
A hero in search of a harem! No retreat and no surrender! (18+)

If you're tired of CHINESE IMPOTENTS, Wretched YAWNERS, and DARK ORS, then this is the place for you! The main character was just an ordinary guy, but he has a unique life ahead of him! Full of adventure and action. Well, and the harem will be replenished. (A SUPERMAN who travels in the worlds of the anime. Gg will not leave other worlds behind. He will live in all worlds at once!) [WARNING!!! FANFIC IS DESIGNED FOR DISCUSSION, RELAXATION AND ENJOY!!!] IN SHORT!!! THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT!!!! READ FOR YOURSELF!!!!

diniskei · アニメ·コミックス
38 Chs

Chapter 21! Demoness of the Fog!

A sunny day, cheerful people and good music. Isn't that a miracle? Bazinga!

Hi folks, this is Uzumaki Tila and my comrades.

As you might remember, the Konoha ninja and I went to the Land of the Waves to some fun music. And of course we met the famous Demon Brothers along the way! The most unlucky first "mobs" of all fanfic and so on.

As only these "Two Brothers of the Puddle, Wounded Carcasses" were not humiliated by popadancers and other creatures, and yet they simply made a mistake by inexperience. And how much of that humiliation was there? I felt so sorry for them that... I decided to let them prove themselves, just like our sensei did.

But still... When they came out of the puddle, they were quickly unwound and forced to fall ass back into the puddle... (Pardon the pun.) My friends, "turns out" to be much stronger than in the original at this time.

So... The two brothers from the chest, identical from the face were tied up and after finding out what they wanted, they were sent to Konoha. Poor chuninis... Pooh to the ground. Then we made a quick trip to Tazuna's house. Gai-sensei carried him on his back.


When we were already near the shore, the area was engulfed by the very... FATHER!!! And the famous figure with the giant sword swung at us (namely Kiba)!

- Get down! - I shouted, warning everyone.

Kiba heard me, but didn't have time to react and dodge. Luckily Gai-sensei was there to save him.

And I quickly, and most importantly "cool", made up the seals and used the technique.

- "The Element of the Wind: An Air Gust!"

A strong wind came up and blew all the fog toward the sea and my gaze was steeply fixed on... So... Stop what... NO! WHAT'S WHAT?

P-p-present...? A posh kunoichi with upper and lower ninety plus!!! What's that? What's that? Is that a what? Zabuza... TIAN?!



WOOOOOOOOO????? So also... With company? And that's not Haku!

With him... I mean, with HER was a dark-haired guy in a Kiri uniform, and some bald guy who had two swords behind his back. And Haku is waiting a mile away.

Why so far away? He won't have time to save Zabuza... Tian, if something happens?

- What a catch! "The Furious Green Beast of Konoha" - Maito Gai and "Copy Ninja" Hatake Kakashi. - Zabuza muttered.

- I didn't expect that on this mission, we'd run into such celebrities. - Taking up her kunai and getting ready to fight, Kurenai said.

- You're right. One of the Seven Swordsmen of Mist is Momochi Zabuza, also known as the Demoness of Mist. Tengo Hiruyama, nicknamed "The Dark Assassin!" As well as the candidate for Swordsman of the Mist: "Using Rain Style" - Takeru Kuro. - With a squint of his eye, introduced Kakashi-sensei.

- "Who the hell are they? They weren't in canon! Although... I wasn't in the canon either. Yeah... Okay. Stay calm, stay calm." - I thought and took a deep breath.

- And I'm Uzumaki Tilla. Nice to meet you! - I mouthed loudly, pressing a bright smile on my face. At that moment, everyone stared at me blankly, and I felt a little embarrassed...

- Oops! Sorry, did I ruin such a pathos moment? It's just that you guys introduced each other and out of politeness, I decided to introduce myself as well.

- Cheeky boy! Don't interrupt adults! - said... uh, what's his name? Hiruyamych? So be it.

- All right! Guys, fall back. You're no match for them yet. Our opponents are elite S-ranked jounins in the Bingo Book. - ordered Kakashi. The kids realized there was nothing they could do against these monsters, so they began to retreat.

- Where's the old man we have to kill? - The bald boy suddenly asked as he looked around.

- In Karaganda! - I answered without moving from my seat.

- What? Where? Is it in the Land of Fire, or what? - The bald one scratched his bowler.

- "I see... He's not smart. And I've already hidden Tazuna in a super scroll."

- Tila, go away! You can't help us. - Kakashi ordered, but do I look like a nub?

- We'll see about that, Kakashi-sensei. - I answered and leaned over a little and began to fold the seals in an epic way.

- "Rat → Bull → Dog → Horse → Monkey → Boar → Tiger.

