
A lot to do today

Chapter 6

[ The mall of the same area they were in last chapter]

-Cameron wore a red T-shirt with white jeans

- Katherine wore a pink T-shirt with baggy blue jeans.

-Marcy wore a black top with leather jeans.

"This is such an L honestly." Cameron said with his head resting on the table while fiddling with the watch, "How long do we have to wait until they are done knitting up our clothes?"

"Can't we just buy new clothes or something? Is this really necessary?"

"I know this is boring, but it's way better than being questioned by parents on why your clothes are ripped and broken." Marcy pointed out.

"We could just throw the clothes away you know." Katherine interjected.

"F.A.C.T.S. Facts." Cameron added.

"Look I've already payed for the stuff, you two should have complained about it before, there is literally no going back now."

"Yeah I guess there's nothing really to say." Cameron said still fiddling with the watch.

"What are you doing anyway?" Katherine asked her half brother.

"You know how I unlocked Mimick, now I'm checking if there's maybe another alien-" Cameron paused with a surprised look.

"-What is it? Did the watch show you your reflection and now you're stunned by your ugliness."

"Yeesh your jokes are different nowadays." Marcy pointed out.

"Funny. but I think I just found the new alien. I guess their dial and Mimicks were added after I unlocked Mimick."

"And you only noticed now?"

"When I press these buttons, I press fast alright, that's why you always see me press back and forth because sometimes I skip the alien I want."

"Don't you think it's more of a bad idea to use a new alien now?"

"There's no time like the present."

Cameron got up and ran into the bathroom stall. Katherine and Marcy sighed as he went.

"Now let's say that we get caught at some point, how much many are you willing to contribute for the city repair damages?" Marcy raised a question to Katherine.

"Probably my entire life savings." Katherine responded.

➜ [ Moments Later ]

Screams echoed throughout the mall food court. Katherine and Marcy knew who was the course of it and instead of doing something they decided to rather leave it be. The two stood and made their way to the Sienna.

An arrow bulleted passed them shooting into a table. A man wearing pure huntsman clothing flipped in front of them and raised his bow and arrow at the two.

"Why are you little ladies so calm?"

"Little ladies?" Katherine repeated.

"Look sir, we're just on our way back to our vehicle we don't want any trouble okay?"

"Oh? Is that so? Tell what exactly does trouble mean to you?"


"-exactly. Now get out of my sight, before I change my mind."

"Change your-"

Marcy quickly pulled Katherine away from the huntsman. The huntsman watched the two walk off before following the sounds of screams.

Marcy and Katherine were just about to turn the corner when a weird alien walked out from the corner. The alien defined ugly and it had a weird smell rising from it, the alien gave the two a smile showing off his teeth.


"Cameron? Who the hell is this alien?" Katherine asked.

The alien gurgled at Katherine.

"You don't speak... How useful..."

"We better leave your radious before that guy becomes suspicious of us."

Katherine and Marcy walked passed Cameron who attempted to follow them, but when he saw the arrow fire passed him and straight to Marcy who redirected its trajectory with a kick, he knew he had to stay and fight.

"It's a beacon arrow." Marcy pointed out, "He doesn't know we're with Cameron so let's leave before we really get involved."

Marcy and Katherine quickly ran off. Cameron positioned himself ready. Four more beacon arrows came firing, Cameron inflated his body and pushed out a wave of spit that knocked back the beacon arrows.

The alien gurgled before hearing the sound of the watch beeping. The Omnitrix flashed a red light reverting Cameron back to himself.

"I can speak again... But that's the least of my worries now."

A beeping arrow came launching his way, instinctively Cameron jumped out the way and when the arrow hit the ground it exploded. Cameron kicked back in shock.

"This man is trying to kill me!"

"Oi! Alien! Come out here and play!"

"Oh hell no!"

Cameron picked himself up and started running as more beeping arrows came firing his way.

➜ [ Moments Later ]

Katherine and Marcy were seating in the Sienna waiting for Cameron to finish his duties and leave the Mall.

An explosion that broke the upper exterior of the Mall building caught their attention. The two noticed a small dot flying out, as the dot came closer they noticed it was Cameron.

Cameron while falling pressed the two buttons switching his option to CrashSpring. He raised his palm and right before he could crash he slammed it down onto the watch releasing a bright green color.

Green bubbles surrounded his filled of vision; A metalic build built out from the center of his stomach and climbed up to his eyes that conjoined into one.

"Not CrashSpring, but you work." Micromech said in his robotic adult voice.

The small alien lasered a few arrows that were coming down his way and then flew into the hands of Marcy. The huntsman landed in front of them and raised his head at the two.

