
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 28: The Chunin Exam! Part 1: -Training!

Two days passed after the date with Kurenai.

The exam was a week away.

We began to have some tough training.

Kakashi-sensei and Tsunade were watching us.

Tsunade led us up some very high mountain. About 876 meters.

There I created 1,000 clones. The girls created 10 each. Each of them practiced their own methods. Their instructors were Itachi and Kushina.

They started doing push-ups. My clones and I moved some distance away.

(Read to this music. You know what to do! Feel the power!) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btPJPFnesV4&list=WL&index=51) Or here: Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger

50 clones began to learn control.

Another 50 began to learn elemental techniques. 50 clones learned rune magic. 50 dragon magic. 50 more learned Kenjutsu. 50 other clones learned medicine.

100 clones slept and rested. 50 clones started repeating all the techniques and styles I know. 50 clones were improving their eye skills.

Another 50 clones sat and tried to learn Biju's chakra.

200 clones were learning how to release the zanpacto. The rest were meditating to achieve Super Saiyan and Ressuraxion Arrancar mode.

I try to link Alice and my shinigami powers with the sword "Assassin of the Gods". You may ask why I become so strong? Because I have to defeat Momoshiki and Kinshiki, and then the entire Ootsutsuki family. Kaguya is the princess of this clan. I'm sure they'll come for her. Before that, they didn't come because Kaguya was sealed and was in another universe. But once she's free, her family will know about it and within 10 or even 5 years they may come. Momoshiki and Kinshiki were so late because they were devouring the fruit of the divine tree from different planets along the way. Unless the Ootsutsuki clan soldiers are that strong. I don't know how strong the Head or King of Ootsutuki will be.

And when they show up, they will try to destroy my world.

But that will have to wait. Right now I have to concentrate on my training.

I pulled out my weights and put them on. They were given to me back in the DC world when I was Superman. I was a little bit nervous when Doctor Fate used magic to make a special feature for me. These weights adjust to the wearer. Whoever wears them gets a load of 70% of their strength limit. I don't know what my limit will be.

-Let me see! -Kakashi came up to me.

I smiled and threw the weights.

When Kakashi caught them, he almost fell over.

-How heavy they are! What do you want to do with them? -asked Kakashi.

-I'll put them on.

-Are they heavy? -Tsunade asked.

-Very heavy! -Kakashi handed it to Tsunade. Droplets of sweat appeared on her forehead.

-They're really heavy.

-Look, I put them on, and started running slowly around the mountain. After the tenth lap, I stopped.

I fell to the ground and started doing push-ups. Increased gravity on my body 50 times! Now I feel bad. But not enough to stop.

I did the exercise without stopping. You can't train your own body with clones. You have to do it yourself.

After 5,000 push-ups on both hands, (If some Son Goku can do it, why can't I?) I switched to the right hand. After 5,000 push-ups, moved to the left hand. Then to three fingers, then to a finger.

After that I started doing Guy's exercise. Around the mountain, 10 laps with weights and increased gravity on my arms! And the distance is very long. About 10 kilometers!

Then I started climbing the mountain with my right hand tied and increasing gravity by 100 times... When I reached half the distance, I fell. The clone I had purposely set to follow me immediately moved toward me and caught me.

The girls and Kakashi-sensei were long gone, but I kept going.

Seven days went by like that.

In all that time, I still couldn't climb the mountain. But I didn't back down and I didn't give up!

The girls and Kakashi came every day to watch me practice.

When I climbed the mountain, they couldn't breathe. And when I fell, they were so scared that they tried to talk me out of it. But I was persistent.

I assured them the clone would catch me. They calmed down a little.

-Tila! Come on! -shouted the girls.

-If after training like that, he can't win, I don't know who can pass this exam! -Kakashi was very proud. But he was also very worried.

Sometimes I fell down from exhaustion. But that's where Tsunade and the girls helped me.

Mom and Dad came too. They were very afraid that I would drive myself to the grave at this rate. I could feel their emotions. But they were so proud of me. Sometimes Kurenai came by. Even though she was coaching her own team, she still wanted to see me.

Sometimes I sparred with my father, mother, Kurama and Alice in the inner world. And that helps a lot. My fighting experience is growing.

And this is the last day. Tomorrow is the Exam! I stood next to the mountain and closed my eyes. I was in just my pants. My muscles were aching. It was starting to rain! Everyone came to cheer me on.

-It's raining today, let's stop! Tomorrow you'll continue.-Mom came up to me.

-Watch me mom.

I started to climb the mountain. Everyone kept their eyes on me. I reached the halfway point. And I was tired.

When it looked like I was about to fall, I held on. Finally I almost reached the top! But the rock I was leaning on was crumbling.

I began to fall!

-Tila! Minato save him! -Mama couldn't hold back her tears. They were all standing under a tree because of the rain.

When my father was about to save me. I grabbed a ledge and stopped.

- "I can't make it!" I thought. But at that moment someone shouted.

- "Don't back down and don't give up!"-I turned around and saw Kushina. She was shouting my words. Everyone started to repeat it after her.


-We believe in you!

-Come on! You can do it!

I smiled.

- "I can't let them down!"

Gathering all my strength, I began to climb. I was supported. I reached the halfway point.

And then the top. And when there were two meters left.

- "Do not retreat and do not give up!" -with these thoughts, I climbed the mountain with the last of my strength.

- "DON'T BACK DOWN AND DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!" RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! -I screamed as hard as I could! Now I understand why all heroes scream loudly after a hard workout. They're releasing everything they've accumulated.

-He did it! -All the people supporting me began to rejoice!

-Sometimes I don't think I'm worthy of such a son! -said the father and smiled.

Even though I was drenched in sweat, I was able to finish. After scattering the clones on the ground, I started to fall, but my father appeared. He caught me and lifted me up.

-Dad? -I asked.

-You made it, son! I'm proud of you."-I smiled back and fell asleep.

My dad brought me to the others. When they saw that I was okay, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they brought me home and put me to bed.

Kurama and Alice kissed my forehead and covered me with a blanket. Afterwards, they went to their rooms!

(The song ended right there! Can you read and understand my point before the music ends? Here's the test!)