
Showdown at the concert hall! Part 3

Ruby's screams echoed in the surrounding area catching the attention of the team. The mutated beast was staring down at her with a menacing grin.

"Okay quick plan." Cameron spoke fast, "You guys chase after Dis before he escapes."

"And you?"

Cameron raised his wrist up to his chest and activated the Omnitrix. "I'll handle jumbo over there." He pressed the dial buttons then slammed his palm down onto the dial.

Woodworks towered over Katherine who nodded and jumped into the Sienna. The vehicle started up and drove forward.

WoodWorks stretched forward his wooden arm and punched the mutated fusion in the face. The mutant roared the attack off and charged towards the wooden alien.


The Sienna came in with a sharp drift. At this point Marcy was hoping that the civilians would jump out of the way since she didn't have time to find other routes.

The vehicle sped down the road ignoring the speed limits completely. The two were on a mission a mission that could not be stopped.

"I can't aim with you moving like this." Katherine revealed

"Then we'll have to place this girl on auto pilot while I take the shot."


Katherine handed Marcy the blaster, she aimed it at the roof running Dis and fired off a perfectly shot blast.

With ease it connected with the rockstar blowing him off of the building he was running on and down onto the ground. Marcy took charge of driving the Sienna and sped to the destination Dis landed in.

When there, there was no sign of Dis. The Buck was about to start again when a powerful pulse almost tilted it over.

"Now we fire back." Katherine spoke. "You have an extra blaster?"

"Yep one of Pars hand blasters."

"Now let's shoot this guy down."

"You two are getting in my way, leave now or you'll have hell to pay." Dis demanded

"Your the one to talk. You could've had the best concert in the world, but you ruined it by doing this dumb thing."

"That rock star fellow of yours is gone, I have possessed his body n-"

"Don't talk shit. I know it's you in there and this is all a ploy in some stupid fame game."

"Fame? You think this is about fame? This is more than FAME!"

Dis traveled his pik down his guitar shooting forward a musical pulse that again almost blew the buck over, but the vehicle was able to withstand the blast. Dis then continued releasing a continues pulse.

"We can't hold on like this forever." Katherine informed.

"Yeah. Gal activate Defensive protocol."

The Sienna engine started up, the wheels of the Sienna grew out spikes that stuck the vehicle onto the ground, the front pushed out and built out a protective barrier, the sides bulked up with a galvanic layer, the roof pressed up and built a secondary layer as well.


"And it's not done."

The individual sides morphed out galvanic blasters and the front did the same with two medium cannon looking blasters appearing where the headlights were supposed to be.

"Now it's war."


The fusion started searching around itself for the alien, but couldn't find anything.. WoodWorks broke from behind the mutant and suplexed it into some rubble.

Woodworks took some wood from his body shrinking him and added it to his palms so he could stand more of a chance of holding the powerful attack back.

The fusion tackled in and WoodWorks was able catch it. The alien was only able to move it back by an inch before it started putting in more power, pushing the alien back.

WoodWorks dug his foot into the ground and threw the beast over him. The mutant flipped into the air and landed perfectly on its feet.

The fusion rushed back at WoodWorks and threw forward a fist that had a direct hit on the wooden alien.

WoodWorks endured the pain and threw his head forward with a stretched out headbutt. The fusion was staggered for a moment before leaping in with a tackle into the core of WoodWorks coursing the alien to fall back.

The fusion sprung up and aimed to land with a belly flop onto WoodWorks who dug his arms into the ground resulting in them pushing out from underneath the mutant throwing it back.

Woodworks picked himself up and started rushing to the fusion. The wood alien combined his two hands into a hammer and leaped up into the sky with his arm pulled the back.

Before the hammer arm could smash the face of the fusion it regained vision and held the hammer of the alien. While still holding the hammer arm the mutant slowly stood up fighting back the force of WoodWorks.

The fusion stomped the ground then started twirling the alien around in a rotational circle before throwing him into one of the remaining exteriors of the concert hall.

The mutant charged toward WoodWorks body that quickly sucked in to the ground. the mutant came to a strong stop as WoodWorks pulled up with an uppercut to its chin then held it into a bear-hug. WoodWorks stretched straight up into the sky before crashing down with a belly-to-belly.

"Down...." The Omnitrix started flashing between green white which made WoodWorks lightly smirk. "yes-"

The fusion grabbed WoodWorks by the neck and then after getting up threw the alien into the remaining pieces of the stage.

