
Revelation Of Truths

Revelation of Truths

"You Told Them?!" One of the elders exclaimed.

"Wait it could've been that blasted father of theirs let's not blame my daughter so fast in this-"

"-Yes I told them and I had no choice, but to do exactly that."

"No choice?! Why tell those two half blood spawns, for all we know they will blab to their none blood mothers and course issues in our organisation."

"Calm down you all." Grandpa spoke, "I'm sure Marcy had a good reason for doing that, we both know how loyal she is to this family, if she told Cameron and Katherine-"

"-Stop defending her. You had no right to tell anyone, about what we really do without our exact permissions."

"She's old enough Wyatt, if she felt it was necessary to reveal our secret to them, then she had every right, and don't forget that it still counts as her secret as well." Grandpa argued.

"...I'm sorry, but they shared a secret with me so large that I just needed to pay them back for their trust in me-"


"-did she say she was done?" Grandpa interrupted.

"Cameron and Katherine are actually the most qualified out of all the young royals, because on our trip we ourselves ran into some troubles and Cameron and Katherine both played an impeccable role in helping with that trouble."

"Troubles? What kind of troubles?"

"I will name one specific one, I don't know if this was some sort of hint to something, but Katherine was almost kidnapped by someone known as Aunt. This lady possessed the power to absorb the soul or life force of people... The two were able to hold her off."

"That extract from the news; a girl was found pale almost as if her life was drained from her very soul." One of the family members remembered

"Even if this is true, you want us to believe that yourself and two children were able to beat this person."

"You better believe it." Grandpa threatened.

"We scared her off, we got her to use a large appliance of her power and then she disappeared to recharge... We don't know her whereabouts, but I think we should do a thorough investigation on her."

"That lady sounds like a huge threat that we should prepare for so you three are off the hook for informing us."

"What about the plan to build-"

"-that can be put on hold, I'm sure our friend from the government won't mind the pause of expansion."

"With that as ruled, I refused to accept that two half royals are ahead of my children so therefore the children shall know."

The scene shifts into the version with everyone sitting at their designated areas. The elders had their own side which was further away from everyone else. The adults had their side which was in range with the side of the young adults which was where Marcy sat.

Cameron and Katherine were in the teen section with their other family members. It was clear as daylight that they didn't want the two sitting near them and they made this more clear by allowing the two to sit at the left end while they all moved over to the right end.

"Now the news that I wish to share with you all; This family has a weird way of staying alive and I know many of you don't agree with the way, but it needs to be there because we need to be careful of who we trust and let in our ranks, because when you're in our ranks, you'll find out our biggest secret, our most secret of secrets and if the secret ever got out in the means that you tell a friend of yours, then the government will have our asses."

The family members sat correctly in their seats waiting for the big reveal.

"I bet you've all heard about the great battle that built a treaty between aliens and humans, and after that you've barely been hearing of any alien attacks that were so large that the entire world was aware of it..."

"What about those alien heroes?" One of the teens asked.

"Yeah what about them, their attacks are world wide."

"You're forgetting that they don't attack to kill, they help us." One of the teens noted

"Oh right that completely slipped my mind."

"We are well aware of them and they are one of the reasons for this announcement... In the case those things go haywire and they attack us, we have decided to tell you teens early about what this family really does."

Shifting over to Cameron's table.

"That's tough talk coming from a Lenardo." One of the teens said to Cameron.

"That's some tough talk coming from a dumbass."

Shifting back to the announcement.

"This family that you love and chairish is filled with mutant ancestry so some of you may find yourselves gaining unknown abilities... Now the final thing; this family isn't just a family we are an organisation that thrives in stopping aliens from causing havoc on our world, we also stop humans from causing havoc on aliens, we go both ways depending on who strikes first and if it's fatal or not. We currently have plans to expand and become a larger organisation with some government help."

"Call me dumbass one more time and I'll show you what I'm capable of."

"Cameron don-"

One of the teens decided to interrupt Katherine by saying,"-Cameron and Katherine the two of you should have no say in anything, you're not really part of this bloodline you two are just extra collateral left from your fathers damages and horny streak. For god sake the man left his wife while she was pregnant so he could fuck another women, our bloodline would never do such a fucked up thing, and that-"

Cameron stood up from his seat activating the Omnitrix., Katherine placed her hand out for Cameron to calm down.

"Obviously you'd stand up for him, your hore of a mother is the reason you're in this situation and Cameron shouldn't even be mad at us, because again your hore of a mother fucked a married man."

Katherine slammed her palms onto the table sending a powerful energy out that pushed everyone in front back. Cameron grabbed Katherine by the arm and dragged her out the dining hall.

[ Minutes Later ]

Cameron and Katherine were in their rooms completely silent. The silence was giving off awkward vibes and Cameron didn't really like that so he laughed.

"That was badass Ms Lenardo."


"Come on don't be like that, yo-"

Evlen knocked and a second after knocking opened the door revealing herself to Cameron and Katherine. The two clearly weren't in the mood for her company and she could see that, but still decided to stay.

Evlen fell to her knees crying.

"Oh my god I'm a terrible person..."

Cameron and Katherine were obviously shocked at this unexpected change.

"I'm so sorry you two... After what Hailey said to the two of you, i- I just can't act for them anymore... I just can't..."

"Act?" Cameron raised a question, "Like what's going on now?"


"I'm not acting I swear to god I'm not, I never meant to be cruel to you two, but it's just that when the news of what your father did came out it kinda helped pull the hate away from us..."

"Trying to sympathize with us?" Cameron didn't believe a lick of her story, "Don't try you're luck-"

"-im not lying! Before you two came along Spencer and I were being shitted on because our father fucked up and left the family-"

"Evlen shut up..." Katherine interrupted.


"-it's okay... I knew about your father years back, and it always fucked with me how neither of you seemed to ever show any emotion about that situation, but now I get it." Katherine said with a smile.

"Katherine you can't be serious! We can't forgive them for what the-"

"Cameron do you seriously want to not forgive her as an act of retaliation for how her and her brother acted towards us? Or do you want to be the better person."

Cameron thought about it for a while before scoffing.

"Do you want to play cards?" Katherine asked genuinely.