruined a perfect  fine heist"

Y/n:' hey am not random kid but I don't icare much cause it kinda true.'

He point his cane at ruby.

Roman: "I'd love to stay to play but this where we part away"

At that moment he shot at us which was smoke bomb. After the smoke out we see Roman is climb up the building next to the shop.

Ruby:" can we go capture him?"

Which the shop keeper franticly nod. Ruby look back at me before grap me and my guard and use her semblance and start to pursuit Roman. And oh boi you don't know how dizzy it is when you travel sound of speed.

Roman: "friends"

After that a VTOL or a bull head fly up and blind both three of us. After adjust the light Roman already on ship.

Roman:" you kid are persistent"

He throw to us a vial before hold up his cane again and shop it my guard attempt to move Infront of me and use his bucket to attempt to block attack and use defense buff on himself and so do I.


+75% defense

I brace for myself for explosion until I realise Glynda Goodwitch will save the day which she did like the show. She use her semblance and block the explosion. She then do some weird move with her hary porter stick and send a few Lazer to the VTOL. I see Roman run inside and come out a girl with a dress am familiar with... Cinder. I immediate use 2 of my main magic card pollution and ember which both of it appears in 2 of my hand which make Glynda suprise but she quick calm down and sent a barrage of Lazer which be block by cinder. The ship start to fly away before that I throw both of my magic which hit the ship and deal litterly no dmg so did ruby bullet.

14/16 bit

I sign and look to aside to see Glynda glare back before I can said something ruby bust in.

Ruby:"you are a huntress... CAN I HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH!?"

Time Skip



Location: iteration room

Info: place where you will be accepte to beacon


3rd POV

Glynda: "hunters and huntress, I hope you guy realise your action tonight will not taken lightly young men , lady"

She keep moving back and forth behind them. Ruby fell to be a bit guilty while y/n just be y/n.

Glynda:" you put yourself and other to dangers"

Ruby:"but the started first"

Y/n:" to all respect mam's, she right, at that time we either fight back and fall down like a hero and save aton of life or save our self while other get killed."

She ignore his explain and continue while move up to front of us.

Glynda:" if it were up to me. You would be sent home... With a pat on the back"

Ruby look a bit tense before Glynda pull out a WIP and wip the table which make ruby jump a bit.

Glynda:" and a slap on the wri-"

Y/n:" chill out... I don't know you supposed to do that or not but I don't think that is how professional do."

Glynda glance at y/n before continue.

Glynda:" but... There is someone here would like to meet you."

She move to aside to let a man in which y/n assume is Ozpin go in with a dishes of cookies

Ozpin: "Ruby Rose..."

He come closer to ruby face.

Ozpin:" you... Have silver eye..."

That make ruby confuse let out a huh but cut short by the wizard and Glynda show  the trio the record fight of them.

Ozpin:" so... Where did you learn to do this?"

Ruby:" S-Signal academy"

He then look to the guard and y/n and wait for answer but the only thing he receive is a look of the guard to me and a shrugge from me. So he look to ruby and continue.

Ozpin:" they taught to you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?"

Ruby:" Well, one teacher particular ."

Y/n" now we talk about teacher pet don't we..."

Ruby take a look of suprise when to see y/n  here cause she didn't realise him here at the beginning even though he still interacte in the conversation. But her suprise cut short when Ozpin place the plate of cookies. Which ruby immediate take a bunce and eat.

Ozpin:" it's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before... An dust, old crow."

Ruby:" thash mul unkul!"

Y/n:" table manger please ruby"

Ruby:"sorry, that my uncle. He's a teacher in signal academy. I was complete garbage until he take me under this wing. And am all like."

She do some weird Karate move before y/n interfere make her stop.

Ruby:" sorry..."

Ozpin take sip of his coffee and continue the conversation.

Ozpin:" so I have noticed..."

He place his cup down.

Ozpin:" and what is a young adorable girl such as yourself doing at A school design to train warriors?"

Ruby:" well... I want to be huntress."

Ozpin:" you want to slay monster?"

Ruby:" yeah! I only got 2 more years of training left in  signal! And then I going to apply to Beacon! You see my sister's starting there this year and she trying to be huntress and trying be huntress cause I want to help people, my parents always taught me to help other, so I thought"hey, way don't make career out of it!" I mean police is alright but huntsman and huntress are more exciting and romance, gosh, you know!"

Y/n:" I don't want to end your dream but to be honest with you, reality is more disappointing than you think... Either way you will soon understand when you older"

Ruby look at me at sad face before realise

Ruby:" aren't you young too?"

Y/n just shrugged.

Ozpin:" do both of you know who am I?"

Y/n,ruby:"You're professor Ozpin, you are headmaster of beacon.


Ruby:" nice to meet you"

Y/n:" why we back at the introduction?"

Ozpin look at both of us.

Ozpin:" do you want to come to my school?"

Ruby:" more than everything"

Y/n:" do I and my guard have an option?"

Ozpin:" why? Don't you want to come to beacon and your guard?"

Y/n: he just my personal guard so don't mind him but for first question is what benefits from it cause you can learn it yourself."

Ozpin look to Glynda before she show me the record me blade dancing.

Ozpin:" you got a element to become a fine huntsman so instead of self learn to achieve your goal you can come to us to learn from the best huntsman."

Y/n:" the problem here is... You know what nvm, am in."

Ruby immediate celebrate like she just hit the jackpot when I agree to join even though she not yet know me.


I could denied right there but instead the system give me the shop option and so money from killing these mob.

Am outside the police station with ruby.

Y/n: "so I will guess where we said goodbye then."

Ruby:" ye... See you soon"

I take a look at she, gosh she cute even in the integration room. Is she staring at me and blushing? Nah just my imagination.

Y/n:" erm hey ruby, do you forget something?"

Ruby:" forgo-... Oh yes the bull head we'll see you soon"

As like that she depart.

Welp better to check rent a hotel and and lucky there is one convenient next to me.


Time: night

Location: random hotel

Info: place where you can rest and recover both bits and hp



Quest complete

Plan A:


Plan A:[success]

Enroll to beacon

Shop unlock

Common card

1640 exp

Plan B [fail]

Enroll to beacon

Increase fame

Shop unlock

5640 exp



LV 5

1800/16000 exp

HP: 81/81

BIT: 14/16

Side: neutral

Mental state: neutral


Raise Husk(X2)

Y/n:" dam am sure a summoner Welp time to sleep cause tomorrow sure a long day."

Chapter end


hope you guy love the chapter cause I try my best to write the story sorry if the plot suck.