"Damnit." WoodWorks groaned.

The fusion barely able to stand used its last pack of power and jumped at the wooden alien, WoodWorks sucked himself into the ground coursing the mutant to fall into some wires that relewsed just enough surge of power to knock the mutant out.

"Thank god." Cameron said in relief, after having timed-out, "Now I have to help the others."


Katherine shifted the gear back and the Sienna started firing out green plasma blasts. Dis rolled to the side avoiding the plasma blast then slid his pick down his guitar firing off a a musical pulse that vibrated the buck when it connected with the machine.

"You can't stop me. My plan is solid."

Dis released another wave that vibrated the buck.

"Whoa." Katherine shook. "These vibrations are actually doing some damage somehow, their like earthquakes."

"We can't let it be the reason Gal quits on us. Try to make an opening for me alright."

"Rapid fire."

Katherine pushed the gear up then dragged it down to R. Immediately the buck started shooting off multiple plasma shots at once.

Dis with ease was able to dodge the first few shots, but the next round proved more difficult nonetheless he was still able to dodge the plasma shots. The Sienna stopped firing and went into recharge mode.

Dis took this as his opportunity to release another plasma attack, but Marcy came rushing from the side with a blaster in hand. Dis turned his attention to her and released his classic musical pulse that Marcy avoided by leaping to the right in a roll.

Marcy rolled onto her knees and cocked her gun as she aimed it at Dis and fired two consecutive shots. Dis avoided the first shot and almost got hit with the second.

Marcy moved in with a kick that Dis blocked with his forearm. Marcy with her free leg pushed her body up rotating in mid air and driving for a back head kick. Dis ducked resulting in Marcy missing widely.

Dis swung his guitar at Marcy who started ducking and turning. She avoided twice and got hit by the third swing before ducking under the fourth and tackling Dis into the ground.

She went for a punch while he was down, Dis pulled one of the wires on his guitar releasing a mini pulse that was able to push Marcy off of him.

"Enough of these games!"

Dis exploded into the sky pushing Marcy's body away and shaking the protected Buck. Katherine ran out from the to Marcy's aid.

"I don't have time for your little games. I am on a mission and you two are messing it up."

"By trying to stop you from making the worse decision of your life?"

"Best Decision! I did not choose this life!" Dis exclaimed.

"But that doesn't mean you don't have the power to control its outcome!" Katherine shouted


Dis was ready to strike his guitar again when the buck automatically fired a rapid medium of shots. Dis had no choice but switch his focus, he turned to the Sienna and released a pulse that blew the plasma shots back.

The buck started up and instead of releasing plasma shots the headlights released rocket power that reversed the buck to the back. The vehicle was able to leave the damage zone before it got damaged.

Dis readied himself for another solo blast when he was shot by Marcy. He turned to the girl and raised his arm going for a pick strike when he heard the Buck start up harder.

The wheels charged up and instead of dashing forward they shot up into the sky knocking straight into Dis. The guitarist was shot up in an angle.

"That's high."

Marcy squinched her eyes as she watched from afar the boy crash into the ground.

Though it wasn't long before a massive outburst of energy was released from the area he crashed into. Marcy ran into the Sienna that had assumed its defensive position again.

"Here he comes."

Dis leaking of energy traveled quickly toward the two girls. Katherine ran into the Buck in a hurry and turned to where Marcy was.

"He's more stronger now."

"Then there's a chance we could be fucked."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm taking off the shields and disconnecting all the weapons so Gal and The Sienna can charge up."

"What?! No don't do that, at least I don't know make a beta version of the shield or something?"

"Like lowering the polarity down to 50 instead of 0?"


"The shield won't be at it's best and the charge will be minimized, but I'll do it for our survival."

"Thank you." Katherine thanked then turned to stare daggers at Dis who was boosting toward them.

Katherine's body was shaking with worry since they currently did not have any other way of countering the guitarist. As the guitarist closed in he was shot back by a yellow electrical shock.

"Yes!" Katherine exclaimed as she saw from the distance her half brother as Static-Brain. "Let's go Cameron!"

Dis gripped his pick and started dashing it down his guitar repeatedly. Static-Brain crabbed to the left and stormed forward a stable electrical bolt that was canceled out by one of the pulses.