- "Element of Fire: Great Fire Destruction!" - I finished and blew a giant wave of fire at them, which swept at my enemies like an ocean of lava.

The flames appeared instantly, and the shocked but rather experienced Nukenins began to retreat in terror...

- "Of course... I didn't want to kill them. But to show off is sacred. It is good that the sea is ahead. Otherwise there would have been nothing left of the forest."

- Oh! Re! No! - Li, Ten-Ten, and Kiba all chanted together.

- "Were they practicing?"

Even Hinata was fucking... Ahem... I mean, she was cultured and sweetly surprised. And Neiji and Shino were standing... Still standing there... Was it shock?

My girls knew I was going to do something out of the ordinary, and they were ready.

But at that moment, from the side of the enemies, who were sheltered by a sea of flames, came a hissing sound and steam rising. And soon, when the fire went out, our eyes were no longer so cool and a little "scalded" by the ex-ninja of the village of Mist.

Luckily most of the shinobi from the Water Country, strange as it may seem, had water as their primary element. And with the combined technique of Giant Wave Nojutsu, they were able to resist and even defend against my technique. That's good. I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt a cutie like Zabuza.

- This one! "The Sizzling Flame of Youth." !!!!! - Gai-sensei proudly exclaimed and pointed his thumb at me in admiration. I like him, he's so much fun! Unlike some of the gray-haired perverts.

- Did you have enough chakra for such a powerful technique? - Kurenai asked with shock.

- Not the time for that, our enemies are still able to fight. - Kakashi-sensei spoke coolly, even though he was actually in A-u-u-u-u-u-u too! But Kopipast-sensei, as a jounin should, was able to keep his face.

- You're an interesting guy!" said Zabuza, looking at me with bloodlust.

- You're very interesting, too. But I warn you, I don't kiss on the first date! So you'll have to be patient. The next time we meet... Hmm... Maybe. - I smiled innocently and even naively, and my "enemy" fell into a stupor at my words.

- What?" she tilted her head sideways. (God! She's so cute! Cute... Like a shark.)

Kakashi stared at me with unblinking eyes, and after a few seconds, slapped himself in the face again. That's masochistic, sensei!

- He wants to ask you out. - All of a sudden Hiruyama spoke up. I even looked at him gratefully, even though I hadn't said anything of the sort.

- What? I'm not "interested in him" in that way! I'm not a setacon woman, you jerks! - The Mist Demoness shouted angrily, realizing where the tracks were leading.

And I pretended I'd been struck by lightning right through the heart.

- N-N-Don't say that, Zabuza-chan! There's no age difference for shinobi. We can die at any moment on a mission, so we can't waste time. There's a spark between us, so we can and should! Or... Y-You... What, are you trying to break my tender heart? Without any regrets or apologies? So that's why they call you the "Demoness of Mist"... Y-you give me hope and then you smash it to pieces. Like a real Demoness!

Droplets fell from my eyes lonely and sad, masculine and miserly, true and straightforward! Real tears!

Our opponents fell out, but my girls laughed quietly on the sidelines. Hinata soon joined them, giggling softly and kawaiiishly. The others followed her.

- Not in the forehead, but in the eye! - Hirayamych nodded, looking at his companion in a judgmental manner.

- Right on! - The bald man shook his head as well.

- How could you do that, Zabuza? Okay, those juniors, that's not their first time... But you broke the heart of a young boy who's just starting to get interested in girls! What if he gets depressed and disillusioned with women because of you? What if... Because of that he'll go the "other way"? - Accusingly, Hirooyama pressed on her.

- Exactly! - The bald one nodded.

- What the fuck are you talking about? - Zabuza shouted irritably.

- You could make the world one more queer because of you! - Hirayama shouted back.

- You betcha! In the BOTTOM... I mean in the JBLOOM! - I think you know who shat that out...

At this moment, not only my girls, but almost our whole gang was trying not to laugh out loud at the expression on the face of the famous Demoness of Mist. Even the frowning types like Kakashi and Shino. And Neiji had a nervous tic.

So was Zabuza, whose patience had finally broken...

- ENOUGH! Let's get out of here, Hiroyma! - she shouted, glaring at his companion. The guy sighed and folded up a series of seals, applied some sort of technique and they were thrown very far away! Whoa! So that's why Haku was or was (I hesitated to look between my legs) so far away. Hiruyama applied a wind elemental technique and threw everyone into the sky.

I waved my hand at them and, smiling brightly, chanted:

- See you soon, see you soon. My love for you is everlasting. See you soon and see you soon. (I look forward to it!)

And in response... Zabuza "dropped" something of hers for me, namely a kunai. And the fact that it fell right into my heart said a lot!

- I'll keep this beauty until our real date. Bye-bye! - I shouted again and beautiful French phrases were heard from Zabuza.