"Where did it go?"

"That way." Marcy pointed.

The huntsman sprinted off after the alien. Marcy opened her palm and Micromech flew out scratching the back of his head.

"You know I suddenly like these new clothes that you bought us Marcy."

"Good call." Marcy said before leaving to start the Sienna.

"So what's the new aliens name?"

"I was thinking inflate, but then I noticed how he throws up at people and then my mind went to vomit, but I'm not a fan of the simplisty."

"So this guy like throws up at people?"

"More like spit, but it looks like he's throwing up at people."

"Why not Spit or Spitter."

"Because I didn't think of that and you thought about and I don't want you to name any of my aliens."

"Suit yourself."

➜ [ Later ]

Cameron and Katherine were both seated in one of the two middle seats. Cameron was seated on the one closer to the left door, while Katherine was seated on the to the right. Marcy had some coffee besides her as she drove through the night.

"Vomitmouth." Cameron suggested.

"Vomitmouth? I can see it working, but would it really hit as hard?"


"What's that? Did you say slavery?'

"What? I sai-"

"-Salivary sounds way too close to slavery, you might just say that instead by accident."

"This is freaking difficult!" Cameron complained. "Let's examine this guy."

The dial rose up and Cameron slammed it into place. A green flash covered the Sienna which almost made Marcy crash, but she quickly found her grip and fixed her vision in time to drive on the right side of the road again.

"Wrong alien dumpshit."

0verspeed checked his hands and sighed, "I should have expected that to be honest with you."

"Maybe this will help you think quicker."

"I know you're trying to insult me, but I like the way your thinking... Ummmm Throwup!"


"Yeah. It's simple and I liked it."

"I could've thought of that, but you said that you don't want something specific."

"I'm struggling to remember myself saying that for some reason."

Katherine rolled her eyes, as she did she took notice of some cars driving past them. "Um. I think we're on the wrong side of the road."

"What are you talking about?"

A green galvanic coat painted onto the Sienna building a ram in the front and pulling out rocket boosters at the back. The Sienna exploded forward in incredible speed.

Katherine moved to the front and check up on Marcy who was revealed to be sleeping. The Sienna was driving on the wrong side of the road on autopilot.

"Fuck! Hero do something-"


0verspeed raced out the Sienna and quickly fell behind it while running. The speed demon alien accelerated forward, pushing out a strong wind of dust behind him.

"Who knew this sweet ride could do this? Well we should've, it kinda explains the whole autodrive thing it had going on."

The Sienna's rocket boosters exploded with power as they pushed further than 0verspeed. The Sienna then built out two blasters on the side and started firing green lasers at 0verspeed.

"Lasers? What the fuck is happening right now."

The blasts came speeding too 0verspeed who dropped down his visor and prepped himself to dodge the blasts. Two blasts came shooting down directly at 0verspeed who swerved past them both, another blast came straight for the alien and he flipped over the blast and the second his foot touched the ground he flipped to the side avoiding another blast that came at him. In the same second he returned from his flip, he spun around avoiding three blasts that were racing down to him, then he accelerated forward.

0verspeed pushed right passed the Sienna and turned around fast enough to catch sight of the ram that was in front.

"Whoa. wait. wait-"

The Sienna pushed into 0verspeed with the ram throwing the alien back in 0verspeed's perspective.

Airborne, 0verspeed flipped back onto his feet and pushed straight back into the Sienna. 0verspeed and the ram clashed, and the ram one. The speed alien was thrown back once more.

"I am actually out of ideas." 0verspeed revealed. "Um think... Ah! Vortex!"

0verspeed ran straight into the forest and then came out from behind the Sienna just to get back into the forest, but from a different side. 0verspeed came speeding out from in front of the Sienna and then back into the right side of the forest. The dust around the Sienna slowly started lifting up.

"It's working!"

0verspeed continued going around the Sienna. Soon the Sienna satrted to pull up from the ground and rode around the vortex. 0verspeed was on his way to strengthen the vortex when he somehow got himself sucked in.

"Damnit!" 0verspeed cursed. "Katherine do something-"

The green and black on the Sienna built away. The vortex slowly, but surely started calming down after a minute or so. 0verspeed pushed away due to the small force throw by the disappearing vortex.

0verspeed jumped and caught a green slug thing in his arms. Katherine and Marcy pushed the Sienna door open.


"I think this guy was the course of our problems." 0verspeed said holding the green slug.

"No! no! That's a gal, she was a gift from a friend of mine. She must have thought we were in danger."

"So that's the thing that turned from a bike into a hand gun right?" Katherine noted.