He then took charge and fired off a large electrical bolt that Dis avoided by flying to the right then dashed forward a sonic pulse that was canceled out by one of the electric bolts.

The battle between the two continued in that manner for awhile. Both combatants firing off their own far range bullet shots that kept on being canceled out by another far range shot.

Dis was obviously irritated by this and loved nothing more, than to escape, but he knew that he couldn't since the three family members all knew his secret and his grand plan for a life change.

Driven by this new found memory Dis powered his pick down the guitar and released an incredible solo pulse that Static-Brain tried countering with an electric shock instead of bolt, but failed and got blown away, passing the Sienna and rolling onto the hard road and into someones car.

"That pained."

Static-Brain struggled himself onto his crab legs. Dis's small pant for air helped by the alien a lot of time of recovery.

Dis took one breath and fired a weaker solo at Static-Brain who quickly crabbed out of the way.

Dis released two more solo's at Static-Brain

The alien was able to avoid damage from the third pulse and then proceeded to fail in dodging the next one that blew him back almost to where he started again.

Katherine jumped out from the safety of the Sienna and blasted at the guitarist. Static-Brain took the opening for himself and fired an electric shock that connected with Dis perfectly shocking the guitarist.

Mid shock the Omnitrix started flashing between green and white, before the watch could time out though Dis was able to strike his guitar firing of one last solo at the alien.

Static-Brain ran behind a car for shelter. The second the watch timed out the solo connected with the car and blew it away, lightly pushing Cameron back.

Dis's eyes widened as his memory flashed back to when they caught Cameron spying on them, "No wonder! It was you, you told them!"

Katherine and Marcy both started shooting at Dis. Cameron used this as his chance and since he was much faster was able to run all the way to the Sienna which wasn't as far as it seemed to be.

"Two saves in one day." Katherine bragged. "You owe me for that."

"I'm pretty sure we're even, first I saved you by telling you-"

"Not necessary right now." Marcy spoke. "Grab a blaster and help us."

"Right sorry."

Cameron picked up a single handed blaster and started shooting at Dis who tried dodging, but struggled.

After the three stopped firing he started striking his guitar repeatedly releasing multiple weak solo's at once. The trio hid behind the Sienna for coverage from the attacks, but were still feeling the aftershocks.

"This guy is determined."

"After you spilled the bean on his secrets he was pretty mad."

"How mad would you say?" Cameron asked.

"5000% mad."

The Sienna's engine started revving up.

"Guys the second those two buttons start glowing green I'm gonna need you two to press them."


"You'll see."

Marcy ran out of hiding and started blasting at Dis who swerved to the right then dashed his pick down. The solo came firing at Marcy who jumped into a roll avoiding the blast.

Marcy threw a round sphere at Dis who was quick to raise his arm for a solo, but before he could the sphere exploded and a blast of ice shot out freezing Dis for a second.

Dis escaped the trap with more power emanating from him. He dashed his pick down again and the solo was able to hit Marcy this time.

The headlights flickered on and Dis turned over to the Sienna. The stretched out rooftop moved back into place combining normally with the Sienna. The roof then proceeded to open and push up a platform which both Cameron and Katherine stood on with a larger cannon like blast built onto it.

"Cannon Fire Go!" The two exclaimed in synchrony.

The cannon shaked coursing the Buck to shake as well. A green light glowed throughout the cannon before a wide thick beam generated from out of the cannon, blasting forward straight toward Dis who tried to solo the blast, but it with no struggle pushed through and delivered a point blank head shot to the face of Dis who got caught in the explosion created by the blast.

Dis then went crashing onto the ground presumably dead. Katherine and Cameron shared a look of relief before lowering down into the inside of the Buck and running out to Marcy who was laying on her back faced up.

She pulled herself to her rectum and sighed. The two young teens kindly helped her up, but before they could celebrate a helicopter sound neared.

The sound got closer, closer and closer up to where it appeared before them. The helicopter hovered above the damage area and a ladder went down, someone wearing all black jumped down and grabbed the mask before jumping back onto the ladder and disappearing off with the helicopter.

"Should we do something about that?" Marcy asked

"Definitely not." Cameron said.

"This has been an awfully long day and I am really not in the mood to deal with any more trouble or backlash from this." Katherine explained.

"You said it."

"Speaking of backlash, we better leave before the police news and all those other people come." Marcy instructed.